Author Topic: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN  (Read 6570 times)


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« on: February 03, 2020, 07:15:55 AM »
I feel so good and stable mentally after being able to stay away from them for officially one month now. A lot of upsetting and perplexing things have happened during my one month. In the past i would run to a psychic with even a small problem. Now i have quite a few issues but I have not called and the desire is not there, only anger and regret for calling as long as I did.

I still get small panic attacks when I see psychics at a crystal shop I like to go to  but I avoid them like the plague.  I dont EVER want to feel like I did in 2019 esp.

The only thing keeping me away from readings is utter anger and sadness.  Following their advice, I ruined aspects of my marriage and past relationships.

Even if some were right , it doesnt matter and it wont make your POI come to you.  I feel like we get major bad karma calling psychics because it is a means of control.  We feel that if we call about the POI that we are controlling the situation and that we were owed their love from all the readings because it was so damn expensive.  Some might convince ourselves that it is just to check up on the situation lol but it is still a reading.

 Also we cant control people through readings and everyone has free will. Energetically checking on people and spying on them comes with consequences and one reader said that people who constantly do that, never get what they want.  I am praying and hoping that my 2020 is psychic free. I am afraid of even getting one reading in the future because it could cause a binge.  I never want to do a binge again.  I never want to waste my hard earned money on a psychic.  One hour of work would equal 4 or 5 mns with some psychics lol 

Even if i have had some caring accurate psychics on keen. I just cant go to them again for a long time and even infinite star told me to stay away from readings.

The less i call psychics, the more mentally stable and strong I feel. Less anxiety.  Using more of my common sense. Less clingy. Less outbursts. I focus more on the present.  I could give 2 flying Fcks about my exes and I am slowly stabilizing my finances. 

BEfore you call a psychic think about the last time you did.
1. Has your life improved from calling?
2. Do you feel like calling again after one gives you a reading even if it was positive?
3. Why are you calling instead of talking to the POI?
4. Dont you have a bill to pay?
5. WIll the waiting for a prediction to pass put other things on hold in your life?
6. Will your POI love you more and magically say what you fantasize about with your reader?
7. Would you POI spend so much money as you are spending, wondering about you?


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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2020, 01:18:43 PM »
Thank you for writing this.

I got a particularly grim reading that was realistic and honest and I am reeling and all I want to do is get more. but I cant. bc what will It do for me??

I agree with everything you said - the karma. the psychic control. does it make them magically run to us?? god no. the opposite.

I need to be strong for myself. and walk away. no questions asked. like he did to me. it hurts to not understand and to not get closure. and I know many people say not getting closure IS closure. and we cant expect to get closure from others.

I dont really want to agree with that  - not bc I dont think it can be true - but I do think as someone who would always offer closure its hard to accept why some people dont offer this - why they dont think people need it - but regardless everyone has their own life, own journey and not everyone is going to give closure and yes I need to just move on whether hes going to come clean or not. and youre right.. checking in is checking in and its still a reading.

still keeps me bound.

its going to be really hard for me to walk away right now. I feel abandoned and discarded and even if he doesnt see it that way its how I feel. and its hard to understand.  I am expecting one more email read from one reader but I dont know if she will even read for me.  and if she didnt I wouldn't care.

if anyone is feeling strong and feeling like sending good vibes I could use them this week. just a hard pill im swallowing but nothing anyone else here hasn't felt.



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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2020, 03:42:03 PM »
Thank you for writing this.

I got a particularly grim reading that was realistic and honest and I am reeling and all I want to do is get more. but I cant. bc what will It do for me??

I agree with everything you said - the karma. the psychic control. does it make them magically run to us?? god no. the opposite.

I need to be strong for myself. and walk away. no questions asked. like he did to me. it hurts to not understand and to not get closure. and I know many people say not getting closure IS closure. and we cant expect to get closure from others.

I dont really want to agree with that  - not bc I dont think it can be true - but I do think as someone who would always offer closure its hard to accept why some people dont offer this - why they dont think people need it - but regardless everyone has their own life, own journey and not everyone is going to give closure and yes I need to just move on whether hes going to come clean or not. and youre right.. checking in is checking in and its still a reading.

still keeps me bound.

its going to be really hard for me to walk away right now. I feel abandoned and discarded and even if he doesnt see it that way its how I feel. and its hard to understand.  I am expecting one more email read from one reader but I dont know if she will even read for me.  and if she didnt I wouldn't care.

if anyone is feeling strong and feeling like sending good vibes I could use them this week. just a hard pill im swallowing but nothing anyone else here hasn't felt.


Hey Beachgal!

Which reader gave you the grim reading?

In a way, and I know it doesn’t seem like it at the time, a POI that is toxic does you a big favor when they finally leave you alone.  It’s when they come back into your life after you thought that you moved on.  That’s the most confusing as you try not to get sucked back into the same sick cycle that controlled your reality and your emotions in the past. 

Offline russianred

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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2020, 10:54:51 PM »
Congrats, WinterElf.  I loved the end of your post especially.

You are so right about our need for control.  Love really shouldn't be such a relentless pursuit of a desired outcome, which is what I have been doing for months with my obsessing and calling.  Love should be more about giving up notions of control.  Binges really are all about the need to feel in control, when we are actually more out of control than ever.

BG, I feel that a main reason why so many of us get readings is because we're trying to understand how people can act so differently from how we would act in the same position.


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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2020, 11:18:11 PM »
Thanks guys. Yaz ill PM you. I dont know why I get so weirded out on the boards.


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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2020, 12:03:10 AM »
Thanks ladies. Beach gal you can do it. Just let go.  Calling them won't make someone like you more.

Plus your mental health will improve and so will your confidence and common sense. 


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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2020, 12:21:12 AM »
definitely!  I cant say its been any amount of time since I had a reading bc technically I got my email reading I ordered a couple weeks ago from Kisha just last night....

I feel better today, than yesterday, better yesterday than the day before, and the day before that!  I am feeling more detached and MUCH more peaceful and feeling a sense of "I can let him go. ill be alright"

its hard to let go bc I do long for him.  and letting go scares me in many ways like ill lose that special connection he and I share.

but if its meant to work out we will find our way back to eachother.

I feel a lot better than I did last week and this past monday.  That is HUGE!  Thank you for the encouragement.


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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2020, 04:40:08 AM »
thanks for the experience sharing.
i dont ususally go to a psychic for romance
romance doesnt bother me much in my life, not that i have a perfect one but i do know someone in someone out; it's past life connection and only time will bring them in
so i go to psychic 90% for business issues; and honestly it helped me enormously
like i went to psychic a for a weekly reading see how's next week going interms of orders, money, potential problems.
it definitely helped me to have a better outlook of whats coming up.
so not all readings are bad, the issues about POI mostly is obsession(sorry if that happens so frequent then yes it's an obsession; then more important is to adjust your own mindset, divert your life focus, free yourself from POI any of them; but not solely about getting readings.

Offline russianred

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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2020, 12:16:54 PM »
WinterElf, are you still clean two months in?

I've DRASTICALLY cut back on readings but am not totally clean.  I'd like to go a month without getting one.  I'm finding that even occasional readings are just giving me a headache at this point.  Predictions are changing (despite the initial ones not having passed); there are now new things for me to worry about.  Some readers who I previously thought were spot on have now said some things that I think are just incorrect.  It's all just exhausting.  And I need to pay off all the binges from a few months ago still.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 02:27:14 AM by russianred »


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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2020, 02:56:44 AM »
Oh Heck yah. :-* :-* :) :) I feel so much better and the anxiety buttons are no longer being pushed.   8) 8) 8) 8)
 No psychic  readings at all yet. Just havent commented much after a post that got out of hand.

You can do it.  You don't need a psychic to tell you how your life will go and nothing is set in stone.  I told myself when I stopped that I would reward myself and wait till Feb 20th to get a reading from a few of my favorites. However, I have not yet because I do not want to tempt fate.

I am not calling psychics but still trying to financially catch up on the damage i did last year from so many readings. I recommend

Florida Water
Tehilim esp Psalm 91
The Bible
The  Teachings of Buddha etc
Get a new Hobby

I hope all who posted in this thread are doing good. I know it is not easy to stop.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2020, 03:11:02 AM by WinterElf »

Offline Cteebaby1

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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2020, 06:33:53 PM »
I’m 20 days clean of readings ! Met someone new that completely distracts me! Still love POI just can’t bring myself to mess with him again after how he treated me.


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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2020, 04:23:09 AM »
So I caved and got a reading yesterday. It was my first reading since January 3rd.  I dont feel bad about it because I dont have the desire to get more insight but i watch myself carefully to make sure a desire for a psychic readin does not sneak up on me again. My original plan was to speak to a psychic on my bday ... just once a year.  I feel like i messed that up.

No, I have not been back to Keen or some other psychic website. I also stay away from the psychics at the crystal shop i go to.

I got a reading from my friend yesterday (who happens to be very psychic and will spurt out whatever she sees even if it is just normal conversation) and she knows about my struggles with readings and how i dont like them but she firmly believes that readings are not bad.  Something upsetting happened yesterday and when i told her , she just said what she saw and then i asked her a question and it went on for like 10 mns my little reading.

  I also cashapp'd her while she was chatting to me on the phone because even if she offered the advice freely, i dont want to abuse her kindness.  I didnt ask her so much about the future but more about the insight into a current situation and current thoughts.  Usually we would talk for hours about life in general but she likes to provide spiritual insight for many things. I like her company but I dont like this temptation of asking a question when we we talk.  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\  I like her as a person but i feel like i have to cut down on talking to her as much so i wont get tempted for another reading.

  I just feel like cutting off all things related to the new age for now but i have met some nice people who by nature will walk on the spiritual side. 

« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 04:39:34 AM by WinterElf »


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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2020, 09:08:03 PM »
How is everyone doing? Please don't give up. It took over 50 tries last year of disabling and signing back onto my keen account before stopping the binges. Not even a counselor could help me.  I know it is not easy. 

For myself, Things were mostly good until after getting that reading on march 11 after 2 months of no calls (a reading from a friend) and then some anxiety and depression came back the 2nd day after the reading.  It took me a few days to work through it.   i dont think i did too bad because originally i said Feb 20 till another reading, forgot about it and then moved it to my bday.

 I love doing candles though.  I got a job 3 days into doing my candles and contact from a friend the next day on another set of candles.+
When I got the job before now, I called psychics for 4 months in 2019 asking when i would get a job and no one could ever get it right. I wasted money asking for more money lol  and i feel like the constant asking pushed back my goals of getting a job sooner.

but overall i have withdrawn from a lot of metaphysical stuff other than an occasional candle. I dont give a fck about new age stuff like i used to.  good luck to all
« Last Edit: March 20, 2020, 09:12:35 PM by WinterElf »


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Re: Officially ONE MONTH CLEAN
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2020, 11:50:18 PM »
lol i will try to stave off my need for explicit language. ;D ;D

I would usually go to the gym but the gyms are closed down so to keep busy:

exercise outside
finish editing a few books
talk to my language partner etc

I am now working from home so trying not to look like a caterpillar when things get back to normal.