When you say you call out of anxiety but not to predict the future, what do you mean by that? I'm so curious about all of our psychological experiences and how they relate to us getting readings.
I call out of anxiety, too... I call for reassurance that everything will be fine in the future with POI because I don't trust that it will be (and that I will be OK if it isn't), which stems from anxiety. Anxiety makes me want to be "on guard" so that I'm prepared for what is going to happen.
When I wrote that I call out of anxiety and not for the future I am referencing the need to have immediate reassurance over something when I know how everything will end. I have been in a waiting game at my work as the structure of the company is changing. I already know my job is safe but I have been anxiously waiting for 8 months to see if I will have more responsibility, etc. I can figure out that things will change, but I get anxious and impatient waiting for it all to unfold. Of course, after prayer and not calling psychics, everything unfolds just when I least expect it!
Midwest I can totally relate to how you feel. I too call because I am anxious though I have gotten better. I now get one or two readings every month or every other month but there are moments through the day that I get anxious and need reassurance that everything will be okay. My anxiety sometime is off the chain that I cant really think of a possible outcome I just automatically think negative because I am so anxious and I am expecting the worse. Yona has even picked this up about me several times and expressed that I am on track but part of me still feels anxious especially when I have to wait for things. I am still waiting on my promotion at work, I have taken my civil service test in September which means the scores is going to come out soon but the longer I wait the more anxious and impatient I get. I am also anxious about POI I keep thinking if he wants me he would have made a move even though he has expressed that he trying to find himself and balance in his life which was verified by Yona and Lady P but I keep thinking about other peoples situations and search the internet and I just get anxious that it will turnout bad and there's nothing bad really happening with POI and I . We talk every day and occasionally we have difference in opinions but he has been consistent with communication. I just still get anxious worrying about how long this is going to take, if he's going to go back to his (gf hes on a break with), if he is going to pick me, etc.