Author Topic: Update  (Read 2094 times)

Offline sunandmoon

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« on: February 09, 2020, 04:08:37 PM »
Haven't been on here in years but I'm hoping I can help someone break free.

I joined this group NINE years ago. At that point I'd probably spent over 10K on psychics, in a years time. I barely made 16K/yr at that time so it was mostly on credit cards. This was just 2 years after a bad divorce. Because I racked up personal debt I wasn't able to pay off my business debt and when it was all said and done I was left with over 20K in credit card debt.

TEN YEARS AFTER I STARTED CALLING PSYCHICS I am finally down to $600. TEN YEARS. A FULL DECADE SINCE MY FIRST CALL. It has been a long and sad road. I still do not make much so it took forever. I have had an autoimmune disease hit me during this time, which triggered adrenal fatigue. So thyroid, adrenals and hormones. Not only did I feel like crap, trying to figure all that out cost money as did supplements to treat my deficiencies.

Health insurance has gone downhill since 2015

- I needed surgery on my finger in 2014
- My appendix had to come out 3 years ago unexpectedly, paid that last of that off Dec 2018, it was 7K but I applied for financial assistance and a payment plan, but it still took me 2 years to pay off because I was still paying off psychic debt
- Now I have a lesion in my breast that needs to be removed. My deductible is over 6K and everything is covered "after deductible" so that's another expense. I will need yearly MRI's to scan for cancer or any new lesions in the future. I worked on a project last year and am probably not eligible for financial assistance for my surgery even though the project is now over :(
- My house needed a roof, it was well past it's life, that was 6K plus we did the garage ourselves at 1K
- my life has never been easy. I can rarely catch a break. Yet I stupidly spent over 10K on pure BS and look above, my life was still not easy but it would have been so much easier HAD I NOT SPENT OVER TEN YEARS PAYING OFF THE RESULT OF ONE BAD DECISION - MAKING THAT FIRST PHONE CALL.

No, I did not get back together with my ex. I did meet someone else. We've been together for 9 years as well. No, that was not predicted, as a matter of fact, my last few psychic calls were about the new guy and nearly all of them said the new guy had huge issues and the old guy would be back. ALL WRONG

Please please stop calling. Being alone is better than the lies they feed you. Add up the money you spent and think of what else you can do with it. It is not worth going into debt for. I think of all those times I'd sit waiting for that callback so I could get one ray of hope - and they were all lies.

Take your life back! You are worth it  ❤️

Psychic-free since 2011 and loving it

« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 04:11:00 PM by sunandmoon »

Offline Cranberry88

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Re: Update
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2020, 04:18:42 PM »
sorry to hear that you've been through alot, im sure things are getting better now with being psychic free.
your are a true fighter im sure God will bring lots of happiness in your future. i wish i could gather up my sh*t and start my psychic free life soon.
thanks alot for sharing your story and wish you all the best and healthy life.

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Update
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2020, 08:49:49 PM »
I kind of did the same thing because I was able to afford the monthly payments - but barely and over half the payment was interest. I did that for 2 years and then spent 8 years shuffling between 3 zero percent cards, which is another level of pain in the butt. I was barely hanging on and making decent progress on my balances until ACA hit. Then I lost the ability to put anything in savings AND pay additional to my old debt all in one swoop. If I'd never spent that 10K, I would have weathered the past 5 years much easier and my health would probably be in better shape too (less stress).

And putting more charges on my personal card, which had been pretty low until then, meant I couldn't pay off my business card. So that just got higher. Talk about a double whammy.

In 2010 I never foresaw the state of health insurance in the US, and certainly never imagined I'd have a thyroid condition I couldn't get under control or that I'd be flirting with a life threatening issue.

Everything thinks they have control of the situation. Or it won't happen to them. I know, I thought that too. The energy I expended in a year affected me for a DECADE. Every time I saw that balance or had to shuffle it to another account, it was a slap in the face all over again.

Think about it. What a waste.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Update
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2020, 08:57:36 PM »
That's the problem many gifted readers that can pick up on past and present not so much the future.  We are all guilty of wasting money. They might get one or two things right so be get sucked in they the rest will happen. 

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Update
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2020, 01:54:39 PM »
I still get a subsidy. It looks like they raised the limits this year. I am probably going to get screwed on my tax return for 2019 though as I made more due to that project. Hopefully it didn't push me over the cliff.

I did zero interest for 8 years but boy have they changed! I used to get 21-24 months and now it's more like 6-8

I haven't been on a silver plan since 2016  :(  I tried this year but they were still really expensive even with the subsidy. But I guessed a higher income for the year because I didn't want to be caught short again.

I have thyroid and adrenal issues - nothing has helped me, not even the "patient experience" groups that claim to know all.