Author Topic: Anyone up for one week pause?  (Read 19506 times)

Offline russianred

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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2020, 03:22:58 AM »
I made it to today... day 2. ..49hrs or whatever

The same muddled thoughts as before, but then started to re listen to illuminatingjoy on making lists of wins... and I’m working on that list. It helps. Again just lots of little moments of a feeling anxious and choice to either dwell on it, or just stop and do something else, to shift or not give in that further feeds anxiety

I've been doing a lot of acceptance-based work...
I try to accept that I don't understand my POI's actions and probably never will.
I try to accept that I feel anxiety.
I try to accept that I feel sad.

Fighting my emotions makes it even harder and sucks more energy... "I shouldn't feel sad," "I shouldn't feel anxious"... those kinds of statements in my brain just make everything worse.

I do feel sad, anxious, upset... and that's OK.


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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2020, 03:40:08 AM »
I made it to today... day 2. ..49hrs or whatever

The same muddled thoughts as before, but then started to re listen to illuminatingjoy on making lists of wins... and I’m working on that list. It helps. Again just lots of little moments of a feeling anxious and choice to either dwell on it, or just stop and do something else, to shift or not give in that further feeds anxiety

Great job!  I swear, the longer you go without getting a reading the better you will feel.  It really does get easier.

Offline russianred

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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2020, 11:30:01 PM »
I've still made some calls this week.  So much for my accountability having started this thread.  Not binging at least, but not what I want.  I still wanted to post this because I think it's important that we celebrate smaller victories and show some compassion with ourselves, too.

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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2020, 05:03:57 AM »
Working on day 4...
 I feel like after all the good I did yesterday I had an emotional tantrum, gave into intrigue and gave into drinking then sleeping the day. So new day today, just keep getting up. Have I called or chatted? ... sigh no. And that matters too! I am worth investing this time back into me.

Congrats!  A lot better than my week.

I didn't have a great evening.  I need to examine WHY I am calling before doing so.  Tonight I read with some people who were new to me, and the readings were just terrible. Absolutely no new information, the readers didn't even sound that into it.  Just throwing money away.  Pointless.  I don't feel any better or worse other than I'm upset at the money I just threw away today.  It's sickening.

Offline russianred

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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2020, 04:42:34 AM »
Oh gosh, no apologies necessary!

I'm glad that you are not calling and happy this thread helped you in a way.  Congrats!!

Today was a good day for me.  I came to terms with the amount of money I've been spending over the last couple of months and made a plan for paying it off.

I'm just done for a while calling readers who are new to me, even if this forum likes them.  I felt so sickened last night after I tried a few new people who just sucked for me despite their glowing reputations and reviews.  (Most didn't give negative predictions -- they just didn't feel in tune with anything.)

I'm OK with some calls to a very small handful of readers I already know I like.  I do benefit from the guidance of a select few.  But I need to reduce the amount of times I'm calling them and the duration of my calls.

The LOA stuff is great, I agree, I think mainly because it feels like we are releasing some of that need to control (which is why I get readings) and rather putting it into trust.

Offline russianred

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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2020, 04:26:16 AM »
You're doing great, Pink.  I had a good day too.  I don't know how any additional reading at this juncture is going to enhance my understanding of the situation.


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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2020, 01:36:37 PM »
you both are doing awesome!!! I was where you are not too long ago! I did not do well in my initial or even second time around "no reading months". but now I am SO much further than I thought was possible in the depths of my "using" of the advisors!!  you will get there!!

pink that is awesome about the work outs!! I am new into that too and I do love it for my mind

social media is such an evil thing isn't it?  that is the thing I am trying to break habit on too.  it's hard.  but I limit that a lot.  mostly bc I know POI checks to see when I'm on ... and sick as it is my ego "I'm so busy I dont have time to check in on. you" is driving this one.

I want to g et to where I dont GAF if he sees that I went on FB bc I'm literally in such a good place mentally that there's no games to have with myself...

but.. my progress on psychic is HUGE and I am grateful for that every day!  I know I can do anything and I am on the right track!!  each day a new day for progress in any area we are struggling! 

Offline russianred

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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2020, 08:15:01 PM »
It really is one day at a time with this.  I understand.

Still feeling no need for a reading.  To reaffirm this, I looked at my recent transactions in Keen.  Can't believe I spent almost $200 on a reading a few days ago with someone who is well-regarded that did NOTHING for me.  Felt no connection, positive prediction (but I don't trust predictions anyway, so what's the point), didn't do anything to make me feel more empowered.  Just threw that money away.  It makes me sick.

I'm pinching pennies until my my credit card statement window closes and it's all because of Keen.


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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2020, 09:50:50 PM »
I’m throwing all of my readings into the garbage.  I take notes.  Quite often, I read these notes.  A certain prediction made by Kisha kind of had my hopes up that a really awesome and motivated new guy was coming into my life. This guy loves traveling to beautiful beaches, he is very authentic and we will love this about each other.  We communicate wonderfully and we are both leaders and problem solvers. It just dawned on me that I think she was talking about my friend Nick, who I really don’t feel romantic towards.  I’m quite certain it’s Nick, actually.  Yeah, we do have the great relationship she predicted, and there is a mutual zest for life, I’m just not zesty about him in a romantic way.  Ugh.  Just so over all of this.

Offline Arigirl

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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2020, 09:55:18 PM »
I’m throwing all of my readings into the garbage.  I take notes.  Quite often, I read these notes.  A certain prediction made by Kisha kind of had my hopes up that a really awesome and motivated new guy was coming into my life. This guy loves traveling to beautiful beaches, he is very authentic and we will love this about each other.  We communicate wonderfully and we are both leaders and problem solvers. It just dawned on me that I think she was talking about my friend Nick, who I really don’t feel romantic towards.  I’m quite certain it’s Nick, actually.  Yeah, we do have the great relationship she predicted, and there is a mutual zest for life, I’m just not zesty about him in a romantic way.  Ugh.  Just so over all of this.

I don't know this for certain because my predictions haven't passed yet, but I do have an inkling that she mixes up people and might assign descriptions of one person to another. My hopes were crushed  by certain realizations recently too


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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2020, 10:06:49 PM »
I’m throwing all of my readings into the garbage.  I take notes.  Quite often, I read these notes.  A certain prediction made by Kisha kind of had my hopes up that a really awesome and motivated new guy was coming into my life. This guy loves traveling to beautiful beaches, he is very authentic and we will love this about each other.  We communicate wonderfully and we are both leaders and problem solvers. It just dawned on me that I think she was talking about my friend Nick, who I really don’t feel romantic towards.  I’m quite certain it’s Nick, actually.  Yeah, we do have the great relationship she predicted, and there is a mutual zest for life, I’m just not zesty about him in a romantic way.  Ugh.  Just so over all of this.

I don't know this for certain because my predictions haven't passed yet, but I do have an inkling that she mixes up people and might assign descriptions of one person to another. My hopes were crushed  by certain realizations recently too

Yeah.  This isn’t good.  At all.  I’m sorry you are going through this too.  It’s very annoying, because what she wrote in the e-mail reading is true, just not in the way she thought or had me thinking. :-(

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2020, 10:28:38 PM »
I’m throwing all of my readings into the garbage.  I take notes.  Quite often, I read these notes.  A certain prediction made by Kisha kind of had my hopes up that a really awesome and motivated new guy was coming into my life. This guy loves traveling to beautiful beaches, he is very authentic and we will love this about each other.  We communicate wonderfully and we are both leaders and problem solvers. It just dawned on me that I think she was talking about my friend Nick, who I really don’t feel romantic towards.  I’m quite certain it’s Nick, actually.  Yeah, we do have the great relationship she predicted, and there is a mutual zest for life, I’m just not zesty about him in a romantic way.  Ugh.  Just so over all of this.

I don't know this for certain because my predictions haven't passed yet, but I do have an inkling that she mixes up people and might assign descriptions of one person to another. My hopes were crushed  by certain realizations recently too

Yeah.  This isn’t good.  At all.  I’m sorry you are going through this too.  It’s very annoying, because what she wrote in the e-mail reading is true, just not in the way she thought or had me thinking. :-(

She's not good with love predictions. I only use her for career and non romantic relationships.

Offline russianred

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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2020, 03:42:24 AM »
Had another no reading day.

Sometimes a thought will enter into my mind -- if I don't call, then I won't KNOW.  But really, do I feel like I know what's going to happen because of the readings?  No, I don't.

Offline midwest60

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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2020, 03:52:19 AM »
One thing you may want to try is to find another means that can help you grow or provide new insight on your life challenges.  If you think about it, you have been calling psychics to fill you with peace of mind or knowledge about the future or a person. Trying to abstain from readings when you have had so much instruction and words from psychics is pretty much a cold turkey effect.  At some point, anyone would want to fill that void.  So, ask yourself, what is that void?  Is it satisfaction from someone else, POI?   I hope that doesn't sound preachy....I have been in your shoes and have found it really takes a project, hobby, or some type of quest to keep my readings at bay.   For me, the only reason I have called is out of anxiety and not necessarily to predict the future. If I can get a handle on the anxiety, then I can turn my direction and focus to accomplishing something else.  I hope that helps.

Offline midwest60

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Re: Anyone up for one week pause?
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2020, 04:17:48 AM »
Wow, Pinkemena!  That's fantastic that you have gone so long without a reading!  I admire your are stronger than you think you are. 

