Author Topic: I got tested for coronavirus and......  (Read 11840 times)

Offline ES1281

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2020, 08:15:29 AM »
I wish you'll get better soon bee.
Please eat well sleep a lot, drink water, watch some fun movie if you can.
That will raise your immune system work well for you.

Praying and seing light!

Offline Just FYI

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2020, 01:45:24 PM »
Dear Bee - I saw your reply on my post, I'm so sorry to hear you have coronavirus. It seems little comfort to be able to put a name to it, and you are doing the right thing in sharing your symptoms so we can be better informed given the shortage of testing.

A virtual hug to you! I hope that you recover strong and quickly with no long term effects.

Again, thank you for describing your Coronavirus symptoms. I now wonder if I had it last month and have NO IDEA where I would have picked it up because unless I'm at home I am all over the place for my job. The first week of February I had mouth sores, which made me realize I was fighting something off. Around Feb 7th I started with a throat tickle and then my throat was so sore I couldn't swallow. Then I lost my voice for a week. I still have a lingering dry cough. When I went to the doctor because of conjunctivitis associated with it, she was confident it was a seasonal cold because I also tend towards being a homebody except for work.

Offline bee.23

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2020, 07:26:21 PM »
Dear Bee - I saw your reply on my post, I'm so sorry to hear you have coronavirus. It seems little comfort to be able to put a name to it, and you are doing the right thing in sharing your symptoms so we can be better informed given the shortage of testing.

A virtual hug to you! I hope that you recover strong and quickly with no long term effects.

Again, thank you for describing your Coronavirus symptoms. I now wonder if I had it last month and have NO IDEA where I would have picked it up because unless I'm at home I am all over the place for my job. The first week of February I had mouth sores, which made me realize I was fighting something off. Around Feb 7th I started with a throat tickle and then my throat was so sore I couldn't swallow. Then I lost my voice for a week. I still have a lingering dry cough. When I went to the doctor because of conjunctivitis associated with it, she was confident it was a seasonal cold because I also tend towards being a homebody except for work.

Thanks so much for your kind words and encouragement. Receiving all the hugs.
But yes, unfortunately doctors can sometimes be wrong too, as they were in my case.
But don’t let that discourage you I trust you are 100% fine. It’s just an inconvenient time
To get sick given all that’s going on right now in the world!!! Lol! We are young so statistically
We are favored to make a full recovery either way. Wishing you health and prosperity 🙏🏽

Offline bee.23

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2020, 07:29:43 PM »
Guys on top of me becoming ill with the virus, I lost my nanny job (as my employer is now sick, and  working from home and doesnt need me) and unfortunately, I  have no money saved. It’s making me quite troubled as I have bills and rent approaching, and overall just a pretty discouraging situation. What would you guys recommend I do in regards to financial support? Until things take a more positive turn with this virus ordeal? Any advice is appreciated because I am at a standstill as of right now.

Offline Just FYI

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2020, 08:13:35 PM »
Guys on top of me becoming ill with the virus, I lost my nanny job (as my employer is now sick, and  working from home and doesnt need me) and unfortunately, I  have no money saved. It’s making me quite troubled as I have bills and rent approaching, and overall just a pretty discouraging situation. What would you guys recommend I do in regards to financial support? Until things take a more positive turn with this virus ordeal? Any advice is appreciated because I am at a standstill as of right now.

File for unemployment. There is no shame in it. I've gone on unemployment in the past. It doesn't cover all the bills but it helps.

Offline Just FYI

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #20 on: March 16, 2020, 08:16:38 PM »
I am not a lawyer, and know nothing about Maryland unemployment law. When I did unemployment in Massachusetts I had a letter from my employer that they did layoffs. You might (again, I'm not a lawyer so take this with a grain of salt) be told by the unemployment office that you need a letter from your former employer that you were laid off because of coronavirus.

Maryland just passed legislation making unemployment due to coronavirus possible.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #21 on: March 16, 2020, 09:10:55 PM »
Guys on top of me becoming ill with the virus, I lost my nanny job (as my employer is now sick, and  working from home and doesnt need me) and unfortunately, I  have no money saved. It’s making me quite troubled as I have bills and rent approaching, and overall just a pretty discouraging situation. What would you guys recommend I do in regards to financial support? Until things take a more positive turn with this virus ordeal? Any advice is appreciated because I am at a standstill as of right now.

Girl! Prayers for you!

You do know you should get help from the government if you were affected by the virus PLEASE RESEARCH

ANYONE AFFECTED SHOULD GET 2 WEEKs worth of Pay (or something like that)

Take care of yourself

Offline Sincity2

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #22 on: March 16, 2020, 09:24:36 PM »
I’m so sorry to read this, sending prayers to you!

Offline bee.23

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #23 on: March 16, 2020, 09:25:20 PM »
I am not a lawyer, and know nothing about Maryland unemployment law. When I did unemployment in Massachusetts I had a letter from my employer that they did layoffs. You might (again, I'm not a lawyer so take this with a grain of salt) be told by the unemployment office that you need a letter from your former employer that you were laid off because of coronavirus.

Maryland just passed legislation making unemployment due to coronavirus possible.

Thanks so much for this info! Y’all are seriously so helpful and supportive. I’ll check it out

Offline dascallie

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #24 on: March 16, 2020, 09:26:35 PM »
oh im soo sorry, hope you recover soon
my bf told me the test is extremely expensive thats why govt and or clinical centers are very hesitant this coronavirus testing.
that also made the figures far lower than reality
hope you recover soon, be strong, let your immune system fight!!!!
pls update us when you feel better
FYI: It was just announced today that all Covid 19 tests are free from here on---they don't have the millions of tests available to test for those without symptoms, but if you have symptoms, absolutely---google for your state's test location.

Offline bee.23

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #25 on: March 16, 2020, 09:29:37 PM »
Guys on top of me becoming ill with the virus, I lost my nanny job (as my employer is now sick, and  working from home and doesnt need me) and unfortunately, I  have no money saved. It’s making me quite troubled as I have bills and rent approaching, and overall just a pretty discouraging situation. What would you guys recommend I do in regards to financial support? Until things take a more positive turn with this virus ordeal? Any advice is appreciated because I am at a standstill as of right now.

Do you have any experience outside of being a nanny. You could look to work remotely right now. Flexworks charges a fee to find remote work, but you can also look at and Be wary of scams or if they ask to interview via google chat. If you need help with interviewing and job opportunities, please let me know. I hope this is only temporary.

Yes! I have a lot of experience in the service industry (Bartending, and serving). I also was an assistant manager for my fathers million dollar furniture company for a few years (before he passed away from cancer). I am currently in college getting my degree in psychology, and was going to start taking flight attendant classes to become a flight attendant (kind of a dream of mine). So that is the extent to my work history, but I would love to hear the options your speaking of in regards to job opportunities, if you wouldn’t mind PMing me. Would mean a lot.

Offline dascallie

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #26 on: March 16, 2020, 09:40:41 PM »
Bee---sending all good vibes, big prayers and positive thoughts your way! I think you're already getting to the other side of this nasty virus! You're on your way to recovery. Thanks so much for sharing your experience, it's a good citizen thing to do!

I have a colleague who had the same kind of nasty bronchitis/fever thing you're describing for a month or more and then just 3 days ago, her husband got a high fever and suddenly out of nowhere--began violent projectile vomiting for HOURS and was so wracked with the physical severity of it, he thought he was dying. I really think they must have this and have passed it between them. Ive told her this, she is sort of blowing it off. :( (I sent her your experience)

So far, I think I'm ok. I did have a bad headache, sore throat last month and then have kept a lingering weird mucus grunge thing (sorry, but this is the deal) more in my sinuses--sneezing, coughing up for a month--but haven't been in close proximity of them in the last month or so, so Im not sure what it might mean.

The good news is, I  feel much better now--the grunge has almost entirely cleared up--no coughing--but I swear it's taken forever. I'm social distancing from friends and family now and working from home.

Offline kdspirited

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #27 on: March 16, 2020, 09:50:44 PM »
Feel better Bee this virus aint playin. I think you are over the worst of it. Take good care of yourself. Self care is most important. My cousin works in the ER here in LA he told me that they ran a test on a group of patients coming in complaining about Flu symptoms and most of them have come Bee I am one of the people who lost her job recently yeah it will be tons of fun looking for a job during a recession. File umemployment and in most states there are rules for temporary employees who lost wages due to corona.

Offline Lyssa

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2020, 02:30:25 AM »
Oh Lordy - sorry to hear you’re going through the struggle too lol. My mom is a doctor and swears against taking the flu shot (for her own reasons) so I never took it due to that. Well I’m deffinitely regretting that now😂😂 Not that it’s makes a difference in my scenario but I more so empathize with the fact maybe we all should find protection in a flu shot, so we can at least prevent ourselves from one global sickness out here. So in saying that... not only do I feel you, but I feel for you. but I do wish us a full recovery and health!!! I pray we will be fine 🙏🏽
I agree with your Mom. Avoid the flu shot. The flu shot does not protect you against getting the flu. It only lessens the symptoms, but you will still get the flu. Been there, done that.

Please do not go around telling people to avoid a vaccination that saves countless lives and allows for our healthcare system to remain functioning during flu season. It is a well known fact that the flu vaccine is anywhere from 40 to 60% effective. Without it, you are correct, symptoms are worse and with it you wont get as sick. Thousands of people die every year from it. Most unvaccinated. Not only does it protect from severe illness, hospitalization, or dying from the disease, but it is also important for herd immunity to prevent illness in vulnerable populations. You may get it and be fine, but you could pass your infection to someone who has cancer, an autoimmune disease, or the old or you who are especially vulnerable. Truly, GET YOUR DAMN FLU SHOT PEOPLE. Why wouldn’t you want to protect yourself AND MORE IMPORTANTLY OTHERS from dying???? Absolutely mind boggling how ignorant you and this comment are.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: I got tested for coronavirus and......
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2020, 02:44:02 AM »
Oh Lordy - sorry to hear you’re going through the struggle too lol. My mom is a doctor and swears against taking the flu shot (for her own reasons) so I never took it due to that. Well I’m deffinitely regretting that now😂😂 Not that it’s makes a difference in my scenario but I more so empathize with the fact maybe we all should find protection in a flu shot, so we can at least prevent ourselves from one global sickness out here. So in saying that... not only do I feel you, but I feel for you. but I do wish us a full recovery and health!!! I pray we will be fine 🙏🏽
I agree with your Mom. Avoid the flu shot. The flu shot does not protect you against getting the flu. It only lessens the symptoms, but you will still get the flu. Been there, done that.

Please do not go around telling people to avoid a vaccination that saves countless lives and allows for our healthcare system to remain functioning during flu season. It is a well known fact that the flu vaccine is anywhere from 40 to 60% effective. Without it, you are correct, symptoms are worse and with it you wont get as sick. Thousands of people die every year from it. Most unvaccinated. Not only does it protect from severe illness, hospitalization, or dying from the disease, but it is also important for herd immunity to prevent illness in vulnerable populations. You may get it and be fine, but you could pass your infection to someone who has cancer, an autoimmune disease, or the old or you who are especially vulnerable. Truly, GET YOUR DAMN FLU SHOT PEOPLE. Why wouldn’t you want to protect yourself AND MORE IMPORTANTLY OTHERS from dying???? Absolutely mind boggling how ignorant you and this comment are.

^^^All of this. Thank you for being the voice of reason.. As an immunocompromised person I appreciate the herd immunity. I am usually able to get the flu shot, and yes, I can still get the flu despite it, but it won't put me in hospital with pneumonia or lay me up in bed for weeks like it would without vaccination.

