Author Topic: New readers  (Read 14721 times)

Offline Aaron0326

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New readers
« on: January 06, 2020, 04:49:07 AM »
I guess the psychic source page on this website doesn’t get quite the traffic seen on the Keen side but im just wondering if anyone has updates or feedback on other psychic source readers not mentioned this far.  There seems to be quite a few not mentioned yet.

Offline Ash1234567

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Re: New readers
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2020, 05:00:06 AM »
I've read with quite a few - Tivon, Agnes, Vincent and Seraphina are the ones I can remember. Nothing they said came to pass, although Vincent didn't give me any predictions, just initials.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: New readers
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2020, 05:05:28 AM »
I've read with quite a few - Tivon, Agnes, Vincent and Seraphina are the ones I can remember. Nothing they said came to pass, although Vincent didn't give me any predictions, just initials.

That is disappointing..  we’re they all super correct on present? I’ve read with a few in psychic source recently who really knew their stuff.. but history has proven that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: New readers
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2020, 05:20:51 AM »
ive read with many on PS, thats the platform i started on. i read with many i lost count. ive also read with vincent, agnes and tivon. nothing they said came to pass. i know everyone has a different connection with each reader, but the readers on there who actually had predictions come to pass for me were irena and narnia

Irena was a funny one - spoke to her recently. She was quite accurate on things.  She gave me one of those predictions where you have to take particular actions(which I was hesitant to take) to manifest the prediction.  Narnia has a much different take on things.  Had a hard time validating her reading

Offline Yaris123

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Re: New readers
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2020, 01:05:16 PM »
I tried Leila a couple of times. Shes been pretty spot on about the present. She gave me a couple of predictions but they are still pending

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: New readers
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2020, 01:27:20 AM »
ive read with many on PS, thats the platform i started on. i read with many i lost count. ive also read with vincent, agnes and tivon. nothing they said came to pass. i know everyone has a different connection with each reader, but the readers on there who actually had predictions come to pass for me were irena and narnia

Irena was a funny one - spoke to her recently. She was quite accurate on things.  She gave me one of those predictions where you have to take particular actions(which I was hesitant to take) to manifest the prediction.  Narnia has a much different take on things.  Had a hard time validating her reading

narnia goes really deep in her readings, so i find that unless you know the person you are reading about really really well its hard to validate everything she says. my poi is my ex bf who i dated for years so a lot of what she was picking up was deep rooted stuff that i would have no way of knowing unless i dated him for as long as i did. i haven't read with her in a while tho so idk how accurate she is these days.

i really like irena bc she doesn't use tools and shes picked up a few really specific things about my poi that he later wound up validating, i just have to be careful about how often i read with her bc when i read with her too often her readings aren't as accurate (but i feel like that is the case with most people). shes a sweetheart tho

I tried Narnia and it’s funny you say that about her because I couldn’t really validate anything she was saying.  It was a very interesting reading. She gave me some predictions for a few months out.

Eliza:  tried her twice.  First time seemed kiinda too positive and general and then two days later she gave me a really harsh reading that seemed quite accurate.

Irena: lord she was intense.  Definitely had a gift and was really coming at me for the incompatibility between me and my poi.  Can’t say she was wrong to be honest.  Her advice was a bit out there. I will read with her again. 

Rheda:  She threw a crazy validation out there that knocked me off my feet but her reading was textbook fairy tale.  Weird.

Roxanne: saw sooo much amazing feedback everywhere about her and was excited to read with her today. No validations and about as textbook a fairy tale reading as they come.  She did give some pretty specific predictions this month so ill have to see.

Annaleigh:  wow.  Unbelievably gifted.  She spent 10-15 minutes just rattling off validation details until there was nothing left to Validate.. it was really crazy.  But then the heart of the reading ended up not really making sense.  It was an experience.

Shira : she does seem gifted but I Swear she was trying to make me feel bad or something. Almost seemed to root for my poi at one point.  Weird vibe from her

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: New readers
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2020, 01:38:43 AM »
I tried Leila a couple of times. Shes been pretty spot on about the present. She gave me a couple of predictions but they are still pending

I tried her as well.  I liked her.  Nothing super mind blowing but she made sense and her delivery was really great. 

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: New readers
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2020, 02:11:50 AM »
ive read with many on PS, thats the platform i started on. i read with many i lost count. ive also read with vincent, agnes and tivon. nothing they said came to pass. i know everyone has a different connection with each reader, but the readers on there who actually had predictions come to pass for me were irena and narnia

Irena was a funny one - spoke to her recently. She was quite accurate on things.  She gave me one of those predictions where you have to take particular actions(which I was hesitant to take) to manifest the prediction.  Narnia has a much different take on things.  Had a hard time validating her reading

narnia goes really deep in her readings, so i find that unless you know the person you are reading about really really well its hard to validate everything she says. my poi is my ex bf who i dated for years so a lot of what she was picking up was deep rooted stuff that i would have no way of knowing unless i dated him for as long as i did. i haven't read with her in a while tho so idk how accurate she is these days.

i really like irena bc she doesn't use tools and shes picked up a few really specific things about my poi that he later wound up validating, i just have to be careful about how often i read with her bc when i read with her too often her readings aren't as accurate (but i feel like that is the case with most people). shes a sweetheart tho

I tried Narnia and it’s funny you say that about her because I couldn’t really validate anything she was saying.  It was a very interesting reading. She gave me some predictions for a few months out.

Eliza:  tried her twice.  First time seemed kiinda too positive and general and then two days later she gave me a really harsh reading that seemed quite accurate.

Irena: lord she was intense.  Definitely had a gift and was really coming at me for the incompatibility between me and my poi.  Can’t say she was wrong to be honest.  Her advice was a bit out there. I will read with her again. 

Rheda:  She threw a crazy validation out there that knocked me off my feet but her reading was textbook fairy tale.  Weird.

Roxanne: saw sooo much amazing feedback everywhere about her and was excited to read with her today. No validations and about as textbook a fairy tale reading as they come.  She did give some pretty specific predictions this month so ill have to see.

Annaleigh:  wow.  Unbelievably gifted.  She spent 10-15 minutes just rattling off validation details until there was nothing left to Validate.. it was really crazy.  But then the heart of the reading ended up not really making sense.  It was an experience.

Shira : she does seem gifted but I Swear she was trying to make me feel bad or something. Almost seemed to root for my poi at one point.  Weird vibe from her

yea narnia goes really deep. but i read with her for a few months and she gave me a time frame that she never changed or pushed out and it happened. she also gave me specific dates for contact that wound up coming to pass. so those predictions she made for you might very well happen.

i read with rheda once a while ago and she was really sweet but i can't really remember what predictions she gave me. but the read was at least a year ago and i've since taken her off my favorites so i guess that means nothing happened that she predicted.

did anaaleigh contradict within the reading? ive never read with her but i always kept her in the back of my mind to read with if i wanted to try someone new.

Wow that’s impressive on Narnia.   You’re making me want to go re read my transcript with her. 

So rheda was talking about my ex girlfriend/poi and validated her like this: “I see a fair skinned brunette in scrubs but she’s not a nurse.  She wears a white coat like a doctor but it’s much shorter.”  My girlfriend and I are both medical students and sure enough, med student white coats are short.  That was crazy impressive. I have a hard time believing the rest unfortunately.

She didn’t contradict herself, she just gave a really odd reason for the breakup and for a low likelihood of reconciliation. She says my ex loves me very much and is experiencing the same things I am but feels like she can’t do anything about it because her father is very controlling of her life and insists she waits until finishing her training before any of that.  It was much more nuanced but that’s more or less the reason Annaleigh gave.  I have an incredibly hard time believing that knowing my ex and considering the reasons she explicitly gave for ending the relationship.

The only reader who has nailed every aspect I know of in my relationship and breakup is abundant visions on thirdeyelive

Offline Jenjen

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Re: New readers
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2020, 06:36:36 PM »
I have done so many reads on Psychic Source and I have my favs.
 Annaleigh is tops for me very gifted!
Bonnie is also one of my favs.
Irene is good and calm.

I could keep going...I have decided to quit many fakes...

Keep on keeping on with ps. Good online place for instant access to a reader.

Offline Jellybean123

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Re: New readers
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2020, 06:54:55 PM »
I would say Narnia was the one who predicted how December and January would go, she was dead on. Only one I will read with on PS now.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: New readers
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2020, 08:09:16 PM »
I would say Narnia was the one who predicted how December and January would go, she was dead on. Only one I will read with on PS now.

Narnia has read twice for me now but I just don’t really understand what it is she’s telling me.  It’s cryptic almost.  Weird thing is, i feel like she knows something I don’t know and I can’t explain why.

Offline Jenjen

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Re: New readers
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2020, 08:14:22 PM »
Narnia....Araron , that is so interesting...tell more! Please.

Offline Jellybean123

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Re: New readers
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2020, 08:25:08 PM »
I would say Narnia was the one who predicted how December and January would go, she was dead on. Only one I will read with on PS now.

Narnia has read twice for me now but I just don’t really understand what it is she’s telling me.  It’s cryptic almost.  Weird thing is, i feel like she knows something I don’t know and I can’t explain why.

Ouu that is interesting! Like a secret?

Offline Jenjen

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Re: New readers
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2020, 08:34:24 PM »
Really...I love revealing secrets....

Offline Jenjen

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Re: New readers
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2020, 08:35:49 PM »
Hey have a I do. :) :) :)

I would say Narnia was the one who predicted how December and January would go, she was dead on. Only one I will read with on PS now.

Narnia has read twice for me now but I just don’t really understand what it is she’s telling me.  It’s cryptic almost.  Weird thing is, i feel like she knows something I don’t know and I can’t explain why.

Ouu that is interesting! Like a secret?