Author Topic: Manifesting  (Read 128815 times)

Offline ES1281

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #75 on: January 04, 2020, 02:46:03 AM »
you guys seem to know what youre talking about so ill let you talk amongst yourselves. im done with this stupidity. I have better things to focus my energy on. toodles.

You sound very white.

I just think LoA is a bunch of bunk. Some of us were born on this earth where we have been viciously hated and attacked for the color of our skin or our religious beliefs. I think it's ridiculous to say that these things were manifested because of some negative thought patterns.

ummm -- seriously?   did you just say you sound very white?  that's a very racist statement FYI!   there was nothing racist at all about her comment - lets keep the discussion non-racial, you brought race and religion, not her!  not acceptable!  last i checked she's allowed to be any color on this forum....

Lol right, sure.

You can't talk about LoA and how it's amazing and it works for everyone and those it doesn't work for just has negative beliefs without acknowledging the very real world that exists.

LoA reeks of privilege and 95% of the people out here preaching it and coaching it and writing the books are privileged beyond belief just due to the circumstances of their births.

Oprah Winfrey is Black.

Offline Arigirl

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #76 on: January 04, 2020, 12:52:28 PM »
In ycyor philosophy the basic idea is that creating your own reality is what everyone naturally does whether they are aware of it or not. It's not necessarily something you do on purpose to attract or manifest specific things, it's just how life works. The idea is that each person has deep reasons for creating what they choose to experience (value fulfillment) and creating only positive or desirable outcomes typically doesn't satisfy that. Manifesting sometimes falls flat for people because they are actually working against their own value fulfillment. For instance, you might want to manifest help or collaboration on a project, but if you have a deep need to know that you are achieving it through your own efforts, you will probably either block that manifestation, sabotage it, or simply lose interest in it after you get what you want.

In ycyor circles I heard it said many times that a person who is having a difficult experience could choose to change it, that they could even manifest instant healing or transformation, but doing so would probably defeat the purpose of why they created it in the first place. If the person went to the trouble to create that, they have some reason for doing so, which they may not know how to fulfill any other way. And eventually, when that purpose is fulfilled, they gain understanding from it and naturally move on to a different experience.

The way to deliberately alter that experience would be to understand the deeper reasons why you choose to have it, by examining your beliefs. But this process starts with the basic premise that you DO choose your experience...even if you don't totally understand the mechanism of how/why you are choosing it. It's an acceptance that you do choose it somehow, and because you are choosing it, you can choose differently. It's not always easy to accept the idea that you create your experience, and sometimes it could be downright horrifying, yet to accept it opens up the possibility that you can create something different.

Manifestation practices tend to focus on the outcome of creating something different, rather than looking at the underlying beliefs and values that you are already using to form your experience. It works well when you want to manifest things or situations that are already in line with those deeper beliefs, but it's trickier when your beliefs are in conflict. Beliefs in this context are not so much what we say or think we believe, but our most fundamental assumptions about the nature of life, ideas that often rest unquestioned because they are presumed to be a truth.

This is the part of loa that I'm conflicted on and don't necessarily believe. I do believe that we have the power to react to the cards we've been dealt in some instances and this can affect how we move forward through life-- but some things are out of our control individually. Going back to some previous comments in this thread, I know some people who were born with severe disabilities, I know people who were born in bad circumstances beyond their control,  I know people who face hardship nearly everday of their lives because of systematic issues that are out of their hands (opression, discrimination, etc.)--I really struggle to believe they created this reality for themselves. If a child was born with a severe birth defect that causes them to pass away hours after birth, did they manifest their own passing? Did it's mother, or father or siblings? In what ways do other people's thoughts, intentions, manifestations, etc. affect our own thoughts, intentions, and manifestations? These are honestly rhetorical questions that I intend to research more when I have the time

Offline ES1281

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #77 on: January 04, 2020, 04:44:39 PM »
In ycyor philosophy the basic idea is that creating your own reality is what everyone naturally does whether they are aware of it or not. It's not necessarily something you do on purpose to attract or manifest specific things, it's just how life works. The idea is that each person has deep reasons for creating what they choose to experience (value fulfillment) and creating only positive or desirable outcomes typically doesn't satisfy that. Manifesting sometimes falls flat for people because they are actually working against their own value fulfillment. For instance, you might want to manifest help or collaboration on a project, but if you have a deep need to know that you are achieving it through your own efforts, you will probably either block that manifestation, sabotage it, or simply lose interest in it after you get what you want.

In ycyor circles I heard it said many times that a person who is having a difficult experience could choose to change it, that they could even manifest instant healing or transformation, but doing so would probably defeat the purpose of why they created it in the first place. If the person went to the trouble to create that, they have some reason for doing so, which they may not know how to fulfill any other way. And eventually, when that purpose is fulfilled, they gain understanding from it and naturally move on to a different experience.

The way to deliberately alter that experience would be to understand the deeper reasons why you choose to have it, by examining your beliefs. But this process starts with the basic premise that you DO choose your experience...even if you don't totally understand the mechanism of how/why you are choosing it. It's an acceptance that you do choose it somehow, and because you are choosing it, you can choose differently. It's not always easy to accept the idea that you create your experience, and sometimes it could be downright horrifying, yet to accept it opens up the possibility that you can create something different.

Manifestation practices tend to focus on the outcome of creating something different, rather than looking at the underlying beliefs and values that you are already using to form your experience. It works well when you want to manifest things or situations that are already in line with those deeper beliefs, but it's trickier when your beliefs are in conflict. Beliefs in this context are not so much what we say or think we believe, but our most fundamental assumptions about the nature of life, ideas that often rest unquestioned because they are presumed to be a truth.

This is the part of loa that I'm conflicted on and don't necessarily believe. I do believe that we have the power to react to the cards we've been dealt in some instances and this can affect how we move forward through life-- but some things are out of our control individually. Going back to some previous comments in this thread, I know some people who were born with severe disabilities, I know people who were born in bad circumstances beyond their control,  I know people who face hardship nearly everday of their lives because of systematic issues that are out of their hands (opression, discrimination, etc.)--I really struggle to believe they created this reality for themselves. If a child was born with a severe birth defect that causes them to pass away hours after birth, did they manifest their own passing? Did it's mother, or father or siblings? In what ways do other people's thoughts, intentions, manifestations, etc. affect our own thoughts, intentions, and manifestations? These are honestly rhetorical questions that I intend to research more when I have the time

There is birth plan we born from a certain race certain family, certain people to encounter, certain things to learn.
Based on the setting, we can make changes with our own creation power.
If we have stronger belief, we even can alter the plan.

If you read Doroles Cannon's(Hypnotherapist) book you will find it out.

Offline ES1281

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #78 on: January 04, 2020, 04:47:45 PM »
you guys seem to know what youre talking about so ill let you talk amongst yourselves. im done with this stupidity. I have better things to focus my energy on. toodles. im done with this forum. its a toxic wastebin. im out.

Hughug ladya, sending love to you.

Offline Star_01

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #79 on: January 06, 2020, 06:28:11 AM »
I don't think that the comments posted saying that we can choose to let trauma overtake us are fair. We can't control how trauma will affect us. Sorry for any potential triggers but this is a serious discussion.. Is a rape victim supposed to overcome their traumas and issues from their ordeal? Some people are stuck in trauma. We aren't all these spiritual law attraction turned gurus. Some people just have very bad luck in life and whenever they are happy things go wrong for them and they keep getting knocked down. I firmly believe that your childhood defines you at least in small ways. I have an experience to post, but it is so long. I just don't think it's right when people say that we need to not let trauma stunt our growth, do you all not think people want to be happy better people after their horrific abuse and traumas?

Offline Star_01

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #80 on: January 06, 2020, 06:45:36 AM »
I agree with some of the previous comments on here, by the way. My childhood has shaped me into who I am, and the events which have happened. If a child has a bad childhood and people go around saying that in their adulthood they manifest negative things because of their mindset, how is that the adult's fault? The adult can't control what happened in their childhood to make them who they are now. I could have therapy and be in a better place, but I had not a great childhood I'll be honest and I'll never be 100%, ever. I'll always be a little shy or have confidence issues and what I've found is with law of attraction or manifesting it stressed me even more because I felt at fault for having low confidence but I couldn't help feeling that way. Like other comments have said - do people who get cancer get it because of their negativity, or children starve and die because they didn't manifest thinking about food?

I've "let go" of multiple men and they still did not come back to me or magically influence them to have feelings for me and be happily ever after. Some things you cannot control no matter what. Every single one of us on this forum has an ex we wouldn't take back for a million dollars for various reasons, yet people are saying we can manifest anyone we want back. There was a reader I spoke to who told me that people who die of cancer young is because they have such negativity in them it grows like a mould would in themselves. Scary..

Sorry but I've had a completely different experience to others on here.

I've been in a really happy, confident content place and met some arseholes in my life, and a LOA coach told me that it's because I still have underlying issues from my childhood. Then literally next sentence she told me that I'll never be perfect and 100% from my traumas as nobody is and I can improve but don't expect to be perfectly happy and confident in myself as naturally anybody will never get over traumas completely. I found LOA contradictory and I couldn't win. People get really defensive over it and there's always an excuse for it. I think we are dealt with what we have and we cannot control it. We can't force an ex to love us and come back, we can't go through life dancing on hills and thinking it's all rainbows and flowers and I can hand on heart say I've met nasty evil people when I was in a good place and they came and wrecked things for me.

I actually find the more negative I am about things the more they turn out in my favour. The more I hold out a hope for things, more often than not - the outcome is not in my favour. As an example I'm talking to a guy and the more I think things will go well between us and he seems great for me, it doesn't work out and he turns out to be a dick. If I'm laid back with a guy and don't put too much hope into the situation with him the more unexpected I feel the more things seem to progress.

If I've been invited to a party and I get excited, the person cancels it for whatever reason. If I have the mindset that the party may not happen and act "not so bothered" about it, the party happens. Positive thinking has only worked for me in terms of it's healthy instead of being so negative all of the time.

Hi Star, please take my apology first because I may make you upset.

I've read some of your post and I actually thought you must had a bad childhood.
I know you are around 20 years old? You are already reading for years for multiple exes, which means you may had some attachment issue...

[I've been in a really happy, confident content place and met some arseholes in my life, and a LOA coach told me that it's because I still have underlying issues from my childhood.]
>A real happy confident self respective woman will not invite any assholes into their life.
They will walk away immedeately when they find some red flags, they don't make excuse.

I assume you do a self healing that will help you on identifying a good man or a jerk, because you must deserve the best man to treat you right.

My best friend had a bad childhood, her mom was self observed and her father was violent.
She is a very beautiful girl but was bullied at school, she always dated somebody didn't treat her right.
At the same time she is a very independent girl, but she has attachment issue.

She is working on self healing now to wait for being ready for a good relationship.

I highly reccomend that, I think what you need is not yet praticing LOA but make a base to be ready to attract something positive.
What is deeper on your mind( As Ladya said your dominant belief) is negative, so if you start to make changes here,your manifestation will be something positive.

Right.... so by this logic you're all saying what?

That the sweet innocent child who doesn't know any better manifested all of the shitty things that happened to them and affected the rest of their lives because of limiting negative beliefs?

Or is manifestation and LoA just some magic potion and power that kicks in in adulthood? *insert eye roll emoji here*

Yeah, I'm not even gonna reply to the above user. Abuse can happen to anybody, I've known really happy women who had good upbringings get involved with guys who abused them slowly and grinded down their confidence. Abusers are very clever and manipulative, I've heard that line get tossed out so much that it only happens to people with low self esteem or people who are low in esteem get attracted to abusers. If a child has a shitty childhood then of course when they become an adult they always will carry things from their childhood (their most important learning years of their life) into their adulthood. People who believe in LOA I respect that for whatever reason it works for them or they believe it, but they know my beliefs on it and LOA preachers aren't perfect either. Nobody is. We all are humans and some things are out of our control. I've had experiences to prove that things are out of our control and set in stone.

Offline ES1281

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #81 on: January 06, 2020, 07:44:39 AM »
I don't think that the comments posted saying that we can choose to let trauma overtake us are fair. We can't control how trauma will affect us. Sorry for any potential triggers but this is a serious discussion.. Is a rape victim supposed to overcome their traumas and issues from their ordeal? Some people are stuck in trauma. We aren't all these spiritual law attraction turned gurus. Some people just have very bad luck in life and whenever they are happy things go wrong for them and they keep getting knocked down. I firmly believe that your childhood defines you at least in small ways. I have an experience to post, but it is so long. I just don't think it's right when people say that we need to not let trauma stunt our growth, do you all not think people want to be happy better people after their horrific abuse and traumas?

Hi star, we can work on ourself let go the trauma or be with somebody adores us to heal our childhood trauma.

It is totally not fair to have childhood trauma, how dare those adults did such things to a small kid?
I think so' too.

But this is what it is. Then people will chose either way to deal with it.
You may chose the other way is there going to be somebody show up and treat you that good then help you to heal.

But I understand you.
And I don't think LOA is necessary. We were talking about LOA simply because this is LOA thread.

I wasn't saying you are wrong.
I wish you'll have everything you want.

And one last thing I'd say is,

>happy women who had good upbringings get involved with guys who abused them slowly and grinded down their confidence

If they got abused once and they left, then good, if they allow the guys abuse them twice, or even further, it's their fault.
No matter the abussive men is whatever clever, don't allow them to do it. Don't allow a jerk to take them down.

Offline Star_01

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #82 on: January 06, 2020, 12:32:59 PM »
I don't think that the comments posted saying that we can choose to let trauma overtake us are fair. We can't control how trauma will affect us. Sorry for any potential triggers but this is a serious discussion.. Is a rape victim supposed to overcome their traumas and issues from their ordeal? Some people are stuck in trauma. We aren't all these spiritual law attraction turned gurus. Some people just have very bad luck in life and whenever they are happy things go wrong for them and they keep getting knocked down. I firmly believe that your childhood defines you at least in small ways. I have an experience to post, but it is so long. I just don't think it's right when people say that we need to not let trauma stunt our growth, do you all not think people want to be happy better people after their horrific abuse and traumas?

Hi star, we can work on ourself let go the trauma or be with somebody adores us to heal our childhood trauma.

It is totally not fair to have childhood trauma, how dare those adults did such things to a small kid?
I think so' too.

But this is what it is. Then people will chose either way to deal with it.
You may chose the other way is there going to be somebody show up and treat you that good then help you to heal.

But I understand you.
And I don't think LOA is necessary. We were talking about LOA simply because this is LOA thread.

I wasn't saying you are wrong.
I wish you'll have everything you want.

And one last thing I'd say is,

>happy women who had good upbringings get involved with guys who abused them slowly and grinded down their confidence

If they got abused once and they left, then good, if they allow the guys abuse them twice, or even further, it's their fault.
No matter the abussive men is whatever clever, don't allow them to do it. Don't allow a jerk to take them down.

I don't believe in LOA, I've had firsthand experiences and I (like you), do believe things are set in stone. I do hope that you respect my beliefs, and thanks for not being so forceful as other members can be. I respect you are a huge advocate of law of attraction and manifesting and that it has worked for you, the thing is you can put 20 people in a room. Some will have proof of free will (that no fate, no manifesting can ultimately change an outcome because people can do what they wish and people's actions are out of their control), fate (no matter what, the outcome will happen without being altered), or LOA. People will always have their own experiences and beliefs.

LadyA has been very forceful with her beliefs in the past and pushed them on to me, yet when people asked her questions or their opinions differ to hers the other day, she flounces off of the forum in a huff and deletes her account calling this forum garbage. Not very LOA behaviour.

Offline ES1281

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #83 on: January 06, 2020, 12:56:59 PM »
I don't think that the comments posted saying that we can choose to let trauma overtake us are fair. We can't control how trauma will affect us. Sorry for any potential triggers but this is a serious discussion.. Is a rape victim supposed to overcome their traumas and issues from their ordeal? Some people are stuck in trauma. We aren't all these spiritual law attraction turned gurus. Some people just have very bad luck in life and whenever they are happy things go wrong for them and they keep getting knocked down. I firmly believe that your childhood defines you at least in small ways. I have an experience to post, but it is so long. I just don't think it's right when people say that we need to not let trauma stunt our growth, do you all not think people want to be happy better people after their horrific abuse and traumas?

Hi star, we can work on ourself let go the trauma or be with somebody adores us to heal our childhood trauma.

It is totally not fair to have childhood trauma, how dare those adults did such things to a small kid?
I think so' too.

But this is what it is. Then people will chose either way to deal with it.
You may chose the other way is there going to be somebody show up and treat you that good then help you to heal.

But I understand you.
And I don't think LOA is necessary. We were talking about LOA simply because this is LOA thread.

I wasn't saying you are wrong.
I wish you'll have everything you want.

And one last thing I'd say is,

>happy women who had good upbringings get involved with guys who abused them slowly and grinded down their confidence

If they got abused once and they left, then good, if they allow the guys abuse them twice, or even further, it's their fault.
No matter the abussive men is whatever clever, don't allow them to do it. Don't allow a jerk to take them down.

I don't believe in LOA, I've had firsthand experiences and I (like you), do believe things are set in stone. I do hope that you respect my beliefs, and thanks for not being so forceful as other members can be. I respect you are a huge advocate of law of attraction and manifesting and that it has worked for you, the thing is you can put 20 people in a room. Some will have proof of free will (that no fate, no manifesting can ultimately change an outcome because people can do what they wish and people's actions are out of their control), fate (no matter what, the outcome will happen without being altered), or LOA. People will always have their own experiences and beliefs.

LadyA has been very forceful with her beliefs in the past and pushed them on to me, yet when people asked her questions or their opinions differ to hers the other day, she flounces off of the forum in a huff and deletes her account calling this forum garbage. Not very LOA behaviour.

Hi Star, thanks for your reply.
I'm glad that you understand I respenct you don't believe in LOA.

I have attracted something really good and also something reaaalllyyy bad.(Like losing loads of money etc...almost lost job etc...just terrible...)So I worked on my belief.  but anyway...this is for us believers.
I believe in LOA and also believe in fate, something set in stone, we all have our beliefs, as long as we will get where we want to go, I think life can be great!

And Ladya I have talked to her from massaging she was a great person, I think she truly believe LOA(And did worked for her really well:)  will bring good to your life so she seemed a little bit forceful.

Big hug to you and I wish all the best to you! :)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2020, 01:06:57 PM by ES1281 »

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #84 on: January 06, 2020, 09:27:30 PM »
I agree with some of this too. Being too forceful with your views won't get you anywhere. It 's just an example of you feeling you are right and everyone else is wrong.

I don't understand why some things work for some people and some things don't. Life has always been that way. I was getting acupuncture once and I mentioned to the rep how it works greats for me and then I asked why she wasn't seeing more people. She told me point blank it didn't work for some people or they were not receptive to it for one reason or another. It doesn't mean anyone else is wrong, it just means they need to find another alternative until something does work for them.  The same with LOA and I was very into it in the beginning but that petered off after months of trying once I found that it was not as effective as it should have been.

Offline Star_01

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #85 on: January 07, 2020, 11:37:59 AM »
I agree with some of this too. Being too forceful with your views won't get you anywhere. It 's just an example of you feeling you are right and everyone else is wrong.

I don't understand why some things work for some people and some things don't. Life has always been that way. I was getting acupuncture once and I mentioned to the rep how it works greats for me and then I asked why she wasn't seeing more people. She told me point blank it didn't work for some people or they were not receptive to it for one reason or another. It doesn't mean anyone else is wrong, it just means they need to find another alternative until something does work for them.  The same with LOA and I was very into it in the beginning but that petered off after months of trying once I found that it was not as effective as it should have been.

Yeeaahh. I don't get why and how people have varied experiences. If LOA, free will and fate entertwine, or the universe tricks us on purpose to keep us on our feet wondering, but who knows.

Offline ES1281

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #86 on: January 07, 2020, 11:04:21 PM »
And one last thing I'd say is,

>happy women who had good upbringings get involved with guys who abused them slowly and grinded down their confidence

If they got abused once and they left, then good, if they allow the guys abuse them twice, or even further, it's their fault.
No matter the abussive men is whatever clever, don't allow them to do it. Don't allow a jerk to take them down.

Abusive behavior is the fault of the abuser no matter how many times it happens. Abusers often gaslight their victims so they don't have the strength or clarity of mind to walk away. Narcissistic abuse is especially indisidious because it gradually erodes a person's sense of self and can take a long time to recognize the behavior for what it is. Abusers tend to slowly test or push the boundaries to see what they can get away with. There is no 'once' or 'twice' it's more like slowly turning the heat up.

Hi Still Tired, I think when you are aware it, it becomes the 'twice', it doesn't count.
My parents are abusers it took me years and years to know it.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #87 on: January 08, 2020, 05:33:36 AM »
Oh yes I totally understand this because so many things that work for other people do not help me at all and vice versa. I have always thought about trying acupuncture but I have a feeling it would be really wrong for me.

Sometimes people get really gung ho about things that work for them and they believe it would be good for anyone. Or else they think if you tried it and it didn't work for you then you must be doing it wrong. That's been a common attitude here about LOA and also about psychic readings.

I believe the main purpose of life is that we individuate from source energy and that's why we all have such different experiences. It develops individuality and trust in self. Ultimately no matter what works for others, all you can do is go with what works for you. It isn't always easy to find it but the process of finding it helps us trust ourselves more.
Absolutely, great points.

Offline JAG20

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #88 on: January 19, 2020, 09:37:37 PM »
I'm beginning to believe that fate versus manifesting and free will all link in and some times we have a choice of any of them. My aunt was homeless for a while and stayed at a long term pal's house who was really creepy from the off, she knew him for years but staying at his till she found some where found he was so controlling with her, wanting to know what shopping she got or where she was going to and who she was seeing. One night they had a huge row cuz he was complaining at her, and she snapped and went off to bed to leave them space, she had a dream that night that he came in to her room and grabbed her by the neck, and she woke up real freaked out, my aunt messaged a pal about it and she had the same dream that my aunt got grabbed and hurt by this dude, and woke up the same time as my aunt. She technically exercised her free will, decided to leave, and stay at her pals, and leave the creepy dude's place.

My dad was driving home one day from work, and off the bat he decided to go in to the grocery shop on the way home for no real reason, not planning on getting any thing in paticular. There was a DUI that sped down the highway and crashed in to another car, and killed the poor driver, if my dad hadn't had this decision to go grocery shopping, he may have died that day and maybe it was some sort of fate he did? Who knows? There's a thread on Reddit called 'glitch in the matrix' and people discuss replays, like, seeing their sibling slip and falls down the stairs, and seconds later the sibling actually comes out of their room and falls down the stairs, so that's why I think there is a mix up of things we can and can't control

Offline ES1281

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Re: Manifesting
« Reply #89 on: January 19, 2020, 10:38:22 PM »
I'm beginning to believe that fate versus manifesting and free will all link in and some times we have a choice of any of them. My aunt was homeless for a while and stayed at a long term pal's house who was really creepy from the off, she knew him for years but staying at his till she found some where found he was so controlling with her, wanting to know what shopping she got or where she was going to and who she was seeing. One night they had a huge row cuz he was complaining at her, and she snapped and went off to bed to leave them space, she had a dream that night that he came in to her room and grabbed her by the neck, and she woke up real freaked out, my aunt messaged a pal about it and she had the same dream that my aunt got grabbed and hurt by this dude, and woke up the same time as my aunt. She technically exercised her free will, decided to leave, and stay at her pals, and leave the creepy dude's place.

My dad was driving home one day from work, and off the bat he decided to go in to the grocery shop on the way home for no real reason, not planning on getting any thing in paticular. There was a DUI that sped down the highway and crashed in to another car, and killed the poor driver, if my dad hadn't had this decision to go grocery shopping, he may have died that day and maybe it was some sort of fate he did? Who knows? There's a thread on Reddit called 'glitch in the matrix' and people discuss replays, like, seeing their sibling slip and falls down the stairs, and seconds later the sibling actually comes out of their room and falls down the stairs, so that's why I think there is a mix up of things we can and can't control

Hi Jag I think what you wrote here can kind of describe how psychics see things.
They see things happen before some of our intuition can feel it.