I agree with some of the previous comments on here, by the way. My childhood has shaped me into who I am, and the events which have happened. If a child has a bad childhood and people go around saying that in their adulthood they manifest negative things because of their mindset, how is that the adult's fault? The adult can't control what happened in their childhood to make them who they are now. I could have therapy and be in a better place, but I had not a great childhood I'll be honest and I'll never be 100%, ever. I'll always be a little shy or have confidence issues and what I've found is with law of attraction or manifesting it stressed me even more because I felt at fault for having low confidence but I couldn't help feeling that way. Like other comments have said - do people who get cancer get it because of their negativity, or children starve and die because they didn't manifest thinking about food?
I've "let go" of multiple men and they still did not come back to me or magically influence them to have feelings for me and be happily ever after. Some things you cannot control no matter what. Every single one of us on this forum has an ex we wouldn't take back for a million dollars for various reasons, yet people are saying we can manifest anyone we want back. There was a reader I spoke to who told me that people who die of cancer young is because they have such negativity in them it grows like a mould would in themselves. Scary..
Sorry but I've had a completely different experience to others on here.
I've been in a really happy, confident content place and met some arseholes in my life, and a LOA coach told me that it's because I still have underlying issues from my childhood. Then literally next sentence she told me that I'll never be perfect and 100% from my traumas as nobody is and I can improve but don't expect to be perfectly happy and confident in myself as naturally anybody will never get over traumas completely. I found LOA contradictory and I couldn't win. People get really defensive over it and there's always an excuse for it. I think we are dealt with what we have and we cannot control it. We can't force an ex to love us and come back, we can't go through life dancing on hills and thinking it's all rainbows and flowers and I can hand on heart say I've met nasty evil people when I was in a good place and they came and wrecked things for me.
I actually find the more negative I am about things the more they turn out in my favour. The more I hold out a hope for things, more often than not - the outcome is not in my favour. As an example I'm talking to a guy and the more I think things will go well between us and he seems great for me, it doesn't work out and he turns out to be a dick. If I'm laid back with a guy and don't put too much hope into the situation with him the more unexpected I feel the more things seem to progress.
If I've been invited to a party and I get excited, the person cancels it for whatever reason. If I have the mindset that the party may not happen and act "not so bothered" about it, the party happens. Positive thinking has only worked for me in terms of it's healthy instead of being so negative all of the time.
Hi Star, please take my apology first because I may make you upset.
I've read some of your post and I actually thought you must had a bad childhood.
I know you are around 20 years old? You are already reading for years for multiple exes, which means you may had some attachment issue...
[I've been in a really happy, confident content place and met some arseholes in my life, and a LOA coach told me that it's because I still have underlying issues from my childhood.]
>A real happy confident self respective woman will not invite any assholes into their life.
They will walk away immedeately when they find some red flags, they don't make excuse.
I assume you do a self healing that will help you on identifying a good man or a jerk, because you must deserve the best man to treat you right.
My best friend had a bad childhood, her mom was self observed and her father was violent.
She is a very beautiful girl but was bullied at school, she always dated somebody didn't treat her right.
At the same time she is a very independent girl, but she has attachment issue.
She is working on self healing now to wait for being ready for a good relationship.
I highly reccomend that, I think what you need is not yet praticing LOA but make a base to be ready to attract something positive.
What is deeper on your mind( As Ladya said your dominant belief) is negative, so if you start to make changes here,your manifestation will be something positive.

There is a dating coach on youtube I found is really good.
[Attract great guys]
He is the one not teaching women to attract ' a guy' but attract ' the guy' who will cherish you in your entire life.
I think the most popular male dating coach on youtube is Matthew Hussey but himself isn't in a stable fruitful relationship, and his teaching is too instant.
Girls will still get hooked on jerks weirdles while watching his teaching, but the channel I reccomend won't.
He simply teaches, if the guy doesn't text you or call you for a week, then what to do?
Do nothing, walk away, you deserve somebody better.
I also believe we can attract somebody into our life, but we need to practice from our dominant belief: We deserve to be loved.