Author Topic: Has anyone read with Walter?  (Read 9967 times)

Offline optx888

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Has anyone read with Walter?
« on: July 17, 2014, 04:01:15 PM »
I'm just curious to know if anyone has read with Walter and if so, what was your experience with him?


Offline Bridgee

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Re: Has anyone read with Walter?
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2014, 05:39:48 PM »
I have read with Walter about 5 times.  I think he is a very compassionate and caring person but I cannot say that I was blown away by his psychic accuracy.  I called him shortly after he started with CP about my boyfriend and was accurate about the fact that my bf does not live too close to me and correct about whether he would contact me or not when we have had issues.   I also tried to contact my deceased mother through him and I cannot say that I felt that there was this feeling that there was a strong connection if any; whereas with Cosette she told me about my Mom.  She did not even have to ask me. 

I would say it is hit or miss with Walter but still worth trying while his rates are still low.  He is truly and kind hearted man with the best of intentions for those he reads for.  Hope this helps.

Offline GLK73

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Re: Has anyone read with Walter?
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2014, 12:54:43 AM »
I read with Walter this morning and once during the spring.  I'd say what he said during the spring ended up unfolding as he saw (unfortunately) and his confirmation prediction occurred from that reading, too.  The reading this morning was pretty positive so I was really happy all day, but I don't see how it's possible so soon.  We will see, though. 

I have not been reading much at all on CP these days, luckily.  It's super expensive and nothing was happening.  I used to love Ginger, but I think she really steered me in the wrong direction.  She was so comforting and reassuring but made a huge contribution to my whopping credit card balance!  If I'm feeling anxious now and open up the CP website, I no longer have the urge to call because there's really no one on trust on there.  That's a miracle in itself.  Lately, if I read on CP it's been with Reed or Colin (who I also am starting to think are off-base) Otherwise I've read with more people suggested here:  Yona (once), Elizabeth3, MsLisaM, Angeldust36.  I also tried out Tarotti.  I am hoping I can go a month without a reading - because it got way out of control.  The bottom line was I was involved with a very narcisstic (self-absorbed, uncaring)/alcoholic man who had no intention of ever changing.  Ugh. 

I've been doing a ton to work on myself this year, which has helped a lot.  I am realizing that I'm the one with the problem, so I'm trying to heal whatever is causing me to be attracted to the same type of guy. 

Offline optx888

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Re: Has anyone read with Walter?
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2014, 08:15:17 PM »
A friend of mine reads with Walter from time to time when she gets the urge.  She really likes him a lot and she said he has been very accurate with her.  I was curious at first, but I just can't go back to CP.  It is very very expensive and can definitely get out of control not just financially, but emotionally as well.  I haven't read with anyone on CP in a very very long time.  There are 2 people that I read with over the phone and one just so happens to be on CP...but I read with her privately and she has been pretty accurate. It is all just so frustrating.  I've basically lost all hope and all my focus is on only me.  If it happens, great.  If not, will still go on.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Has anyone read with Walter?
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2019, 02:45:09 PM »
I read with Walter today.  He took 7 minutes to explain nothing is happening in my love life and there's absolutely no reason for it.  The way he spoke was frustrating for me, it was like he was spinning his wheels to waste time.  He gave me a prediction for 3 months I'll update if it happens.  I would not use him again.

Offline Chelle9054

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Re: Has anyone read with Walter?
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2019, 03:17:18 PM »
I read with Walter today.  He took 7 minutes to explain nothing is happening in my love life and there's absolutely no reason for it.  The way he spoke was frustrating for me, it was like he was spinning his wheels to waste time.  He gave me a prediction for 3 months I'll update if it happens.  I would not use him again.
I agree with you. I asked for my $$ back on his reading. I cannot understand why he is so popular and always has a line. Maybe he’s a better medium?? Either way, he describes something about a belt buckle, and there would be a conversation in reference to it. That was over a year ago. Still not sure how that would have resonated with my person of interest, though.

Offline ToloYolo

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Re: Has anyone read with Walter?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2019, 06:51:12 PM »
I read with Walter twice. One reading was awesome. He seemed to know what he was talking about. Gave predictions for the month of November 2019, and even gave validations. He knew about water issues in my home.  The next reading he  talked about nothing the entire 10 minutes and gave no validations. Idk

Offline Joy

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Re: Has anyone read with Walter?
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2019, 04:32:15 PM »
I have read with Walter 3 times in the past 5 years. I have to say that he has some astonishing genuine skills, but boy does he mix people...

My first reading with him was in 2015. I was hoping that a guy I was really interested in would come to a three-day professional event I was attending. The event had already started and the guy was not there, but I had already scheduled this appointment (it is when I first discovered CP and I still thought that once you schedule, it is not refundable) and when the phone rang, I picked up. First thing I asked was if that guy would come to the event, because if Walter said he would, then there would be no point in hearing anything else, because the guy had not come. Duh! Walter said he was there, but I would not see him until that evening. OOkkk... I then asked something about my mom, which was my real major reason to seek prediction from a psychic. He did nail all I could validate, big time. He gave me two predictions about her and both have happened. The timing for the second one was somewhat off, but it really happened. I had enough time left to ask to go back to my romantic interest, as I thought I was supposed to use all minutes on this call. I told him I have doubts that guy is coming and just asked him to tell me, since he saw me meeting him that evening, what else he sees and where would this go. He told me in detail he sees the guy was really very interested and would find a way to talk to me alone. He said the guy would try to have coffee with me in 2 days and that he sees us sitting on some steps and chatting for a couple of hours. Then he said he sees a lot of daily correspondence exchanged in the next 2 months and at the end of that he sees a relationship and then he said something with very specific wording. He told me a couple of things about the guy's interests before my minutes ended. That evening, I did not see the guy I was asking about. I did not see him the following days or evenings either. He told me he couldn't make it. I did meet a few people that evening though. One of them tried to invite me for coffee two days later and even though I could not possibly imagine where there may be steps to sit on and chat away for a couple of hours, I ended up sitting on some steps chatting with this guy for 3 hours!!! He then sent me a Facebook invitation and a message. I responded and then he wrote back with another long message, and so on. He had to go to Europe so in the next two months we would exchange a bunch of messages daily. Oh, and less than a month after I met him, we started also talking on the phone (Walter had said that too). It did end in a romantic relationship. The few details Walter managed to give me about the guy before the call ended were so accurate, it was scary and a year into that relationship, I heard the guy say this very specific line Walter told me - word for word!

This relationship, however, did not last. After we broke up, I met another guy and we had barely started going out, when he pulled away. I found Walter again. I had to hang up this time, because I realized he was giving me super precise details about someone I knew, but not about the guy in question - Walter was clearly giving me information about my ex, even though we had been done for over half a year by then. Walter told me some very specific things about my ex and how he was moving on. All good, all fine, but I did not ask about the ex. There was a reason he was an ex at that point and I was not even dwelling on it at that time. Nothing about my POI.

I thought, oh, well, I guess I can only call a psychic if I am with someone and no other guy is interested in me or has any thoughts about me, or whatever it is that makes psychic mix people. At least this was my conclusion.

This summer, I called Walter again about my POI. I thought, ex has moved on, I am only interested in this one guy and have been for a few months now, what can go astray? Here I have to say that my POI is connected to a freelance project I did, but I have a full-time job. So, Walter did say the guy I was asking about was work-related. Then he said a few other things, one of which was how my guy had a depression (hence the next in a row pull away gig) and that he was at a very dark place and then gave me some doom and gloom from which I basically got depressed. Even told me about another girl in the picture that was his girlfriend and they were on and off (odd to say this stunned me and totally sent my heart sinking...) and this is also why he would pull away. Finally, Walter gave me a specific date. He said my guy was going to do something that day. He had marked it on his calendar and he was preparing something, he has left his girlfriend finally and I was going to hear from him that day, but also that it was "a very dark thing." I was so puzzled, confused, and I have to say that I was at "a very dark thing" spot after that call. Something did happen on the exact date Walter said. Someone had marked it in their calendar. It was not my guy. Thank God! A male colleague of mine ended his life. He had this date literally circled on the calendar and had planned the whole thing in advance. The guy had suffered depression for years. I talked to him that day just some regular few words in the office. I had no romantic interest in the guy whatsoever. He had left his girlfriend with whom they were on and off. We were not even that close. I wouldn't even say he was my friend. I hadn't even remotely thought of that guy before I called to ask about my guy.

So, this was my last call with Walter. I have to say he is amazing with these predictions. Hands down. The only problem is that I paid to hear about someone else. My heart wanted to hear and cared about someone else and his well-being and whereabouts.

I came back together with my guy. The story was that he had had financial difficulties for a while (had to relocate for a while -to his parents place...) and couldn't talk to me about it and didn't feel he was good enough until he fixed that. I had to pull this one from him because I was really upset. I guess that's a guy thing. That's the kind of thing that makes you want to smother a guy with kisses and kill him at the same time... He even admitted he sort of stalked me, because he was afraid I would move on, but felt embarrassed to explain to me he had to live with his parents for a while, because I would think of him as a loser. Honestly... So much for the few psychics that gave me all kinds of stories about other women (exes or new flings), my guy not being ready for a serious relationship (for what? not like I demanded anything at that stage) and only wanted casual relationships and that's where he was now - out and about doing one-nighters. I even heard, "Oh, he just got busy with work, honey. He'll be back when he is done with his work." (?!?)

Offline bstalling

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Re: Has anyone read with Walter?
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2019, 09:04:16 PM »
My best experiences with him has been his gift of mediumship. He knew some interesting details about me, but in general unreliable for predictions.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Has anyone read with Walter?
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2020, 02:02:50 AM »
I was really intrigued by him after reading these posts and managed to get a reading with him last night. I really like him and will absolutely be adding him to my list of top advisors..  When he was reading the topic I called about, he used this deeply artistic/captivating imagery to create analogies/interpret messages.  When describing how my ex showed up around me, he said I was a big tree in the middle of a field and my ex was slowly walking in circles around the tree as she held her hand out to touch it, only her hand was just shy of making contact with the tree. I was represented  as a tree because I was present but was too rooted/immobile so to speak to reach and out and actually touch her hand. 
He told me February second would be some sort of significant day for us but it had something to do with another person or another event that didn’t necessarily involve us.  Unsure of what that means. 
After telling me everything he saw about our situation, he spent a lot of time trying to pull as many validations out as he could to establish confidence in our connection.  He didn’t disappoint.  He got son very specific stuff. 
He’s a swell guy as well and seemed very genuinely motivated to be of help.  Very humble as well.  Really like the guy.