Author Topic: Venting/updating  (Read 3784 times)

Offline Catlover86

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« on: October 21, 2019, 09:36:25 PM »
Hi everyone. So about two weeks ago POI and I got into a stupid fight. Since then he’s been weird and distant. Keeps in touch a little because of our baby. Anyways, the last couple of readings I’ve been receiving these past few weeks, even days have all been somewhat negative. Everyone says he loves me/cares but say he’s very slow moving, picked up our rift, and all say he’s not looking for anything serious or long term.
Everything has changed since our fight and now I feel so sad. I don’t know who to believe. Everyone has picked up that we will be up and down for a while and that he won’t be consistent. Nobody sees a third party which is what I also assume when a guy is acting stupid. But who knows. Just wanted to vent, I really don’t know who to believe.

Offline dasaninot

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Re: Venting/updating
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2019, 08:06:01 PM »
Hi guys. Came back to this thread to update. So I decided to read with Leanne, been wanting too based off of the reviews here. Wasn’t the greatest reading but not horrible. I think I worded my question to where she thinks my BD isn’t all that involved with our son because she picked up she doesn’t know what role he will play in his sons life? That threw me off because besides the fact that there’s literal distance between us, he’s a very involved dad. Anyways, she said there were two female influences in his life that determine where he takes our relationship? Don’t know if it’s family? Third party? Exes idk. Then she said there would be several guys who would want to be with me. One would offer for me to move in? Take care of me and my kids? But they would be moving too fast, the description of the man honestly sounded like my dad lol, my dad has been the one who has offered for me and my kids to live with he and my mom when I’ve found myself in hard times, so idk if she’s picking up on the past?? She also said this would be like through online? Or through phone? Discussing that. Idk weird. Then she said she saw a man who would really care for me and want to take care of me and my baby. I have two children with my ex and she picked up she saw two children who were always with me as well. Didn’t know if it was me having another baby or if I already have children. So basically she sees a man wanting to be with me, caring for all my kids? She didn’t say anything horrible about current POI, besides two female influences, and she made it seem like she didn’t know what his role would be in his sons life. As many of you know, Yona also predicted me discussing living arrangements with someone. She said it would be with POI... so idk. Barbara4846 told me last year a younger fire sign who made good money will love me and my kids. (This was before I got involved with POI) he’s two years younger makes good money and is a fire sign so again lol idk. Abundant Visions is sticking to her predictions of he and I being together and sees living arrangements but almost like he will be paying for my place? But I’ll be closer. Lady Jenna sees him relocating closer to me. Readings by Gail.. I think that’s her name, sees something with property, that it needs to happen for us? Him moving or buying, idk, says I need to be careful from April to July or July to something because she sees a pregnancy with me? But says it would be my choice? Leanne said the same thing but I thought she was picking up my other kids. Hilary80 says she sees him coming in very strong like wanting the family but doesn’t see it sticking or being consistent? eBay read JM-whatever also sees us in a r/s.. So there you guys have it.

Negative readings: angelic dream, Kira de ra, Mar-C2. AD keeps bringing up jealousy and third party but says it’s not a person that it’s energy? Thanks everyone for the support whether responding to the thread or PMs. You guys are all awesome.

Leanne I feel has some gifts but she lets her messy head dictate everything. I asked about someone from my past but didn't say he was an ex...and she legit read the most abusive man on earth as being an angel full of light and as if we were together right now and would continue to be. Haven't seen him in ages, and hope I never do. Inquired because I have a restraining order and still live looking sideways.

Hillary80 to me was a total nut job, and I just posted a comment on how I believed Kira's negative reading for the sake of rawness but figured out she's total nuts and completely off too. Long story short, the more people I read with the more I wish I hadn't.

Offline KotaSwan

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Re: Venting/updating
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2019, 08:13:13 AM »
very sorry to hear that. I think taking a break around the holidays might be a good idea. Holidays are already so emotionally challenging for most people so taking a break from people or readings might make us be more present to ourselves.