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Corona Virus (COVID-19)

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it is NOT  a regular flu
im in asia and saw it clearly how it affected chinese
many death were not reported
of couse at the end its about your immune system
but virus can get into your body through eyes so many ofvus here wear spectacles
and our area its under control becoz we saved ourselves by self discipline
the best area doing the best job is Taiwan, now they are still quite clean and things are strictly under control. Why because they responded quick and DIDN'T believe WHO.
European countries who believed in WHO are now being hit really bad. Italy is like paralyzed. Spain is seconded..


--- Quote from: pfizer on March 13, 2020, 04:15:35 AM ---it is NOT  a regular flu
im in asia and saw it clearly how it affected chinese
many death were not reported OMG
of couse at the end its about your immune system
but virus can get into your body through eyes so many ofvus here wear spectacles
and our area its under control becoz we saved ourselves by self discipline
the best area doing the best job is Taiwan, now they are still quite clean and things are strictly under control. Why because they responded quick and DIDN'T believe WHO.
European countries who believed in WHO are now being hit really bad. Italy is like paralyzed. Spain is seconded..

--- End quote ---

Oh wow what did the WHO say for them to believe them?

and only Sandie told me there would be slow down next few months, reading was at January
all others never mentioned they just didnt see it coming

I didn't say it's a new flu, it's a sort of new cold, Corona is not flu virus.

Corona is the sort of virus causes people catch cold, and 'this version of corona' COVID-19 is new, the first and second infected generation killed lots of people in Wuhan.

Of course prevention is necessary, immunity is most important.

I have friend in Wuhan and in several areas of China, and one of my friends' sister is a nurse in Wuhan.

What happened there is, there are generations of infection and the fist to second generation people died very quick.
Most are elder people, had chronic disease, and some young  people very close to the first to second infected generation.

Since Wuhan city and many people rushed to hospital for inspection, more got infected.

This is also what happened in Italy. People rushed to hospital and then...

Outside of Wuhan very few people died or infected in China, none of any of my friends colleagues or their families are infected.
In Japan they aren't checking much people as the States.
Korea and Italy they check almost everybody requested.

So you see the result.
I think the amount of infection somehow depends on how many people were checked.

There are many countries believed in WHO and still they don't have much people are infected.
Or they are but they aren't checked. or they are just lucky.

I hope the whole situation will calm down in three months.
What we can do is wear mask( if possible), and eat good sleep well, stay away from crowds.

It's my guess, let's see how it goes.


I agree Taiwan and Singapore are doing good job but I don't know if Japan is doing it well.
The government just not checking enough people but at least in my life circle, none of anybody are infected for now.


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