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Corona Virus (COVID-19)

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--- Quote from: pRoFeSsOr777 on March 15, 2020, 05:02:24 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on March 13, 2020, 02:13:52 AM ---Hey everyone - wanted to check on ya'll!

Since this is an international forum, just wanted to see how its going?

Right now its going nuts in the USA!

Is everyone experiencing what's really been reported on the Media?

Any of your go-to's see this coming?

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I have read of situations like this in history but never experienced this in my lifetime. Usually its something on the news in some country far away from my own reality. This just goes to show how mighty this universe is. However this thing began to spread... the universe will take over and do as it wills. No psychic, no law of attraction, no manifestation practices....nothing can overpower the will of the universe in the end. It shows how powerless we are in the big scheme of things. It also reminds us what is really important and how precious and fragile life really is. We have so many plans: the vacation, the tennis match, the mortgage, the poi that cheated....its amazing how this disaster can reframe our perspectives. We can only hope the universe grants us the grace to discover a vaccine in time before we lose too many more loved ones! How precious life is...Tomorrow really is promised to none of us!

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Agreed professor! Always love reading your well worded insights ❤️
Love & blessings

Social Distancing helps above all - handwashing and hand sanitizer does nothing if someone sneezes and coughs droplets in the air...

Alot of people have it and dont know it and may be unknowingly spreading to people with weak immune systems ...just be careful for yourself and others...

Even you think its not a big deal, apparently, the world thinks it does - Id rather take precautionary measures to prevent it from getting out of hand like Italy...

It looks like I'm working from home indefinitely... Company policy 


--- Quote from: tellmewhy on March 16, 2020, 01:32:53 AM ---It looks like I'm working from home indefinitely... Company policy

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--- Quote from: Pinkamena on March 16, 2020, 02:32:04 AM ---I’m bummed- I’m broke and feel so conflicted ubering (I haven’t two days straight) now because overall I can’t guarantee the cleanliness of my car, every time after passenger. I also have breakdown from uber if I do get sick ... definitely not worth it proving how I need to be compensated if I am
I have side gig cleaning a yoga studio for cheaper discount, they’re now closing for two weeks. Expected announcements to come to the state of California.

I do want to stay positive, more importantly and there is room for that. Good news, bad news, who knows. If I was working by now I think I’d be sick, at least I’m with my family- who I’m kind sick of seeing.

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Don’t risk it.

I was in nyc for not even 2 days and I feel like shit.

I didn’t think this through properly.

Gonna monitor and see how I feel in the morning


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