Relationship Psychology Discussions > Connect With Others

Where is everyone from?

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Hello gang since we are sharing where we are from is the state opening where you are? NJ, not yet.

Yes. We opened up our beaches and all hell broke loose, especially Ocean Sh*tty. It was supposed to be for “Residents Only”, but of COURSE nearly everyone backed up the Bay Bridge to get there...and no they weren’t locals. No wonder MD has the highest COVID cases in the DMV 🤦🏽‍♀️


--- Quote from: bee.23 on May 12, 2020, 10:11:16 AM ---I’m from the lonely island of waiting 1.5 years for an ex😭😭😭😭😭😭 who feels me

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Oh no, Bee!! It means someone else it out there! I saw you've had some bad outcomes lately. Maybe this means the island with him was really a sand bar and you're next island with a future guy will be the Maldives  8) Scratch the maybe, change it to definitely since we're all on a manifesting kick!

I'm from the Northeast USA - my state is still closed. I miss seeing other people (beyond work zoom meetings or facetiming with friends)


--- Quote from: CancerBumble on May 12, 2020, 02:20:33 PM ---
--- Quote from: bee.23 on May 12, 2020, 10:11:16 AM ---I’m from the lonely island of waiting 1.5 years for an ex😭😭😭😭😭😭 who feels me

--- End quote ---

Oh no, Bee!! It means someone else it out there! I saw you've had some bad outcomes lately. Maybe this means the island with him was really a sand bar and you're next island with a future guy will be the Maldives  8) Scratch the maybe, change it to definitely since we're all on a manifesting kick!

I'm from the Northeast USA - my state is still closed. I miss seeing other people (beyond work zoom meetings or facetiming with friends)

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Haaaaaaa! I love this! You’re a shining light !!! Your enthusiasm and positive energy means so much ❤️

PA Here!!!!


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