Ok so I am curious to know if anyone can comment on a few of the heavy hitters I have recently read with... I don't want to keep binging on reading and figured maybe you all can help me out...
I read with
Yona - such a sweet lady but I can see how it can be confusing I keep re-reading my notes, shadow card was magician (she said reinventing myself) and I am QOW... when she got to POI she described him down to hair color and eye color...she said timing is a bit off but we are a good couple and he is a good guy has feelings for me he just isn't romantically sophisticated and can be stubborn and set in his ways... she said she sees me getting other attention but I am very loyal and she sees us holding hands but that we both are not in a time for settling down and he isn't prioritizing the relationship but then saw the fertile card and said it is human so she can see me having a baby with him within the next year... she said there is a trust issue and i am let down which is a few months away, I defend my interest and he didn't think it through I need to let it go and he will reconnect passionately...sees a difficult patch he rejects idea and is always saying why things can't work but will share his doubts and fears "excuses" I need to tackle one at a time with him address and remove the fears one at a time, relationship sense she says I get what I want. There is another woman who shows interest in him and chases him and I will know about her but he would choose me. he thinks I am good company I am very what you see is what you get- then she sees a move re-locate but it is positive and there is a house i contemplate moving into not in a city center she sees water/nature/trees and again sees the shadow card magician 18 months changing growth maturity eating habits and feeling better. Outcome hard work achieving goals and can have a partnership - developing pair - connected. Molds and develops grow closer together- we are 3/4 of the way there - doesn't want to be trapped in a boring relationship I need to go with the flow... he will say let's get this place if i give him space and encouragement we live together naturally he needs to establish career first job/money and again fertility cards...
LEELOO distant "break" good energy - emotions/feelings an upsetting moment for him (awkward) he says that's not what I want in life - rethinks his relationships in general and I am collateral victim- wants to reconnect with me and he is worried about my connection with my ex-husband. unsure of life principle, good chance to make up there are 2 paths- 1 no contact from me and 1 with me contacting... (i contacted for help with electrical work - he is an electrician) no contact he will contact me bit of a pause, 2nd thoughts about it ... wouldn't know we were in contact- reconnection (intentions to let go) on and off for the rest of the year- NOV/DEC more bf like- 3/4 months of on and off periods of silence he is jealous/possessive and awkward doesn't want to express jealousy- thoughtful and reflective - he has admirer no danger to me... major event - cancellation of project - gather (concert/conference) wedding postponed or restrictions since covid... financial success 3 months - long term implications bigger income - salary increase. as per me and my ex-husband sees the negotiation/mediation I get what I want blockage/stubborn - much better not resentful and the relationship improves with detachment and peace (releases negativity) long time for healing and I could have possibility to make up with him as well up to me but divorce would happen anyways - it is for the best - back to bf another stage in life be with other people positive resolution-more together than before hildren (boy) more than 1 - not more than a year from now high chances to remarry 1st 36 pregnant before married .... 3 years to remarry but I have free will on that. Sept we go to wedding together (which we did, had a great time!) change date? something off more flexible - try to avoid issues with ex husband, bf is curious asks ?'s frustration for him/insecurities.
Jessica Rae - described how he looked to make sure we connected... got the number 45 but then said no way too young looking for 45... i should have confidence and stand back not done there is potential- been through a lot (me). then saw laptop and said not your bf looks like your ex husband with an empty glass defended holds onto his money (so him!) brown hair and brown eyes not like my guy light eyes darker hair... reassure me loss - property wait turn of wheel (not sure what this meant) March middle of next year not wanting to give me but will - ex bf- still thinks about me and reaching out - I shouldnt until I am confident in myself - wait a few weeks, reluctant. he said i really like this woman and reaches back out... not long/long term. 3-4 years friendship/relationship. move to a different place,not just a fling - positive. I help him grow up, he holds me in his heart- still present fondly towards me and it is me who ends things... good boundaries/emotionally healthy and present with me. withdraw for me to focus on me take care of myself when he reaches out reach back confidently. 5-6 weeks all about me moral/laid back... 3rd celebrating- 2 weeks if not sooner don't play games he is impatient - not used to waiting hits on his insecurity (prodding) he doesn't feel he is king of the castle because my ex has dad (man) stuff - which was validated we had a long talk about his dad not being there for him- renewal for me take care of me - 5 weeks focus on me - change my energy 5 days want to give him time to work on his stuff. week or 2 weeks without contact - after he reaches out (sincere) numbers 20 25 45, little management not a lot good person/steady this is good for both of us don't worry about stuff with ex husband march it will be settled... 80-85% coming back together and have children with him (bf) but it is unconventional and he is always around for kids. 40/41/42 life partner and more kids.... twins with bf? children become my priority bigger relationship lifelong 41/42 meet it is really good he is really good and rich much more certain and present (me)
Karen Jo -
Matilda - me constantly on the move, traveler (which i am!) lost with avenues of life right now this year difficult. rug pulled out from under me- partnerships. work i am in front of people, I am, movement around me- 2 relationships (she said without me asking about them) stress- i am nurturing when i need someone they let me down- friends and relationships- detriment of myself what i deserve my worth this week i have been questioning, promised me a lot? back tracked...bridge the gap for me and bf - showed me love, adoration and respect - intense early on - teach me what I need, deserve, and want. (18 months) - reality of situation, he is an over thinker. not as financially independent as me. large amount of insecurity. strong enough to wheather the storm when he needs it. no one else around him, immature (judgement in him) trapped, kids, financially *practical* allow him to move forward. 12 months me moving on- not him. qwuirky, fun I would get annoyed, sees a holiday NOv/Dec show him places i have been - he's studying. text early next week (week of 9/20). less I give the more I get... a lot in his head, stress /panic I fill the gap- my ability to nurture/heal/care- my ex hb divorce not until next year early Feb* divorce finalized I start questioning what I want I will be OK. change of heart about relationships change of careers? (Amanda) remember that name will help me - more physical career. put my happiness in other peoples hands. moving? growth year- boundaries. i put everyone else first. I want to feel #1 with someone - put me as priority. same intellectual level. he is judged by his mom? difficult- plan for December... he feels he is missing out on something, I am settling for what he has to offer. See more of us hanging out - go with the flow- 2 or 3 months Trip away. weekend or early next week, consistent respect, kids? close to 40. 5 years... next summer I meet someone, move quickly - be friends step away from him
Luke Andary - 2 years ago? age excuse, part of concern having trouble with commitment, extreme love and deep care... does want to be together, age gap is him not others communication not great... challenge shuts down with emotional issues - not the end (temporary breakup) introspective work, accept who we are let it go that I am out of his league he feels I am smarter/better looking my dynamic makes him uncomfortable. 80% is on him why it isn't working right now. speak up for what I want push further, don't let him off easy- he needs to fix things. I deserve to be treated the way I should be- repaired convo- long conversation, he opens up signs he is willing to change and improve. much smoother once we get back together, longevity and consistency. uncomfortable with feelings and emotions- I take the lead/reigns 10-20 years strongly hint- ease him into convo... feeling embarrassed he broke up with me communication opens up accepting he was wrong and connection more honest with himself and me.
Jeremiah - more coming in Nov/Dec 6 months to a year, (all about me) - ex hb doesn't ring my bell - immaturity. selfish ness- divorce me busier/happier/smoother- heart singing again. 2- reunite less than 30 days i would realize nothing has changed unhappy with myself. doesnt get it or take problems seriously - no intentions to make changes. bf- deep feelings/emotions- not in a good space for long term commitment doesn't want to fail, not over- working on things within 30 days perfect space good for each other, hearing from him very soon- my silence is creating more of a stir, before end of the week.i won't be disrespected even as friends- entertaining himself... grow and heal, not a bad guy - needs to participate more. wants something with a future- hedging his bet, not trying whore around. doesn't think i am playing him, far from over- growing closer together.
Veruska- he is there but not following through- likes his own freedom, wants to pursue me but not feel obligated. FWB- emotions- he cares about me personal issues in his life, lives at home. not financially stable - he will come around and see me, thinks i am beautiful and wholesome. he is scared of his own emotions, depressed. something good in the next month or so oct/nov... big project different location- next week he comes around- morals/resepct i need more time he will def come around
Golden Dawn Tarot- doesn't see committed reconciliation - he has hermit energy there is competitive female energy.. he is affectionate towards me, not putting effort in though he is distracted. be honest and stabilize him - he is surprised (surprising effect) me not reaching out- affection present, he has expected devotion and communication from me (within 10 days he will communicate) 10 days more likely than october. 8 of wands- slow coming- abrasive communication "where have you been?" i answer the phone works both ways- necessary - queen of wands him king of pentacles- realization/renewal more dependable (him) inconsistent action energy, doesn't want to sever or lose me- knight of wands- level up *friendship- (we always end up intimate so idk, i suck at being around him)... companionship w/o responsibility, he wants to explore options- settling knight of pentacles... 4 of wands (NOW) 8 of cups abandoning - the pursuit of relationships... page of cups, looking for experience he is a sweet person doesn't want to hurt anybody. energies towards me are well intended 3 of cups- "why don't we see where it goes?" starting over romantically...loosely defined- what can i do about it? Afraid I will abandon him. reboot (in person) ... i have young energy i can have commitment (not legal) legacy forward moving 10 of cups (family) empress - mother queen of swords - past- emporer outcome - committed- children on my path, motherhood energy. I am not moving forward when someone shows me who they really are... box up his things if i need and when he contacts me come pick them up when you want, definitive lines- be clear this is not what I am looking for I need temperance and strength. leave the door open let him walk through it, empress. If I delete him from all social media- it will hurt him deeply, i need to start healing. king of pentacles, temperance/strength/patience, rebirth of friendship. (this month mars is in retrograde) not completely cut him out, delete him shock him absolutely shock him. its a big dea emotionally for him- 10 of swords- rough energy... betrayal/pain/sorrow, stress/anxiety, not angry just questions what did i do? hermit, thinking dwelling result he will contact me be a better friend workable.... high level of attraction on both sides unless I have another partner or can be stubborn enough to not go there he sees me : happiness, physical intimacy- a lot of chemistry genuine warmth that is real. but regret after other woman competitive energy not active (not intimate) make decision in strength and clarity.
Chloe - reunion- back off
Donna - not over- worries/apologizes
Mattie - eclipse weekend, another girl don't be concerned- could turn head briefly...few drinks not the end, March, March birthday someone else steps in (his brother has a March birthday and keeps showing interest in me weirdly) age is just a number in the end, let him lead- fear... stormy phase (him) "i'm not in a hurry" 6hrs/days/weeks (says something odd) can't talk to anyone else like he can me, he's drinking with friends that novelty wears off, superficial friendships- recapture what we had, doesn't fit in the way he wants with people his age - asks ?'s panic i am moving on. I am in control- share time at my apt. marching (March) instant attraction - not gone, work it through he will come over out of the blue (old soul) wants to curl up watch a movie with a beer, turn around again walk in my direction. struggling with other stuff- happy with me he can be passive aggressive/jealous. friend undermines us upsets him, i am invited to something mom will like me, no dad around- introduced aug/sept cake/candles, 2 minds life/career 4-5 years good place, cooking coming together... (other girls, why ave a burger when you can have a steak) me and him have a physical drive, not ending unfinished business, comm. after 7/4 avoiding things, trust issues up front and honest with what bothers him. friends interfering, too many people talking and jealous, someone talking male/female jealous of relationship timing off 5-7 years
Moira - ADD freaks out- fear impulse, organic connection, scared what other people think and are saying. kids, right awat, loves me still... soul connection/age difference kids non negotiable- change his tune can and will work, impulsive - insecurities, my divorce he worries i might go back. sees a couple living together for us, patient with him... go on vacation get away (camping/glamping)2 men, 1 connected (owning/marriage) *my ex-husband... 1 dancing *red flags young- age gap, complicated things, ADD, high sexual energy between us, he is goofy/funny, embrace/run? kids? 10 or more age gap? jupiter expansion good luck 6 years first saturn married/kids? come back not gone- something got in his head, misses you and loves you pressure was on.
Leila - communication coming, not consistent, confused past/previous relationships- potential (back and forth) 1 1/2 months august much clearer/ consistency - acts like nothing has happened- 1st one to bring confusion person in picture- 2nd week of July contact next 2 weeks, all over the place plans? mid-July, long term potential, stubborn I need to be patient, 2nd week of July- change next few months job
Luna - problems female connecting to him from past who is domineering, desire for me attraction still there - grieving/discomfort, knows he made a mistake - head strong, trying to improve finances, body issues going on, can have him if I wanted- he has a negative influence around him- ego boost... radio silence i should go dating don't respond to him immediately give him a wake up call - unreliable i want to feel safe and secure exclusivity- show strength and respect- total positivity, i am exclusive and you aren't being - set clear boundaries
Tulsa - reaching out, anxiety around him (me) where things are going? i am not in a good place emotionally, he doesn't know what he wants but his arm is around me... friend/brother wants to talk to me- work related "celebration" reaching out to me- this was validated he told me he got a raise and i was the first person he told. not on the same page where relationship is going, not making plans- sort out career... legal issues/signing papers... connection (spiritual) he knows i am always going to be there, always be around. he isn't going anywhere, other males around him- brothers/friends, no females sees trips together and committed relationship - long term, communication stepped up
Lynn - mid august more communication (true) Oct- reconciliation - 4 of spring?
Micah - high priestess- projectory forward, me understanding i carry the relationship be patient 50/50 headed, settle down. he's on the path of his role in my life- 3 months better communication, he is unintentionally selfish/loner - good relationship, growth on his part(nurturing) me-giving, give him time 5 months or so, a few issues (distant) checks out mentally - not rude or mean just quiet checked out, we are headed toward the same place. insecurities and fear of rejection (him) testing me and my reaction when he "jokes" about other guys - gaging me, 5-6 months end of year good path forward, be patient for something solid, he does not have abusive behavior 5-6 months, important conversation mid July not cure all, back on track gets lost for words choked up let him lead convo. redirect if needed more listening from me, meaningful going to wedding together (we did) end of year next year dec-jan move in together (solidify) understanding where things are going. serious conversation (benchmarks) full oackage 5-6 months, moving forward run into wall again then coming back together sooner rather than later. Sept/Oct.
Lady P - sometimes wants the same thing as me, wonders why my divorce isnt final, uncertain of me- wobbly, deep feelings fearful, perhaps I could walk away from him? issues coming up, care feelings a lot more- 2 women 1 not involved maybe a mother he is very confused about me. wants to be with me, got into a real relationship and damaged everything (him) fearful he can't measure up spark of passion but what do i get? I am more set than him feels like he is a toy. blocks and controls feelings grows into his own person self esteem is low " i can't be with you" because he is scared, make him feel on same page, equal part. he protects his feelings don't tear myself down to build him up...he syas "you make a difference in my life" withdrew not left. not over me, still wants me trying to protect yourself but you can't teach him takes time hasn't established himself coming into your world, not easy, not impossible. running from his feelings. he wants baby steps, can't fake or be flawed with me, he observes me - excuses
Venus - taking things a day at a time, cautious, relationship confusion needs space, patience will move forward, tendency to overthink, worried about what may happen getting closer? wants to go slow, going through changes, not in a good space. a few months not trying his best until Dec. unstable coming to the wedding with me (he did) trying to create space, depends on me to make a hang out happen, try/hard 2 options make it happen around in circles playful with girls but nothing romantic or serious- more committed by the end of the year better next year. wants to explore all options at his age, wants attention let him - later work things out he is in love with me, potential by end of the year. I have other opportunities next year he would be surprised if I left sept-dec the "talk"
Anthony - chat transcript:
[13:32] Anthony : M and M? I do not feel you care for 1st M just bf m as far as this session is concerned. What is bf M's birthday as well as your own please?
[13:32] me : yes lol
[13:32] me : his DOB ...
[13:32] me : mine is ....
[13:33] Anthony : Wow very close birthdays. What would you like to know about M?
[13:33] Anthony : bf m i mean
[13:33] me : we have an age gap and i want to see what we have in store for out future
[13:34] Anthony : Thank you let me look at bf m and yourself

[13:37] Anthony : I see near silence right now. You were closer before but I see that bf m has slowed things down. He is waiting for something I feel it has to do with your ex husband which I feel means he is not yet your ex so I think a divorce. I feel that he is waiting for something to be final before he can become vulnerable to you. I do see that you will be together again but that it will still be at least a month maybe two until you are back together.
[13:38] me : makes total sense he pulled away and freaked out and it happened after a friend was talking about us splitting the house we share (my ex husband) and he just freaked
[13:38] me : and broke up with me, we have spoken and see each other from time to time but not like it was and i want to just get us back on track
[13:40] Anthony : its not the age gap. He likes the age gap. He likes dating an older woman. Even though you feel younger to me. He feels like the older one. Yes, I do feel that he loves you. I feel that he would rather do this than be vulnerable to you and the situation and find himself hurt. He does not believe talking will help him because he thinks you may tell him that you dont wish to stay in your marriage but that it will happen anyway.
[13:40] me : yes i have to get him out and about sometimes he would hang and watch movies all day and night with me lol
[13:41] me: do you see the divorce happening for me? i have told my bf M i have no plans to ever get back with my ex so many times
[13:41] Anthony : lol. bf M is a very simple guy. He is fine being home watching netflix lol
[13:42] me: yes that is him and I don't mind that but i miss seeing him every week we used to have friday night date night every week and since the breakup it just sucks
[13:43] me : he still has a key to my apt i told him if he is out at the bars he can always stop by do you see us seeing each other within the next few weeks even though we are still broken up?
[13:44] Anthony : I do see that you will be seeing each other again but I am not seeing that July is very likely. Not at this time. This can change through his free will but I feel that you are more likely to see him come August.
[13:44] Anthony : We are at time I am afraid.
Raynee - [13:01] Raynee : Thank you

What would you like to know? If there is a poi what is their name and birthday please?
[13:01] me : yes my POI m, DOB ...
[13:03] Raynee : Let me look at him though things feel really good but I see you are scared too... is he younger..?
[13:03] me : do we have a future... we have been so good and get along soooo well but we do have an age gap and I worry he needs to get over this
[13:03] me : yes lol
[13:03] me : funny i was just typing that!
[13:03] Raynee : That came right to me let me look at him tho

one moment please. No worries on time. Our timer has not started yet. I will let you know when it has

[13:04] Raynee : Okie lets begin

[13:05] me : we've known each other for 3 years but the past 2 mostly this past year has been so amazing and just recently he freaked out and we broke up, it's been a month and i talk to him and see him from time to time but i want him to want more and move forward with me.. i feel like it is always me initiating contact and seeing each other
[13:07] Raynee : What kind of gap if you dont mind? You dont need to tell me if u dont wish to.. I can tell u tho that I see that he kinda freaks out a little like what am I doing is this who im going to end up with this is still a married woman what if they get back together.. I see a lot of doubt on his mind and I see it on yours too sweetie because you dont know if you are with the right person or not. Okie so you initiating that happens because he knows that you will and he also doesnt know what you have going on so he lets you. If you didnt initiate at all honey he would totally initiate with you because he does have feelings for you so I dont want you to think he does but he doesnt know where this is going either so its like he kinda has this watch from a far thing going where he is seeing how things go but not letting himself really give himself over entirely does that make sense? But I do see that when your divorce is final and he sees that you are not going to be back to old m that you and new m are going to become much closer again. I feel that things became too good to the point where new m was thinking there is no way that things are going to stay like this .. like u said.. he freaked out...
[13:08] Raynee : Hes an oldddd soul tho
[13:08] Raynee : I see it
[13:08] me : but he is such an old soul and im weirdly young at heart
[13:08] me : ahhh we did it again haha i was just typing that
[13:09] Raynee : and u act wayyyyyyyy yo
[13:09] Raynee : we almost did again too
[13:09] Raynee : was typing and you act way younger lol
[13:09] me : haha
[13:09] Raynee : sorry
[13:09] me : no that's great because i feel it when we are together i sometimes push him to go out and do things he would sit home and watch movies all day and night with me
[13:09] Raynee : so the age thing its not a big deal you both look awesome together or at least i feel that you do when you go out .. hes kinda a homebody u kinda get him up moving n he needs that
[13:10] me : and normally the inconsistency would be cut off with anyone ive ever dated but i feel like we are just meant to be and i know he is young and i am his first love so im trying to be patient
[13:11] Raynee : Its funny because m was always a soulmate for you and you feel as if you married the wrong m but actually I feel that if you hadnt married old m you would not have been positioned in the universe to have met new m... everything happens for a reason. You think he is out of your life but I dont feel that way at all honey I feel that he pulled back but not for good. he thinks that you dont want a "kid" ...
[13:11] me : he came to my house and met my mom and brother, sister in law nieces and nephews the other day even though we are broken up still so i think he is finally seeing that my marriage is over and i am moving to get the divorce we are just finalizing a few things
[13:11] Raynee : He goes back and forth on those thoughts.
[13:12] me : i met him through my job that my ex husband got me actually
[13:12] Raynee : See? If not for having been married to old m then new m would have never been a possibility. I see that you and new m are getting back into a relationship fyi I know you wonder about this but I do see it. He has only taken a step back thats what I keep seeing here. taking a step back letting you do what you need to do
[13:13] me : do you see us getting back into a relationship? and him spending more time with me in the near future we always spent at least 1 or 2 days a week together he would come and stay over and with the "breakup" we haven't been doing that
[13:13] Raynee : I do honey I do see you getting back into a relationship together.
[13:14] me : yes i am refinancing my house i own with my husband, he came to it the other day and saw all the pictures and such are down of us and he met some of my family so he knows they know and i am moving towards the divorce
[13:15] Raynee : There is still a fear there. A fear that everything looks good and like it's a sure thing but he is protecting himself. The love is there that isn't a problem and I don't feel he takes you for granted either. What is happening here is he is protecting himself. That is what I see sweetheart.
[13:16] me : do you see more communication and time spent together this summer? do you see us moving in together at some point in the future? or me meeting his mom... i met his brothers and his mom knows about me and my age but i haven't met her
[13:17] me : he still has a key to my apartment and he goes out to all the bars i usually go to but we haven't ran into each other and he hasn't been asking me to go with him or anything like that and i want to start doing things together more but i don't want to push him
[13:17] Raynee : Communication that I am not seeing just yet I see that is going to remain sporadic but it will increase. When is your divorce expected to be final? I do see that you are going to move forward with new M and that you and him are going to be living together in the future. You meet his mother long before that happens.
[13:18] me : i want him to want to get back together have it be more on his terms
[13:18] Raynee : He does want to get back together. He is just being very cautious.
[13:18] me : we are finalizing the refinance hopefully this month and then we have to talk about divorce
[13:19] Raynee : The divorce is what he is waiting on
[13:19] me : we are separated and haven't been living together
[13:19] me : do you see that happening this year? and the refinance do you see that happening before August?
[13:20] Raynee : The refinance is going to be delayed I feel but by september it will happen.
[13:20] Raynee : The living together, I do not see this year, no.
[13:20] me : also do you see M my "bf" talking to other girls or looking to date other girls while we are broken up?
[13:21] Raynee : that can change but right now I am not seeing it sweetheart
[13:21] Raynee : I see that he talks to others as a distraction but not meeting up with anyone... but yes I do see that he has done that. I don't see recently though
[13:21] me : he has clothes here and a key but we never lived together he just would come and stay from time to time
[13:22] me : when is the next time you see us getting together face to face?
[13:22] Raynee : Face to face meeting I don't see this month i'm sorry to say but I do see that you will be spending time together again come late august mid september within that time frame. This month I am not seeing though
[13:22] me : is there anything i should watch out for or anyone?
[13:24] Raynee : Old m is a jealous and vindictive man. He will try and drag his feet if he hasn't already.. Don't let him but I feel that he would be the reason for the delay. For now what i want you to do is focus on getting your new job together and not put such an emphasis on new m because he does love you I see that and he will be back when he feels its safe to do so. Safe for him so he doesnt risk getting hurt.
[13:24] Raynee : We are at time sweetheart
Skye: saw reconnection as well, communication coming from him
Danielle - same
Queen of Cups - she also saw reconnection and I believe she said October too, I need to find the transcripts, I read with her Terry Mitchell and Michele, I can't find my chat transcripts
Cleopatra Divine - she sees he is connected to me (this was back in July...) like we know how it feels to be completely like each other. we are very in sync, same level of energy- feels equal. this is a relationship that can grow, sometimes he is not very active and i will see him pulling back. she didn't see it as over the energy is still stuck together, could be stable and make a good relationship. doesn't see he is actively looking to date anyone else, trying to move on but no matter what he does he still feels me. we broke up because he was pulling back and isn't ready for deeper committed relationship, he will want to make a beautiful connection with me again in the future, this will happen around November this year, end of NOV precisely timing is tricky. you nearly have no issues in the relationship, if i am patient he will be back, he still thinks about me a lot. doesn't see this is over, he will reach out again seeing the number 11, feels like 11 is important... then August reading... sees communication very soon and see each other, doesn't have a time frame but felt very soon, will talk more and understand more about things in the beginning he will still be a bit closed off. he was mean because he got overwhelmed, he has a lot happening not only with me makes him feel slammed. maybe work? (when we spoke he had been working non stop and overtime and was exhausted) but he will contact me again (which he did) ... sept reading... communication he is being judged by people around him he is sad and frustrated, hasn't opened up to me completely, he does really connect with me still thinks of me and energy still lingers there although there is distance. he is thinking about me and wants to be with me, my energy is always there with him. his lack of action right now is he is not ready to start again, connection is long lasting, he just isn't ready to start now again, but spirit is showing "fresh start" he is trying to move on he isn't sure this will work again he has constant pull to me and deep feelings so he is wanting to let go so he deals with it by going to dating apps for an escape, but he will not successfully move on. if he is with me he knows he needs to be ready for a relationship because i have expectations, dating apps he can feel free and fun, he respects me and wouldn't do that to me, he will be more active but not so soon, he is enjoying his freedom, it will take some time, but i do see him contacting you, he will contact you.
So if anyone has any advice or wants to pm me I can go over any psychic I have spoken with, all see genuine love and connection and something in the future but I am so tired at this point I don't know what to do. I love him very much but I am at a point of sadness and it isn't good for me.