Bee---sending all good vibes, big prayers and positive thoughts your way! I think you're already getting to the other side of this nasty virus! You're on your way to recovery. Thanks so much for sharing your experience, it's a good citizen thing to do!
I have a colleague who had the same kind of nasty bronchitis/fever thing you're describing for a month or more and then just 3 days ago, her husband got a high fever and suddenly out of nowhere--began violent projectile vomiting for HOURS and was so wracked with the physical severity of it, he thought he was dying. I really think they must have this and have passed it between them. Ive told her this, she is sort of blowing it off.

(I sent her your experience)
So far, I think I'm ok. I did have a bad headache, sore throat last month and then have kept a lingering weird mucus grunge thing (sorry, but this is the deal) more in my sinuses--sneezing, coughing up for a month--but haven't been in close proximity of them in the last month or so, so Im not sure what it might mean.
The good news is, I feel much better now--the grunge has almost entirely cleared up--no coughing--but I swear it's taken forever. I'm social distancing from friends and family now and working from home.