Author Topic: Out of control and money  (Read 8125 times)

Offline Buggus74

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Out of control and money
« on: January 15, 2020, 01:59:30 PM »
So I need help big time.  I think this is worse than when I quit smoking 16 years ago.  I’ve spent most of my life savings in this, over the last year and a bit.

It all started on iHoroscope, the chat readers on there.  I went on for just a general overview of what I might expect from my new budding relationship at the time.  No specific questions, just wanted to see what they would say.  In any case, the reader was dead on and right about everything and it was very similar to what I had heard in an person reading.  Because the reader was so good, I was intrigued and started asking other things, and soon he became my regular go-to.  He predicted everything that’s happened, my moving in with my husband, his feelings, us getting married, all of it.  But because it seemed so good to be true, I ended up trying to see if it was really accurate and asking other readers for a second and third opinion.  More and more of my money being wasted.

I ran up my credit cards, I took small loans, it’s been a disaster.  I’ve eaten up all of my savings over the last year because it seemed like I was talking to an old friend.  They really hook you.  Some of the things they say and ask and asking questions before your credits are finished makes you hungry to go back for more.  They kept telling me my husband was hiding something big from me, on his phone.  Which he was, he was having an online affair with someone which I learned about much later.  Needless to say I was devastated and wanted to know what would happen.  I was on daily and almost several times a day. 

My husband doesn’t know what I’ve done.  I can’t bring myself to tell him what I’ve done with all my money.  But I know he’s growing suspicious because he’s asked where all my money keeps going.  I need this to stop.  I don’t know what to do to control my urges to go on and talk to them.  Please help me and tell me what you’ve done if you’re in recovery.

Offline sexyp

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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2020, 04:47:34 PM »
the first thing you need to do is to close all your psychic accounts. the second thing you need to do is stay off this or any other psychic forum. hopefully other people can give other suggestions but these are the first 2 things you need to do


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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2020, 05:32:00 PM »

I am in recovery.  I do still go on forum. bc I found talking to and reading others experiences , especially the negative, have helped me.

What helped me the most:

1. Directly addressing the issue I was calling about - for me that meant reaching out to POI for explantation, validation and if needed closure.  We remain in contact so not exactly closure but have come to some sort of understanding of where we are in this confusing world.

2.  Realizing that the readings I was getting on binges were low quality and I never trusted them enough hence the binge to seek confirmation.  finally I realized I felt AWFUL about how much money I spent - and for what?  I didnt know if I even believed the info OR WORSE - it was not something I DIDNT ALREADY KNOW.

3.  Spacing out my readings. When I decided to quit the platforms, I still booked some higher end "go to" big hitters. - and like many of the none bingers - I sought out "general readings only... this helped tremendously for 2 reasons:  1.  I had to WAIT for the readings. so it prepared me for breaking the cycle.  By WAITING I was able to break the cycle of "whenever I want I can talk to someone". that accessibility combined with money spent and inaccuracy or not trusting the readings (in truth how can readers who log on 12+ hours a day stay fresh and clear minded??) SO in short WAITING gave me pause to realize I could go without bingeing. and 2. It saved me MONEY!! bc I wasnt spending so much on so baby crappy readings.  so spacing them out. - I still was satiating the need to know, but doing it in a more clear and thought out way that made me WAIT between readings.

4.  Ultimately realizing there is no new info. that I NEED TO KNOW.  that I have my situation. that I can trust myself to raise my vibration to get into alignment with my highest good. trust that things are working out for me and that by relinquishing control the universe can work its magic.  That ultimately I know the answers to the why's and the how's and asking more people for input is only convoluting what I already know to b e true.   I dont have any interest in calling a reader.  at all.  I do like to read the stories on here and read about good readers in case in future I would -- but I am hoping to one day not even come on the forum.  but for now its like a guily pleasure of sorts and if I can. help someone overcome what I went through id be glad to.

I hope this helps you.  it really did work for me. I probably spent thousands since I started in May.  I never added it up but I feel l it was a lot.  it was easy to blow through 300-500 a week.  I really was someone calling 3-4 a day and hating myself after.

getting through to my issues and questions direct from the source helped the most but the biggest was also. spacing the readings out and petering them out slowly so as not to cut myself off cold turkey. I still had some positive and validating readings coming in. 

I have not had a reading since my reading with Yona last week nd that was booked in November.  I am excited to just things play out.

I wish you luck!!!! I would also probably confront the husband on the issues.

Offline Bean82

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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2020, 06:56:56 PM »
I agree with everyone, but Beachgal’s #3 was what made me stop and slow down as well. With Yona’s accuracy I knew I would only need readings from her. I always feel content after reading with her. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve read with a few here and there since, but my readings have gone down about 80% since reading with a trusted psychic that has a good record of accuracy.

Offline russianred

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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2020, 09:22:03 PM »
I ran up my credit cards, I took small loans, it’s been a disaster.  I’ve eaten up all of my savings over the last year because it seemed like I was talking to an old friend.  They really hook you.

I'm coming to the realization that this is the part that hooked me too.  Part of it is definitely wanting certainty in an uncertain situation, but I don't ACTUALLY 100% believe the predictions.  I really like just chatting with some of my favorite readers about my situation; unlike people in real life, they're willing to listen to the same things over and over again, and it's anonymous, so I can be totally honest with them.

I think that in addition to what Beach said, one tip might be directly linking your accounts to your checking account via PayPal or a debit card.  When I did this on Keen, I was less likely to call because I knew the money would come directly from my checking account, and I couldn't just deal with it later like a credit card bill.

One more thing might be to just take it one day at a time.  Resolve that TODAY you won't call... that's what I'm trying (I slipped the last couple of days).  And hopefully one day will become a week, and so on...

I'm sorry that you're going through this.  Lots of us have a hard time with the same thing.


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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2020, 11:41:46 PM »
The advice here is really good and I agree. Definitely close any platform accounts as soon as you are able to do so. I believe it keeps their energetic hooks in you and affects you telepathically to keep calling. As long as I had an account open on Keen it was like I felt magnetically drawn to call them and it brought bad energy into my home and surroundings. When I finally closed it for good all of that cleared away and I didn't feel the pull anymore. Learn to shield your energy from them. A lot of psychics hook into your solar plexus and it can take you off balance.

Prayer helps. That was probably what helped me the most to quit calling. I truly feel and believe I was in a spiritual battle and a dark force was trying to overtake my life. Some psychics are probably not bad people but they are naive and they don't test the spirits. They don't know what they are tapping into. You might get a lot of accurate information from them but when it really matters they turn out to be wrong.

Maybe part of the reason you are doing this is to even the score with your husband for cheating. I don't know but it is worth thinking about. I used to rationalize my calling by saying my ex hurt me so much so I am going to treat myself to this so I can feel better. There are lots of other things I could have done to be nice to myself. The important thing is to replace psychics with something else so you don't just feel a void in your life if you give it up. Find something else that makes you happy or fills up your time or engages your mind so you don't think about it so much.

Still tired, is there anything you specially noticed after reading with a psychic that was tapping into dark or negative energy?  I agree that I don’t think most of them who are in fact getting their information from a trickster source realize it.  It is unintentional, yet by reading with them, we give that other spirit (trickster or malevolent) permission to enter our sacred space and affect our spirit and our energy.  Other than feeling out of balance, more sick to my stomach, or just my intuition telling me something is off, I’m not sure how else to tell if the reader was accessing one of the base level spirits, one that is not concerned with our highest good and is if a dubious nature.

Offline honeydip

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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2020, 01:37:37 AM »
Is Yona Farrell the reader your speaking of in the post from UK??

I’m currently in recovery too. My readings got so out of control that I didn’t have money to buy my kids Christmas gifts or birthday presents. I felt terrible and exhausted my savings too. The only thing that helps me is going to church and prayer. I don’t know your belief or faith; but I stopped getting readings for three months last year while going to a place of worship consistently. Me and POI weren’t talking and things were very confusing. It was during a time that I would have called psychics a lot. Amazingly I didn’t and let things pay out naturally. Unfortunately, I stopped going to church and the binge started again. I had my most recent binge in December. I spent probably thousands from August to December. I told myself new year and quitting readings but I’ve already had four. This thing is tough to stop. I went to see a therapist last week and told her about my addiction. It helped a little. My advice is see a therapist and if your religious lean towards your faith. I think I may have one more with this Yona reader and that’s it.


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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2020, 02:09:59 AM »
The advice here is really good and I agree. Definitely close any platform accounts as soon as you are able to do so. I believe it keeps their energetic hooks in you and affects you telepathically to keep calling. As long as I had an account open on Keen it was like I felt magnetically drawn to call them and it brought bad energy into my home and surroundings. When I finally closed it for good all of that cleared away and I didn't feel the pull anymore. Learn to shield your energy from them. A lot of psychics hook into your solar plexus and it can take you off balance.

Prayer helps. That was probably what helped me the most to quit calling. I truly feel and believe I was in a spiritual battle and a dark force was trying to overtake my life. Some psychics are probably not bad people but they are naive and they don't test the spirits. They don't know what they are tapping into. You might get a lot of accurate information from them but when it really matters they turn out to be wrong.

Maybe part of the reason you are doing this is to even the score with your husband for cheating. I don't know but it is worth thinking about. I used to rationalize my calling by saying my ex hurt me so much so I am going to treat myself to this so I can feel better. There are lots of other things I could have done to be nice to myself. The important thing is to replace psychics with something else so you don't just feel a void in your life if you give it up. Find something else that makes you happy or fills up your time or engages your mind so you don't think about it so much.

Still tired, is there anything you specially noticed after reading with a psychic that was tapping into dark or negative energy?  I agree that I don’t think most of them who are in fact getting their information from a trickster source realize it.  It is unintentional, yet by reading with them, we give that other spirit (trickster or malevolent) permission to enter our sacred space and affect our spirit and our energy.  Other than feeling out of balance, more sick to my stomach, or just my intuition telling me something is off, I’m not sure how else to tell if the reader was accessing one of the base level spirits, one that is not concerned with our highest good and is if a dubious nature.

I would get a feeling like a dark cloud or fog sort of descended around me and filled the space. A strong feeling of being watched (not by the psychic but something else.) Sort of a feeling like when you notice someone with a bad attitude is watching you with a big ugly smirk on their face. I would feel suddenly scared or embarassed even though it didn't fit with how the psychic was treating me. Like they could be really nice but I still felt like there was someone or something projecting a malevolent energy. For a long time I thought that energy was just coming from my ex but as time went on I realized there was something else very distinctly watching me.

I would get really hard hits to my solar plexus, sort of like being punched in the gut or something twisting there. Also sometimes I got pounding third eye headaches.

One of the signs I noticed too was the psychic would start saying things that had a really sinister meaning to me, and they totally didn't realize it, it wasn't intentional. But it felt like someone was playing a nasty joke on me, like an inside joke that only I would understand. Sometimes there was a weird tone in the psychics voice when they said those things. I do believe most of them are truly unaware of what they are tapping in to.

It didn't happen with every psychic, for instance I never felt any of that with Melody Marie which is why I stuck with her for so long. But I did feel like so long as I kept my Keen account open, it kept a portal to all that darkness open in my home.

I also want to emphasize that accuracy or inaccuracy is probably not a good indicator of whether they are connected to something good or bad. The bad spirits like to gain your trust with accuracy and then pull the rug out from under you. I feel like they also try to block the connection with a good psychic so you don't get accurate information.

Thank you for sharing, still tired.  I can relate to much of what you’ve said.  It really is no joke and the trickster spirit can make you feel that you are losing your mind and tends to squash your self-worth.  The psychic can be incredibly kind, yet in the pit of your stomach you come away feeling like you are stuck in some hole in the dark, very small and very afraid or a paranoid feeling sets in. It’s not good and binging really exposes all of us to spirits that will not provide us with the peace we seek, but they enjoy causing strife and self-loathing.  Yeah, although I’m not inclined to get another reading for awhile, it may be a good idea to take an epsom salt bath with sage and lavender tonight. 

Offline russianred

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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2020, 02:52:18 AM »
Honestly, I didn't feel the negative vibes closing in on me. The negative feelings I've had have been from knowing how much money I'm spending. If I could afford it, I'd make a couple of calls a day. I can't though.

Offline naturegirl

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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2020, 04:50:24 AM »

I am in recovery.  I do still go on forum. bc I found talking to and reading others experiences , especially the negative, have helped me.

What helped me the most:

1. Directly addressing the issue I was calling about - for me that meant reaching out to POI for explantation, validation and if needed closure.  We remain in contact so not exactly closure but have come to some sort of understanding of where we are in this confusing world.

2.  Realizing that the readings I was getting on binges were low quality and I never trusted them enough hence the binge to seek confirmation.  finally I realized I felt AWFUL about how much money I spent - and for what?  I didnt know if I even believed the info OR WORSE - it was not something I DIDNT ALREADY KNOW.

3.  Spacing out my readings. When I decided to quit the platforms, I still booked some higher end "go to" big hitters. - and like many of the none bingers - I sought out "general readings only... this helped tremendously for 2 reasons:  1.  I had to WAIT for the readings. so it prepared me for breaking the cycle.  By WAITING I was able to break the cycle of "whenever I want I can talk to someone". that accessibility combined with money spent and inaccuracy or not trusting the readings (in truth how can readers who log on 12+ hours a day stay fresh and clear minded??) SO in short WAITING gave me pause to realize I could go without bingeing. and 2. It saved me MONEY!! bc I wasnt spending so much on so baby crappy readings.  so spacing them out. - I still was satiating the need to know, but doing it in a more clear and thought out way that made me WAIT between readings.

4.  Ultimately realizing there is no new info. that I NEED TO KNOW.  that I have my situation. that I can trust myself to raise my vibration to get into alignment with my highest good. trust that things are working out for me and that by relinquishing control the universe can work its magic.  That ultimately I know the answers to the why's and the how's and asking more people for input is only convoluting what I already know to b e true.   I dont have any interest in calling a reader.  at all.  I do like to read the stories on here and read about good readers in case in future I would -- but I am hoping to one day not even come on the forum.  but for now its like a guily pleasure of sorts and if I can. help someone overcome what I went through id be glad to.

I hope this helps you.  it really did work for me. I probably spent thousands since I started in May.  I never added it up but I feel l it was a lot.  it was easy to blow through 300-500 a week.  I really was someone calling 3-4 a day and hating myself after.

getting through to my issues and questions direct from the source helped the most but the biggest was also. spacing the readings out and petering them out slowly so as not to cut myself off cold turkey. I still had some positive and validating readings coming in. 

I have not had a reading since my reading with Yona last week nd that was booked in November.  I am excited to just things play out.

I wish you luck!!!! I would also probably confront the husband on the issues.

Great post, beachgal!

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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2020, 06:21:23 PM »
I have closed my accounts that I used the most. I’ve set up a reading with Yona for next month and I think that will be it for me. I’ve been anxious I’ve the last couple of days so I’ve had three reading (two of them pretty much said the same thing) and I decided to try leeloo for the one question for $10. I found keeping myself busy helps with the urge to contact someone. It’s when I have too much time on my hands that I get into trouble. Keeping my mind focused on things I need to get done has slowed down the urge.  I’ll pay off my credit cards and use them again. Smh I’m sorry you’re going through this. We are here whenever you need it.

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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2020, 12:15:44 AM »

3.  Spacing out my readings. When I decided to quit the platforms, I still booked some higher end "go to" big hitters. - and like many of the none bingers - I sought out "general readings only... this helped tremendously for 2 reasons:  1.  I had to WAIT for the readings. so it prepared me for breaking the cycle.  By WAITING I was able to break the cycle of "whenever I want I can talk to someone". that accessibility combined with money spent and inaccuracy or not trusting the readings (in truth how can readers who log on 12+ hours a day stay fresh and clear minded??) SO in short WAITING gave me pause to realize I could go without bingeing. and 2. It saved me MONEY!! bc I wasnt spending so much on so baby crappy readings.  so spacing them out. - I still was satiating the need to know, but doing it in a more clear and thought out way that made me WAIT between readings.

I totally agree with this.  I'm a non-binger who has consulted psychics for decades and had overwhelmingly good experiences.  Never went into debt, made multiple calls or any of that.  I rarely ever jumped on the flavor-of-the-month, and the few times I did, I was sorry. Nearly all failures have been when I needed to speak with someone right this minute.  I believe one good reading is worth 100 bad ones. 

One thing I do is keep a list of psychics I may want to try.  As time passes, I see how things go with other people and frankly 99% of them get crossed off my list eventually because the aren't actually psychic.  You have to know how to discern if someone is actually psychic. There are also people I've had on there for years and have never called. I just make a note like "consistently gets hits on employment/ job issues" so I have a better idea of who to call if I have a specific topic I need assistance on.  Be smart about who, why and when you call.  It's a tool to help you navigate and make better choices.

I truly believe that the clearer you are, the better the reading will be. By clear I mean you're in a good place mentally (I meditate twice a day), not desperate, not chasing something unhealthy, toxic  or just plain over, being open to answers you may not like and are proactive and realistic about your situation.  That means you participate in getting what you desire and you confront your own reality.  Nothing is set in stone. You can change your attitude and situation at any time. And the expectations a lot of you have for psychics is totally unrealistic.  No one is all seeing and all knowing.  They can only tell you what they get.  And frankly most of you aren't calling real psychics to begin with.

Blaming psychics and psychic lines for your actions is not taking responsibility for your situation, obsession, anxiety, whatever it is inside you that is encouraging you to make all those self-destructive calls.  You need to deal with whatever made you do it, and that's not I did it because it was a bad breakup, he cheated or any of those things.  Something made you not want to deal with your life, escape into a fantasy of he still loves me and will be back and give all your power away.  He's either coming back or he's not.  That is entirely up to him. Hearing about his new squeeze or how he misses you or anything really is not going to help you and it certainly won't change your situation. It's not healthy.   

Also, all the toxic encouragement around here about hanging on and there's still hope is not helping.  Think about it.  They are people with the exact same situation as you and the exact same problem and they are encouraging you to keep hanging on.  WTF.  It's like an alcoholic telling another AA member his problems and that person tells them to have a couple of drinks to deal with it.  They can't tell you maybe it's time you moved on because it would be too close to admitting that their person isn't coming back either.

When I do make a call, I wait and see how things pan out.  Could be 1 day, could be 3 years but I wait.  I don't keep calling back or start calling other psychics to get their opinion.  Nothing is ever 100%, but unless it's a very high accuracy rate for me personally, I won't ever call them again.

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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2020, 01:42:42 AM »
There is a lot in what you said was some good points, particularly this:
all the toxic encouragement around here about hanging on and there's still hope is not helping.

Even when members post about the S.O. treating them worse than any treatment is allowed, they still ask, should they hold on. Isn't it obvious there is nothing there? Is it hard for them to look back and see there probably was nothing there, to begin with?

I'm totally with you about spending a lot of money. I've never done this, plus I've never binged, but I still seek out readers. I read two to three times per month. I know to wait for all the glorious posts about readers people start posting about. I also have years of notes and I even go back to make follow up notes about the reader, how long I spoke to them, how much I spent, the site I called them on. I have great notes and refer to them often. There have been times I forgot I read with someone and failed to make a note about it and then remembered after I read with them again. And was again disappointed.

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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2020, 05:21:48 AM »
So I need help big time.  I think this is worse than when I quit smoking 16 years ago.  I’ve spent most of my life savings in this, over the last year and a bit.

It all started on iHoroscope, the chat readers on there.  I went on for just a general overview of what I might expect from my new budding relationship at the time.  No specific questions, just wanted to see what they would say.  In any case, the reader was dead on and right about everything and it was very similar to what I had heard in an person reading.  Because the reader was so good, I was intrigued and started asking other things, and soon he became my regular go-to.  He predicted everything that’s happened, my moving in with my husband, his feelings, us getting married, all of it.  But because it seemed so good to be true, I ended up trying to see if it was really accurate and asking other readers for a second and third opinion.  More and more of my money being wasted.

I ran up my credit cards, I took small loans, it’s been a disaster.  I’ve eaten up all of my savings over the last year because it seemed like I was talking to an old friend.  They really hook you.  Some of the things they say and ask and asking questions before your credits are finished makes you hungry to go back for more.  They kept telling me my husband was hiding something big from me, on his phone.  Which he was, he was having an online affair with someone which I learned about much later.  Needless to say I was devastated and wanted to know what would happen.  I was on daily and almost several times a day. 

My husband doesn’t know what I’ve done.  I can’t bring myself to tell him what I’ve done with all my money.  But I know he’s growing suspicious because he’s asked where all my money keeps going.  I need this to stop.  I don’t know what to do to control my urges to go on and talk to them.  Please help me and tell me what you’ve done if you’re in recovery.

I bought a deck of tarot cards and started learning and reading myself! Lol! And that aided in me completely stopping my psychic addiction with it. Now I speak to no psychics online and I was an advid binger. Meditate instead! Go for a run!! Delete your accounts! You can do this I am here for you! We are all here for you ❤️🙏🏽 Stay strong

It is not worth the mental strain, the lack of peace, confusion, and financial draining

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Re: Out of control and money
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2020, 05:25:57 AM »

I am in recovery.  I do still go on forum. bc I found talking to and reading others experiences , especially the negative, have helped me.

What helped me the most:

1. Directly addressing the issue I was calling about - for me that meant reaching out to POI for explantation, validation and if needed closure.  We remain in contact so not exactly closure but have come to some sort of understanding of where we are in this confusing world.

2.  Realizing that the readings I was getting on binges were low quality and I never trusted them enough hence the binge to seek confirmation.  finally I realized I felt AWFUL about how much money I spent - and for what?  I didnt know if I even believed the info OR WORSE - it was not something I DIDNT ALREADY KNOW.

3.  Spacing out my readings. When I decided to quit the platforms, I still booked some higher end "go to" big hitters. - and like many of the none bingers - I sought out "general readings only... this helped tremendously for 2 reasons:  1.  I had to WAIT for the readings. so it prepared me for breaking the cycle.  By WAITING I was able to break the cycle of "whenever I want I can talk to someone". that accessibility combined with money spent and inaccuracy or not trusting the readings (in truth how can readers who log on 12+ hours a day stay fresh and clear minded??) SO in short WAITING gave me pause to realize I could go without bingeing. and 2. It saved me MONEY!! bc I wasnt spending so much on so baby crappy readings.  so spacing them out. - I still was satiating the need to know, but doing it in a more clear and thought out way that made me WAIT between readings.

4.  Ultimately realizing there is no new info. that I NEED TO KNOW.  that I have my situation. that I can trust myself to raise my vibration to get into alignment with my highest good. trust that things are working out for me and that by relinquishing control the universe can work its magic.  That ultimately I know the answers to the why's and the how's and asking more people for input is only convoluting what I already know to b e true.   I dont have any interest in calling a reader.  at all.  I do like to read the stories on here and read about good readers in case in future I would -- but I am hoping to one day not even come on the forum.  but for now its like a guily pleasure of sorts and if I can. help someone overcome what I went through id be glad to.

I hope this helps you.  it really did work for me. I probably spent thousands since I started in May.  I never added it up but I feel l it was a lot.  it was easy to blow through 300-500 a week.  I really was someone calling 3-4 a day and hating myself after.

getting through to my issues and questions direct from the source helped the most but the biggest was also. spacing the readings out and petering them out slowly so as not to cut myself off cold turkey. I still had some positive and validating readings coming in. 

I have not had a reading since my reading with Yona last week nd that was booked in November.  I am excited to just things play out.

I wish you luck!!!! I would also probably confront the husband on the issues.

Aww I love this advice @beachgal!
Such positivity, thank you for sharing ❤️