Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent

Catfished by Sapphire21

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This is just the worst thing I have heard of.  So so bad.

Since posting my heartbreaking situation with Lily AKA Sapphire.. I have done some background work and found her family.. I called her brother and father { yes I know, I was pained BUT need to find her} Both where pleasant conversations. Her brother { who she had told me had died} was not surprised but both where unable to provide any assistance in locating her.  Even her own family doesn't speak to her.

Then came the angry call from the ladies in the family.. Holy crap.. Evidently they believe my trying to locate their family member is harassment. The ladies tried to deny even knowing her..  I received another call from a sister today.. it went directly to voice mail. She was civil but seems to think that I may be the " scammer" Then she threatened me with the cops if I contact ANYONE who may or may not know her or them.. Yeah , sorry but that is not how it works. There is a huge difference between calling someone known to be a relative asking for assistance in locating Lily and harassment.

I must say.. I really don't blame her family nor am I angry with them.. Even though they where pissed they where still civil which is always appreciated.  Im actually very sad for them.. Lily has done this crap with more than just me.. eventually she will pull this crap with the wrong person and good lord.. Lily shies away from social media. understandably so being that she is a liar and manipulates people for money.. However her family and kids are all over social media. They where not hard to locate or find their contact information. No, Im not calling her kids although I did ask her 27 year old son to have her call me.

The week after I made the first post I felt a wave of negative energy that literally scared me.. Yes I was actually afraid for in my mind no reason. I cleared the crap out of my house and me. I did a spiritual wash for the floors and window sills &  smudged my home with frankincense , Myrrh &  dragons blood .. I could feel the swoosh of negative energy leave..

To the person on this site who gave Lily the heads up.. Yea I know she reads this site as she has mentioned it to me on more than one occasion. I received a call just like the one Im giving now by another woman who was also taken advantage of by Lily . She warned me of lily's deceptive ways but I did not want to hear it.. Sapphire is my friend and has been for years.. Yea she was totally , 100% correct in her assessment . Sapphire or Lily on the other hand had told me about this person BUT from Lily's mind the woman was stalking her.. Its amazing how asking for repayment is considered stalking..
Be careful and keep your eyes open.. That is the best advise I can give someone captured in her web of deceit.

Thank you ladies for all the support and kind comments. I feel really stupid that I was so fooled and its hurt me financially which is a painful lesson to learn. Please take care out there..

Your story is absolutely gut wrenching.

What a devious and dark person "Sapphire21" must be to exploit another's trust and most tender emotions to steal their money!

How does a person like that live in their own skin---she must have severe mental issues.

And shattering to you on multiple levels, betrayal from one you had bonded with as a 'friend'...and robbed by a hardened, lying practiced con artist. A snake. Wonder how many she's hit on over the years.

Really horrifying, so sorry you went through this :-(
Courageous and kind of you to shine a light on it to alert others. Thank you.

Wow! Just wow. I don't have more words than that right now.

 :-[ Really shows you how unscrupulous they can be.


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