Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics
Please help my addiction to psychics...
Are you staying strong today? I am so far. Feel free to DM me if you need support.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation :'( it sounds awful. Like you I have been going through a difficult time with someone who I love but can't seem to maintain a healthy relationship with. We are so connect and like best friends. But he has commitment fear and everytime the conversation comes up he runs saying he doesn't want to date me. But when we are together he can't leave me in the friend zone and makes things seem great between us until serving else he wants to play with comes along. Long story short I'm stuck on a psychic binge to, to try and fix the pain I'm feeling about it. I have predication s for the end of this week that has given me much hope (likely false) I'm dreading the disappointment if he doesn't contact me. It's crazy how hopeful and reliant we become on these readings and how even after disappointment we still keep coming back like they have the answer. I agree it is definately convenience and being able to talk to someone right when you want.
I'm sorry, cake. Again, if our relationships were healthy, we wouldn't be tempted to binge. I am white knuckling it through today. I keep looking at people I'd like to call, then telling myself that no matter what the person says, positive or negative, I am not going to feel any better.
Sorry to hear about your situation cake...crossing fingers for your prediction end of week!
RussianRed...sigh...couldn't make it through the day without calling 3 of them... >:(
Please wish me luck for tomorrow...
Hey I’m with you. We can talk anytime need help too been battling this addiction since 2010.
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