Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > The Polls
Who read the best for you in 2019?
--- Quote from: Crystal1211 on September 13, 2020, 01:41:15 PM ---Yona Farrell
Cleopatra Divine
--- End quote ---
Interesting mix. I like yona but her timing so bad for me. Matilda constantly nails everything for me or about 85%. cleopatra is ok but I always feel under pressure with time with her.
I’d say Matilda then Leanne then yona. But that’s just for me. Everyone works differently.
1. psychic Will
2. Yona
3. Leanne Haliburton
Recently I've had so much stuff happen that Psychic Will has told me. some from 18 months ago and some from reading this year.
on outcome/feelings. - cookie
on outcome/how things would unfold - kisha
outcome/exactly how POI would react - Rachel Marie(bitwine)
What is Rachel Marie's bitwine name? I can't seem to find her
Dreamescape23 - P:
I believe it is just Rachel Marie. She is rarely on I read with her once and that was it.
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