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I read with her last weekend. She nailed current situation down to the last detail. I’ve been feeling pretty crappy lately and her advice made me feel better. I don’t say that easily, because I’ve heard a lot of advice from some of the readers on there...most of it horse dung.

I just read with her and she was wayyyy confusing. Like she just started spitting out stuff that was NOT related to the person I was calling about and kept going and going and going. So I literary told her I was confused because I didn’t know who she was talking about, so she reshuffled and I’m not even sure she even got the person I asked about right.... like the whole thing felt soooo off. I feel like I just wasted my money.

Actually I had another hit from her from a reading in March, she seems harder to get hold of these days!


--- Quote from: Esse on June 03, 2020, 05:02:17 PM ---Actually I had another hit from her from a reading in March, she seems harder to get hold of these days!

--- End quote ---

Really? I was able to get in no problem.

she actually got a contact hit for me and explained the situation the way my POI later did almost verbatim.


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