Author Topic: Almost one month with no readings  (Read 1816 times)


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Almost one month with no readings
« on: January 28, 2020, 07:26:18 AM »
it has almost been a month since I closed keen and swore off psychic readings.

I had put on my calendar by 2/10 i would get a reading but I have no desire and i feel like I can go a year without readings. 

I hope it is not too late that I stopped readings. I am trying to rebuild my life after the financial devastation i caused ... i almost lost my car because i was using that money set aside for my car for psychic readings... i am still not out of the woods and I am angry with myself for all the money i wasted.

Psychic readings and all this metaphysical stuff make you feel like you are unique and special and privy to "important Knowledge" but we are just like everyone else. I dont believe in soulmates or twinflames or freaking rainbow bright twins. Life is life and it is short.  I am so thankful i am free from readings.

My anxiety is much less... i dont panic and cry and get obsessive anymore... I love doing my own thing and i dont have that horrid feeling of hoping a prediction about a love interest coming to pass. I could care less.
i thought i would be bored without psychic readings but now i am super busy and my mind feels strong.
I threw away all common sense when getting readings and now I am able to be like oh okay, this person is doing this so that must mean... etc  I dont need to call a stranger about my life. 

I feel free but the damage i did to myself from 2018 to 2019 esp ... i am paying for it big time financially ... ugh i wish i had the strength to have quit sooner.  now i have to ask people i should not be asking for financial help...

For those who are having a hard time leaving the psychics... it is not easy and i know the feeling of closing and then opening the account the next day or using your last 20 to get a quick update .... the future changes all the time with what we do in the present.... no one knows the future only present patterns.

Offline jas

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Re: Almost one month with no readings
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2020, 02:18:14 PM »
Loved reading about the progress you are making.  Please tell us more.

I am in the same boat.  I have severely damaged my finances due to readings.  I am not going to say that they were without merit because I did obtain a lot of useful information.  However, the trade-off of financial stability isn't worth it. 

Winter - how long had you been calling psychics and are you just a month behind on your car payments?  The only reason I ask is that my situation is similar.  I have spent ALL of my savings.  I am not behind on any payments but I am one paycheck away from disaster. 


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Re: Almost one month with no readings
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2020, 12:56:31 AM »
thanks guys!

Ive been calling psychics for 20 years.. i started my freshman year in college it got really bad the more money i earned. esp from 2016 to now.
I could have bought a house.  I got rid of it by doing candlework on myself... reading the bible... self talk... looking at how it became a living hell for me... and how i was treated by some of the psychics each time i came back to say hey this didnt work, in fact... my life is worse.

I am reading this book called Psychic Junkie, A memoir ... by Sarah Lassez.  Not done with it but it seems like so far, everytime she called a psychic about a relationship it went south and she admitted to being a control freak which fed her addiction to readings.  Other than writing the book she had a forum online to help folks addicted to psychics.  Good luck Jas and i was 3 months behind lol  Thanks Pinkamena