Author Topic: When high rated psychics are wrong  (Read 3797 times)

Offline Dxbguppy1

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When high rated psychics are wrong
« on: February 03, 2020, 11:24:11 AM »
I wonder if they're actually wrong (and I know theres plenty of scammers out there too) or that they can only see your path on that day at that given time which can of course change through free will?

One of the reasons I listened to the psychics and didnt reach out to POI after the break up was to avoid adding delays towards reconciliation or altering the path we were on and complicating it.

Its proven to work so far and I just wonder if thats the secret to it.

For example, even with the very renowned psychics who saw things improving, dates of contact etc, if I had in between that reached out to POI on a whim and tried to reconnect it probably would have broken the process of him wondering, missing and reaching out and I would have felt the psychic was inaccurate.

Not that we are anywhere near any reconciliation right now but so far I feel things have panned out for me due to continuing on the same path and taking the advise of not reaching out.

Just wondering...?

Leeloo predicted contact first few days of Feb but not leading to a reconciliation just yet- correct
Terry Mitchell predicted the same as above followed by a #8 and it seems it may be 8th that me and POI meet to discuss

Others were all generic- they predicted reconciliation but all said by end of Feb-end of March and they may well be correct as well and just looking at the bigger picture of when we are in a better place but I like more short term analysis and predictions personally because that keeps me going and also able to judge who is a better psychic at details.

*Sigh* will update after the 8th then... wish me luck.

Offline bee.23

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Re: When high rated psychics are wrong
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2020, 11:58:22 AM »
Why has no one replied to this yet!?
It’s so accurate - all that you said! I realized anytime I reached out premature, it ultimately completely delayed things in my personal circumstance.

What’s the update on your situation , now that we are nearing the end of February?

I agree a TRUE psychic is one who can discern smaller picture from bigger picture and the path leading towards the bigger picture (with detail) I’ve only had a few who were able to do so.

Can I also ask when LeeLoo predicted contact first few days of February, when did you have that reading ... time frame wise ? Also, what other predictions have LeeLoo or other advisors made for you that resulted in things being correct ?

Offline fashiondiva6337

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Re: When high rated psychics are wrong
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2020, 06:53:36 PM »
Yeah I think it’s best to wait for timelines to pass. However, there have been times when I reached out to my POI despite pending predictions and it went well. But I’m wondering if I messed up the overall progress and just got a temporary good thing

