Author Topic: 2020 and still getting readings  (Read 7502 times)

Offline honeydip

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2020 and still getting readings
« on: January 20, 2020, 11:55:50 PM »
I’m feeling very frustrated and sad right now. I told myself I was done with reading this year and I’ve already had several. I’ve spent 100 on readings since January 1st. I did really well this week but today was triggered again because me and POI are having issues. I just spent 20 bucks and I’m actually broke this week until payday. So I’m sitting here upset that I continue to spend money, worried and depressed about me and poi and conflicted spiritually I told myself I would trust in God and stop this😢😢😭

Offline russianred

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2020, 12:31:41 AM »
I'm so sorry.  I can relate.  I had a really bad start to the year, too, although I've spent over 1K, not $100 (not sure if that makes you feel any better).   :-\

All you can do is move forward.  You can't get the money back.  Make today Day 1 of no readings.  You don't have to promise that you'll never do a reading again (unless you want to), just try a pause of a week.  And then keep adding to that.

When you want to get a reading, ask yourself - is the reading actually going to make me feel better?  Give me peace of mind with my POI? So often I feel like the answer is no.

Offline honeydip

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2020, 03:36:39 AM »
Hi Russian red

Thanks for your response. It feels good to know I’m not alone. I have good and bad weeks. I went on a binge the past few days but your right I don’t need to beat myself up about it. Just continue trying to break the habit of this.

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2020, 04:14:26 AM »
You are strong enough to break the habit.  I don't believe in beating myself up but it was helpful for me to actually look at the numbers of how much I spent on each reading and assess whether it was worth it. I'd say about 80% of the time it is not worth it for me.  Not sure if you already do this but you may find this exercise helpful in curbing the desire to get readings.

Offline honeydip

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2020, 05:57:56 PM »
I add up the money I spend on readings and it’s sickening. It’s not worth it cuz it dosent magically change the situation or make you feel any better. How have you been doing on readings this week?

Offline russianred

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2020, 06:50:45 PM »
It is sickening and yes, for that very reason.  I would be happy to be spending this much money if readings were the "magic bullet" to me feeling great, but they don't.  I've been having a good last few days.  Some of that is due to finally looking at my credit card statements and getting real about how I'm going to pay them.

Offline honeydip

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2020, 10:11:07 PM »
Yep keep making a huge promise I’m going to stop and breaking it just like that. I even saw a therapist about a week ago. She gave me some strategies to help me not get readings well guess what “didn’t work”. I’m supposed to meet with her on the 30th and I have several readings since our session embarrassing. I did so good last week not getting readings. I made a mistake over the weekend and told my POI I went on a date cuz I was upset with him and wanted to make him jealous. Well all I did is steer up more worry so my binge begin and it’s out of control cuz he’s being distant now😥

Offline russianred

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2020, 11:33:43 PM »
Yes, figuring out WHY you are calling is the big piece.  For me, it's part just wanting to talk about the situation, part feeling a compulsion to know the future so I can prepare for it, even though also I know I don't trust the predictions.  Before calling, sit with it for a second, ask yourself why you are calling and whether calling is going to help alleviate the feeling.

I'm sorry that you felt embarrassed with the therapist.  I told my therapist about the readings and felt embarrassed too.

She did help me to process the WHY piece... not only do I want to know the future but it's also that I don't trust myself to handle what's coming at me in the future without preparing myself via the calls.  Maybe that resonates for you too.

Offline midwest60

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2020, 01:36:18 PM »
One thing that helped me is that I added up all the money I spent last year and was appalled at how high the amount was. Then, I hired a personal financial advisor who advised me on my financial and retirement projections.  I saw how putting the $ I used on psychics could be used more effectively. And, now I'm hooked....I don't want to spend that money because I want to invest it. 

So, ask yourself...where I could use that money?  For a car?

Or, if you have a surplus of cash, how could you contribute to someone or something who really needs financial help?  I wish I would have given the money I spent in 2019 to my church, just saying....

Offline midwest60

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2020, 03:01:54 AM »
One reason that I have not heard much on this site regarding reasons for calling psychics is that callers may just be LONELY. I am single and have limited access to talking to people about my every day life, work issues, etc.  I have an executive level job with much responsibility and work many hours.  My family and friends are primarily on one coast so when I'm driving home from work there are limited people to talk to.  So, I now try to fit quality conversation time during a I have a connection with those I care about. And when I get home from work I replace calling psychics with reading my Bible or watching TV.


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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2020, 03:29:43 AM »
One reason that I have not heard much on this site regarding reasons for calling psychics is that callers may just be LONELY. I am single and have limited access to talking to people about my every day life, work issues, etc.  I have an executive level job with much responsibility and work many hours.  My family and friends are primarily on one coast so when I'm driving home from work there are limited people to talk to.  So, I now try to fit quality conversation time during a I have a connection with those I care about. And when I get home from work I replace calling psychics with reading my Bible or watching TV.

Midwest, you make a really good point.  My reality is that I spend my days listening to other people’s problems and helping them come up with solutions.  The situation that started the cycle of me calling psychics was one that I could not solve bc my POI refused to communicate with me.  I really have no one to talk to about the situation.  Since my friends and family expect me to be the one to solve problems, they  don’t really know what to do if I’m the one who has the problem.  So, I started calling psychics to gain insight about my POI and why he acted/reacted the way he did.  I just wanted to make sense out of it. Eight months later I can honestly say that I did get insight.  I got insight about my POI and I also learned a lot about myself.  So, at least, it wasn’t all done in vain.  But there comes a point when you realize that all the insight in the world won’t change the situation.  I may have a very sound understanding of why my POI acted/reacted the way he did, but that doesn’t mean I can make him communicate with me.  He has his own freewill and there’s not a psychic reading in the world that can change that.  This month I spent $50 on Infinitestar as a last ditch effort to gain another perspective on my POI (which really didn’t provide anything I haven’t heard before.  Not bc infinitestar isn’t gifted, but bc I’ve had well over 50 readings on this situation), and I spent $25 on a career chart reading with Zadalia.  That’s the least amount I’ve spent on psychics since June . . . and I finally feel happy and free again.  It really does get easier once you stop getting readings.   Also, I really thinking that getting readings makes it near impossible to move on, bc with each reading you are reliving the situation over and over again.  Wounds stay fresh and can’t heal.  Good luck to everyone out there who is trying to reclaim their freedom and control!
« Last Edit: January 23, 2020, 03:33:00 AM by Yaz88 »

Offline midwest60

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2020, 04:00:09 AM »
Yaz88, I applaud you for being the problem-solver and the great equalizer.  I too have been the problem-solver. You are right that there is an expectation for you to have it all figured out. But, my guess is at the end of the day you are too spent and just need the area of your life you desire most to work (POI) to indeed happen.  And, consulting psychics over and over again just causes one to relive all the reasons why the relationship or lack of is not working.

In my case, I spent years in relationships waiting for the guy(s) to want to be in a committed relationship. With each relationship, I wised up to the point that one day something clicked in my brain and I no longer wanted to be with any of these clowns. It's humorous to me that today (15 years later) I see at least one of these guys from my past still trying to work towards commitment. All that has changed is that they are bald, fat, and trying to use the same old tricks with someone half their age.

It's only when you finally promise yourself that you won't take back someone who is flakey...and accept that you can't change someone who won't communicate (like you have).... that you really grow and attract the person you are meant to be with.

Offline Smiley1

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2020, 09:38:39 AM »
One reason that I have not heard much on this site regarding reasons for calling psychics is that callers may just be LONELY. I am single and have limited access to talking to people about my every day life, work issues, etc.  I have an executive level job with much responsibility and work many hours.  My family and friends are primarily on one coast so when I'm driving home from work there are limited people to talk to.  So, I now try to fit quality conversation time during a I have a connection with those I care about. And when I get home from work I replace calling psychics with reading my Bible or watching TV.

Very good point.  But surely we need to find another way to fight our loneliness.      I have found these last few months that I never got readings often.  Now I look to see because my evenings are so lonely and I feel that I dont have anyone to talk to

Offline midwest60

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2020, 01:24:54 PM »
I think that everyone has a good sense of what comforts them or provides companionship.  For some, who are single or no longer want to date, it might be reading a good book, going to a movie, or talking/spending time with friends. For others, it may be going to a social event to meet others.  But, at least for me, it's never going to be spending time with someone who doesn't know what they want or has commitment issues. Wasted years of my life with that ilk.  I'm past the point of wanting to be charmed as the feeling is always fleeting. Rather spend time with my dogs!  :)

Offline honeydip

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Re: 2020 and still getting readings
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2020, 02:27:28 PM »
I agree with you ladies. Lonliness does trigger the readings because of the accessibility to reach psychics you call or chat when you feel alone about the situation. It's a big waste of time and a joke. The psychics can't make these men commit and only keep us waiting around wasting time. After three years of calling about my POI I confessed my love to him this week. He told me that he feels we are on two different pages in life and well see what happens. Really!!!! I have wasted thousands of dollars holding on to hope that he will come around. I'm over it and will work towards not calling anymore. I need to refocus on self care and finding new hobbies.

