Author Topic: LOA and the ex  (Read 7227 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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LOA and the ex
« on: June 30, 2020, 12:28:36 AM »
So after a reading with Loving Touch had suggested certain YouTube videos to watch.  One was for Shelly Ballard.  I was always under the impression that you needed to have high vibrations.   Well i came across this video by Shelly saying that you have to live in the outcome.  So according to her you shouldn't be dating anyone.  Would love to hear your thought.

I know there was a similar post on this but was wondering where those who practice LOA feel about this.

That's her explanation on this.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2020, 12:30:15 AM by Love2lovenj »

Offline Realrealwater

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Re: LOA and the ex
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2020, 12:50:29 AM »
Living in the end just means responding to your reality ike you already have it i.e.

Not hanging on to the fact they haven't called
Not freaking out if you haven’t heard from them
Not allowing your mind to go anywhere else besides your own reality should there be a third party
Not putting them on a pedestal

Think back to when you started dating - none of these things would be a huge deal. You were still happy& fine to see how things unfold


The best way to do this really is to really at peace with your life& yourself.
Higher vibes means its easier to think more positively but really it’s your beliefs that matter.

All you have to do is believe he will be back& know this to be true..... &get on with your life. Happy or sad if you believe with all your heart - it is yours.

Offline Realrealwater

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Re: LOA and the ex
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2020, 03:26:05 AM »
I agree with what real real water wrote

But ...Shelly At 0:55 she has disclaimer about this being advice for individualized, and her 3rd option she talks about why it could be good to date

So discernment is definitely needed! And I too am guilty of combining ideologies when it comes to manifestation

I personally love Shelly Bullard! She has clinical psychotherapy expertise plus manifestation. Her style is more about self love first and inner child work, with a foundation on Neville style. (And bich knows how to market her shit with payment plans!) I think her style though will talk you out of a specific someone if you don’t love yourself first.

So here is where I’m at with manifestation coaches on YouTube, there are many different styles... and I find I like the Neville Goddard derivates the most. The other style is Abraham/Esther Hicks and this is more this higher vibration vortex something...a then there are other like the people who wrote the secret. I feel these are main ones out there but I am guilty of mixing ideologies! And so do a lot of YouTube manifestation coaches. I don’t even feel like calling it LOA- cause it’s just different. However manifestation or LOA is NOT A COOKIE CUTTER ONE SIZE FITS ALL!!! So do watch a couple of videos first before you subscribe to their ideologies (also a good note for me, cause yeah a bunch of these people are in it for the money, such as manifest with jasmine, which I do like her videos too but no advice should cost more than thousands of dollars for cosmetic procedures)

I believe we have our own styles and language when it comes to manifesting. I also believe you can manifest when in anger, and when you’re assuming bad shit, you’re gonna get bad shit in return. So “higher vibration” doesn’t really matter.

I’d watch more of Shelly videos to get a taste of what she’s about.
I also like Amanda with create your own future, she is another one who also has therapy experience with her teaching... but again she gives just snippets.

I started to listen to some audiobooks written by Neville Goddard and its a rough to listen! It’s like listening to bible Sunday school pre sermon. But I do enjoy it because he quotes a lot of bible from Greek translation.

What do you mean about cosmetic procedures? 👀

Offline CancerBumble

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Re: LOA and the ex
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2020, 02:20:12 PM »
I re edited that post, forgot a few words... but I’m pretty sure the reason why it costs so much to get advice from jasmine is because she probably uses the money To pay for comedic procedures. She had a few videos where she’s admitted to it on her channel when she doesn’t show her face
She’s even admitted on her videos that she doesn’t want to show her face cause she had a “procedure” done. 😂
Then in one of her videos about dealing with high tolerance pain she admitted when getting “vampire injections” how the nurses commented how wow she has “a high tolerance for pain” 🎻 . Which Is A world of difference as this is pain is by choice and as painful as that sounds there also World of difference beauty versus the many other sufferings of the world. However she did say some good stuff in that video

Look I’m all for paying and creating the body and face you want, and believing to charge what you want as your worth- but it’s too rich for my blood!

I’ve also joined other threads and some commented about her being scammer in the sense of charging way too much for her services and that she looks nothing like her early videos 😂 😂 😂 . I do like a lot of her videos but I won’t pay that much to use her

Wait - people will just give me money for advice and I can pay for my botox with it?! Sign me up! This smooth forehead is expensive!  :P