Author Topic: Please help my addiction to psychics...  (Read 8036 times)

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Please help my addiction to psychics...
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2020, 08:11:05 PM »
PAnewbie, njlady's post above is going to sound like some tough medicine, and it is -- we all know what it's like to hurt and mourn someone who's left, to hope and wish it's not over, to hang on too long even after we know it is -- but it's all really good and sound advice, and I hope you take it to heart.

Sending you love and courage.

Offline russianred

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Re: Please help my addiction to psychics...
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2020, 03:09:35 AM »
Hey guys

Stay strong!!! I also usually read with the same readers and I don’t try new readers. When my addiction began I would go crazy and try new readers everyday. It’s interesting that most people who have struggled with this for a while say they only have a few readers they talk to vs newbies that read with multiple psychics. It’s still unhealthy because I tend to have moments of binge reading with the same reader. For example, I will read with the same reader daily and sometimes ask small things unrelated to POI. By the time I look up I’ve spent 60 on one reader in three days. It’s tricky for sure. I haven’t had a reading in two days simply because I didn’t have the funds. I’m promising myself that I will not get a reading with my paycheck on Friday. That’s another issue every time I get paid or a lump sum of money I get readings instead of saving it smh

$60 on one reader in three days?  Sadly, $60 in one day sounds pretty good for me right now.  I just removed the credit cards from my Keen account so that I will have to draw directly from my bank account to talk in the future.

Offline PAnewbie

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Re: Please help my addiction to psychics...
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2020, 05:33:39 AM »
Thanks njlady and journalmuse for your input and words of encouragement.

To njlady...agree with what you said.  The "emotional investment" that you speak's very true.  It would always be the same thing...he would take me for granted and then leave...and then return promising that each time he was ready to commit...only to do a 180 again.  And I would take him back each time because I had invested so much of myself and my life for him - moved my kids to be with him, invested my life savings into a house he wanted, and turned against family who didn't really want me with him.  I guess the reason I would call CP was that his "coming and going" was a pattern, so over the last 4 months, I thought if he just comes back one more time, I would do things differently.  When he finally came around to propose to me, I just foolishly thought he was just a slow learner, and he finally had the courage to take the next step forward.  I guess he just wasn't ready as he thought.  I pray I have the strength you had to just walk away after 12 years...

Many thanks again...

Letting go

Offline devangk3

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Re: Please help my addiction to psychics...
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2020, 02:13:33 AM »
I had this addiction since August 2019, went into negative balance, max out cards and so on

The only way to cure this addiction which worked for me is 3 ways

1) Think that whatever you want is happening but imagine you are creating an obstacle in the energy to go-ahead and manifest because when psychics tell you the timeframe and outcome it becomes expected and outcome pushes further and may prevent it from happening

2) I used to message 5-6 Psychics in a day from work in the washroom, lunch in the evening, had so much anxiety if someone says the outcome not wanted to hear I used to call others till I get to hear what I want and after a while I feel an urge to message someone again, the only way it can be stopped is reducing frequency of messaging them from 5 I went to 3, 2 and 1 per day followed by 1 in 2 days till I got controlled and stopped

3) Delete app if you calling from the phone

Been there done that

Hope it helps !!

Offline LayaLove

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Re: Please help my addiction to psychics...
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2020, 08:19:13 AM »
I just deleted my keen account today. I mean seriously talk to literally every psychic. All the recommended ones as well. Im feeling better.