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Dating apps are a lil weird to me. I rather meet someone in person . From what I have seen ppl who have just been released from jail gravitate towards these sites to get them gradually comfortable with society. Also My neighbor uses a lot of online dating sites and has been robbed 4 times so please be careful everyone. Everyone on these sites isn’t bad that I’m sure but I rather meet someone elsewhere.

I was dating a lot last year. The majority on Tinder bumble or Hinge want nothing serious. And the majority after one date will ghost or before. I’m very very tired of this game to be honest. But with the Covid I don’t know how I can meet someone I don’t know a lot of people in my town

Just an FYI - It's not much different from the guys point of view.  I laugh when a lady tells me that she's not interested in anyone more than a 30 min drive away.  I'll drive 2 hours to go to lunch.  30 min is local for me.  the other thing for me is that if it takes you 3 weeks to find 10 min to meet at a coffee shop just to see if there is chemistry face to face, then you probably aren't that interested in dating.  It's such a frustrating venture.

--- Quote from: summertimesnow on August 11, 2020, 04:58:46 AM ---So for anyone who says that dating apps work and they found their current s.o: sure, but for some of us, it's a rinse repeat of the following experiences: ghosting, fizzling convos, insults, unicorn requests, breadcrumbing, submarines, and whatever fancy term the app execs coin to make it sound cute and inoffensive, just so they can get the ad money.
Here's a tally of my last half year of any 'love interests' off all the apps combined.

to preface; like Piggynose I am in a middle o nowhere town so the 'local' guys are those in the same town-they number to maybe 2 % . the rest are an hour away.

2 people of interest who stopped writing after drafting longish emails and countless more fizzled convos after 2-3 messages.
1 person who asked me out, canceled at the last minute and revealed he's polyamorous. He is colleagues with one of my distant colleagues but turned out he is bi, and a cross dresser, and poly, all of which I don't object to, but consider a turn off, sorry.
1 local person who seemed nice but whom I sadly couldn't get myself to meet up-so I'm the guilty party in breadcrumbing behavior here.
1 who was a local guy with whom I texted for 3 months , who still hadn't offered to meet 2 months past lockdown despite my innuendos-and whom  I just stopped writing back to.
1 person whose 1 pic was deceptively attractive but came across as creepy in 4-5 other pics, whose height kept on varying between 6 0 and 5 9 (big gap here, sorry. I am only 5 5'' but the fact is the guy was playing around with his height)-he also canceled on me a few times but I was hoping he would cancel.
about 10 people who converted a normal convo-on Hinge, supposedly the serious app,--into sex talk, or attempted to
1 phone call that went well after which the guy sent me a cartoon about 'getting it up' and when I tried to divert the convo back to normal talk about pop culture and the like proceeded to try to sex talk and then was appalled when I called him out on it.
a local guy who asked me to rate my libido.
and finally the local guy who seemed decent but who was clearly hung up on his ex-if that story is true-who stood me up twice..

What a viral petri dish. seems like these people on the apps are pests lacking cognition and intellect who just are programmed to be vermin, much like good old corona.

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My guy is about 30 minutes away. 4 months in he is at my house every other day. We met face to face within 5 days and I had seen him a second time within 3 days of that. Our largest gap was 12 days when he was really sick. Dating apps suck in general but I'm thankful I tried and met him.

I dated a lady summer of 2019 that was 75 min drive and I had no issue going to her after work for dinner.  I'm a guy that loves to travel so if someone says 30 min is too far, then she won't like my lifestyle.  I drove to a city 9 hours away just for lunch once.  I love stuff like that.

--- Quote from: maggs30 on August 12, 2020, 12:47:21 AM ---My guy is about 30 minutes away. 4 months in he is at my house every other day. We met face to face within 5 days and I had seen him a second time within 3 days of that. Our largest gap was 12 days when he was really sick. Dating apps suck in general but I'm thankful I tried and met him.

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