Author Topic: Reflective Vent  (Read 1870 times)

Offline Aaron0326

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Reflective Vent
« on: December 25, 2019, 03:06:19 AM »
My relationships with psychics started in 2013.  A toxic two year relationship had just ended but instead of grasping the clear and positive reality of it being over, I clung to it.  Made the unfortunate mistake of stumbling on keen at that time and it was off to the races.  For the next three months I constantly called psychics.  It didn’t take long to realize most were BS but I got enough hits and hope to begin leaning on the phone calls. The girl came back but the relationship ended soon after.  Thank god my psychic career was over..  not.
Fast forward two years.  I meet this awesome girl and boy did we hit it off.  Until she started giving me the cold shoulder.  The writing was on the wall but I asked psychics anyway.  Another torturous and expensive marathon of phone calls only to find out this girl was not sticking around.  By this time I realized some of the “accurate” readings I had in my first go round were probably luck because most readers say the SO is coming back.
Fast forward another two years and I’m head over heels for my new girlfriend.  The stars were in Line.  This was seriously something special.  Vastly different life views got in the way and then she started giving me the shoulder.   Back to psychics.  This one particularly sucked because a lot of readers knew so many unique things about us.  Surely, those readers had to have a good grip on the outcome? Very few said we wouldn’t get back together.  I tried to ignore the few who did, the correct ones.  That was a tough time..
Almost on the heels of that relationship ending comes another relationship.  This one is different because I’m not 100 percent about it at first but I get the feeling maybe she isn’t either.  Things were rocky at times but Suddenly I have a change of heart and I realize this girl is really special.  Never experienced this before.  I dedicate myself to changing the momentum of the relationship - I knew she needed to see that from me -  and it seemed to be working great.  Until it didn’t. She broke things off because too little too late? honestly I don’t know if it’s because of my actions/sins of omission or because she just didn’t want to be there.  Geeze I am torn up about this one. For the past two weeks I’m back on a bender.  What’s killing me about this one is that there are two scenarios that both seem just as likely - one being that even if I did everything perfect the end result would have been the same(I really wasn’t a bad boyfriend, just not perfect). The other scenario is that I did too much damage /not enough for too long and she felt she had to walk.  My readers have been segregating into these two camps and it’s killing me.  Some really good readers are telling me it wasn’t really me, it was her.  That my ex always runs after 6 months.  That she doesn’t want a bf.  That she was talking to her ex for the last month.  The other camp says she misses me and didn’t want to break up but she felt I had given her no choice.  The latter of course is the camp that is saying we will reconcile.  What am I benefitting from this? Anxiety, confusion, lack of direction.  I’m ping ponging between feeling very hopeful and in despair over it.  The confusion leads to more readings.

How did I find myself here? Why do I do continue to do this to myself?  I shouldn’t have to do this at this point in my life.. hell I should be better at maintaining a relationship by now..  I should be stronger.  I shoulder be more patient and have more self control.  But here I am complaining that literal phone psychics suck at predicting a picturesque future for me after I have thrown my circumstances through the ringer.  How silly.  I guess I just needed to get this out.  Thanks.. or maybe sorry haha.