Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics
2020 and still getting readings
I’m feeling very frustrated and sad right now. I told myself I was done with reading this year and I’ve already had several. I’ve spent 100 on readings since January 1st. I did really well this week but today was triggered again because me and POI are having issues. I just spent 20 bucks and I’m actually broke this week until payday. So I’m sitting here upset that I continue to spend money, worried and depressed about me and poi and conflicted spiritually I told myself I would trust in God and stop this😢😢😭
I'm so sorry. I can relate. I had a really bad start to the year, too, although I've spent over 1K, not $100 (not sure if that makes you feel any better). :-\
All you can do is move forward. You can't get the money back. Make today Day 1 of no readings. You don't have to promise that you'll never do a reading again (unless you want to), just try a pause of a week. And then keep adding to that.
When you want to get a reading, ask yourself - is the reading actually going to make me feel better? Give me peace of mind with my POI? So often I feel like the answer is no.
Hi Russian red
Thanks for your response. It feels good to know I’m not alone. I have good and bad weeks. I went on a binge the past few days but your right I don’t need to beat myself up about it. Just continue trying to break the habit of this.
You are strong enough to break the habit. I don't believe in beating myself up but it was helpful for me to actually look at the numbers of how much I spent on each reading and assess whether it was worth it. I'd say about 80% of the time it is not worth it for me. Not sure if you already do this but you may find this exercise helpful in curbing the desire to get readings.
I add up the money I spend on readings and it’s sickening. It’s not worth it cuz it dosent magically change the situation or make you feel any better. How have you been doing on readings this week?
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