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Corona Virus (COVID-19)

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Hey everyone - wanted to check on ya'll!

Since this is an international forum, just wanted to see how its going?

Right now its going nuts in the USA!

Is everyone experiencing what's really been reported on the Media?

Any of your go-to's see this coming?

It’s starting to increase here in Canada as well, Leanne did mention to me early February someone older around me will get a pneumonia type flu but will recover. Sheesh!


--- Quote from: Jellybean123 on March 13, 2020, 02:30:01 AM ---It’s starting to increase here in Canada as well, Leanne did mention to me early February someone older around me will get a pneumonia type flu but will recover. Sheesh!

--- End quote ---

Oh wow!!

In Japan we just think it's a new sort of cold and it is. The virus is not even flu virus a lot ppl recovered with no  symptoms.
More people die every year by seasonal influenza but Covid-19 death rate is low.
I think the media and ppl in their back is using it to manipulate the economy.

My office, my daughter's university, and the public schools here are closed until further notice. 😑


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