This is something I am curious to get a dialogue going on and hear your perspectives and real life experiences if possible..
Anyone open to sharing their musing on what multiple psychic readings to do the poi, and how they can impact the flow of the relationship?
I would imagine, yes, they would drain them energetically - but to what extent? do they know they are being read on (assume no) but do they feel that it is the caller (us) draining them and how do you think its felt?
another question I have is - say this does impact the relationship- this is something I go back and forth on and would love some other perspectives. Part of me thinks yes these readings could impact the relationships energy and flow- however a lot of these relationships that are called on, or looked into, are challenging ones in that the POI is not giving clarity or consistency so we are seeking answers. So to say the relationship would fare well without the calls is hard to imagine too.
anyway. just looking for people to share thoughts on how multiple readings can impact, to what extent, how much is too much on the POI and does it keep them hanging (conversely, does it keep us on their mind??).
My personal thoughts are - this is a topic that recently came to mind based on a post I read and I hadn't given it much thought until now so I am working it out in my head but I do believe it would drain them, and I do think it might keep them on the hook.
I am personally having a hard time letting go of a relationship that needs to be let go of and so I feel I probably keep him around minimally (not in a capacity that is supportive to me in anyway) but in a way that just keeps me hanging on. I am working to detach. But I feel the readings I get probably make him feel bound to me in some way but not in a way that hes going to actually change his ways, or be with me. I think I am just mores on his mind or something. but not in a way that will make him change if that makes sense.
Letting go of this relationship has more to do with my own fear of not finding this connection (however toxic it is) with someone else. I feel connected to him in such a strong way but at the same time I see how inconsistent he is with me and how I deserve so much more) but the actual soul level stuff was so much more than I have ever experienced. strange.
anyway I went off on a tangent there but if anyone has any thoughts on how reading impact POI -id love to hear it!!! the detachment stuff I am working on separately