Author Topic: Hello Everyone....Newbie here  (Read 3185 times)

Offline Piggynose

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Hello Everyone....Newbie here
« on: December 07, 2019, 01:18:56 PM »
I wanted to make my first post here

I’m new to the forum but not new to readings. I’ve been getting readings since I was in my twenties. I’m in my forties now. I know psychics are real. I had a local psychic that I used for many years until she passed away. She only needed your name and she used tarot. She predicted a marriage for me and my son. She would give very specific details. For example, she told me when and how I would meet my future husband and gave me his initials and that he wore a uniform. My last reading with her before she passed away, she correctly predicted my divorce. She could read many many years out.

After she passed, I was eager to find someone as good as her but, unfortunately, I have not. I found this forum and I’ve tried the big hitters. Some small predictions have passed but my big love predictions have not. I’ve spent thousands of dollars. I had readings with four of the big hitters right before I was diagnosed with breast cancer and none of them picked that up.  Now, I wasn’t expecting them to tell me “ you’re going to be diagnosed with breast cancer in the next couple of months” but I wished they had said something like you’re going to get a health scare or you’re about to start seeing a lot of doctors or you’re about to go bald headed lol ...Maybe I’m wrong for expecting that but I was disappointed that no one picked up on any of that. I haven’t lost faith completely. I’m still waiting on some future predictions, so I hope that those will pass and that I can find just one person that works for me.

I’m so glad I found this forum and I want to thank everyone that has shared their experiences with the rest of us. I have been reading this forum a long time and it has saved me lots of money! lol

Thank you for reading my story and I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Hello Everyone....Newbie here
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2019, 04:09:06 PM »
Im so sorry about your diagnosis. I had a reading with Diosa and she said I would be focused on family Nov/Dec which made sense to me due to the holidays. Turns out my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer that has spread and my daughter also has a health issue. So yes, I am very focused on family - but I thought the prediction was going to be something fun lol

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Hello Everyone....Newbie here
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2019, 05:19:01 PM »
Thank you so much and I’m sending prayers for your Mom and daughter. I can totally relate to your statement. I’m sorry that it’s not something fun. I’ve read with Cookie before and she’s mentioned how I would change my hair and weight. This time, she didn’t mention anything and my look has changed dramatically lol I also had a 10 prediction reading with Leanne and she didn’t mention anything health related. It was a tremendous shock when I got my diagnosis but we caught it early and my treatments are working.

Offline jas

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Re: Hello Everyone....Newbie here
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2019, 09:40:54 PM »
Hi and Welcome - like you, I also had a local who I ready with once every three years.  He was good, actually he was great!  I could list the many, many predictions that came to fruition but I won't.  He also passed away.  I was lucky to find someone that works for readings only.  I have been talking to her for over ten years.  She has a thread on here with mixed reviews - not too many have tried her. 

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I hope you also find that person that works for you.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Hello Everyone....Newbie here
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2019, 09:57:00 PM »
Thank you Jas.  Would you be kind enough to pm me the person’s name? Maybe this person will work for me  :)

Offline Freefinally

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Re: Hello Everyone....Newbie here
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2019, 02:02:01 AM »
I just want to chime in...I had a reading with a local psychic 20 years ago or so.  She predicted my jobs, how my marriage would be if I stayed married and had kids with eventual many many things. I remember she recorded the reading for me but I can’t find it and I can’t remember the other things she said...nor can I remember who she was. I would love to find her again to see what she sees for this next chapter in my life...

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Hello Everyone....Newbie here
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2019, 03:34:28 PM »
I hope that you remember who that reader was and that you’re able to get another reading.  It seems that the local readers are better than the online ones. I miss my local reader and I wish she was still with us.

Offline Jeninmd2

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Re: Hello Everyone....Newbie here
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2019, 05:16:41 PM »
I wanted to make my first post here

I’m new to the forum but not new to readings. I’ve been getting readings since I was in my twenties. I’m in my forties now. I know psychics are real. I had a local psychic that I used for many years until she passed away. She only needed your name and she used tarot. She predicted a marriage for me and my son. She would give very specific details. For example, she told me when and how I would meet my future husband and gave me his initials and that he wore a uniform. My last reading with her before she passed away, she correctly predicted my divorce. She could read many many years out.

After she passed, I was eager to find someone as good as her but, unfortunately, I have not. I found this forum and I’ve tried the big hitters. Some small predictions have passed but my big love predictions have not. I’ve spent thousands of dollars. I had readings with four of the big hitters right before I was diagnosed with breast cancer and none of them picked that up.  Now, I wasn’t expecting them to tell me “ you’re going to be diagnosed with breast cancer in the next couple of months” but I wished they had said something like you’re going to get a health scare or you’re about to start seeing a lot of doctors or you’re about to go bald headed lol ...Maybe I’m wrong for expecting that but I was disappointed that no one picked up on any of that. I haven’t lost faith completely. I’m still waiting on some future predictions, so I hope that those will pass and that I can find just one person that works for me.

I’m so glad I found this forum and I want to thank everyone that has shared their experiences with the rest of us. I have been reading this forum a long time and it has saved me lots of money! lol

Thank you for reading my story and I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Hi and welcome, Piggynose!! 

I found myself in the same situation recently with no one giving me anything remotely close to a clear prediction of a major life-disrupting health event that was and still is an ongoing thing with me this year.  The closest was Yona who saw a doctor's appointment/medical tests and some dramatic cards following it, but she never mentioned which dramatic cards and didn't necessarily think the drama was linked to medical issues either, plus she only thought the drama would last a few months but it's been over 6 months now and I'm not sure when it will end.  I know she specifically does not like to read on health so doesn't tend to say things unless the cards tell her she has to, so who knows if she saw other details that she didn't tell me about.  Other than Yona, Leanne delivered a reading the day I was having a surgery and the first thing she picked up on was that I was feeling very unwell - but prior readings had no mention of any sort of medical event coming up for me and there were no extra details about the surgery or the complications that are still plaguing me in that particular reading either.  Other general and specific readings I have had focused mainly on my love life and a particular POI, so that's kind of my fault for steering them in that direction and I guess I don't expect any other types of events to be mentioned if I just ask what's coming up for my POI and I, although the repercussions of the medical issues did just cause me to cut things off with him recently, and I don't think anyone predicted such an abrupt ending there either.

All in all, the way things went down for me this year regarding my health left me pretty blindsided as well, so I can totally sympathize...Like you, I haven't lost faith completely yet either, but am a little disappointed.  Sometimes I feel like maybe it was something I just wasn't supposed to know about in advance, idk.  My only consolation is that having some predictions consistently come through with some of the better readers over the years has given me a sense that there is a reason why things happen in life, sort of like a destiny, and I try to tell myself there is a reason we are all going through whatever situations we are all in right now.   Hearing your story about the amazing predictions the reader you once had who passed away reinforces that belief.

In any case, welcome again to the forum, hope you are doing well, and best of luck to you in your search to find a reader who works accurately and consistently for you!!  Looking forward to your future posts! :)

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Hello Everyone....Newbie here
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2019, 05:52:22 PM »
Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I’m so sorry that you are also going through health issues. I sincerely hope that those issues will get resolved soon. I’m hoping that 2020 will be a better year and I wish that for you as well!

