Author Topic: Do you use any tarots reading app on mobile/tablet?  (Read 3311 times)

Offline username1111

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Do you use any tarots reading app on mobile/tablet?
« on: November 24, 2019, 07:31:50 PM »
Hi everyone!

I am curious if any of you use some tarot reading apps, and if so, which ones and what are the features that you like the most :)

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Re: Do you use any tarots reading app on mobile/tablet?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2019, 11:29:19 PM »
I like not an app but it’s basic and not a lot of clicking on things (I know... first world problems). I’ve tried other sites and a few apps and I keep coming back to Facade. I don’t need features like shuffling, selecting my own cards, or clicking on each one to turn them over.

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Re: Do you use any tarots reading app on mobile/tablet?
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2019, 06:44:29 AM »
Thanks :)
Do you have preferred spreads? Would you wish to be able to create your own if you could? Can you draw reversals on these website? Are you happy with the descriptions that come with the cards or do you wish they were different (shorter / longer...)?

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Re: Do you use any tarots reading app on mobile/tablet?
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2019, 01:14:58 PM »
Thanks :)
Do you have preferred spreads? Would you wish to be able to create your own if you could? Can you draw reversals on these website? Are you happy with the descriptions that come with the cards or do you wish they were different (shorter / longer...)?

I like Celtic cross, single card draw and 3 card draw. I’m not a knowledgeable tarot card reader, so wouldn’t use a make your own spread option. when I do Celtic cross I’d like interpretation of the overall spread in addition to each individual card. For example: if I have mostly court cards, what does that mean in general? What does it mean to have almost all “big deal” cards like hierophant, magician, etc.? What does it mean to have wands next to swords, or to have mostly low numbers? I feel like these are generalities that good tarot readers can interpret and I’m still feeling my way through.

Facade does reversals, which I like.

Offline username1111

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Re: Do you use any tarots reading app on mobile/tablet?
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2019, 06:04:48 PM »
Thanks again!

Lot of very good points @Still Tired
I think I would like to see the ability to draw clarifier cards on top of the main spread as well.

I am a programmer - working mostly with Android - but the database could be cross platform - and I am thinking of building something to read tarots.

What seems to be missing on other apps indeed is the ability to add
- your own content: spread / interpretation of the cards
- pull clarifiers

Another big point, is that computers / algorithms will never answer with an intuitive approach. I wonder if people would be inclined to request personal / expert interpretation of their spread if they could do that via the app directly. and if they would be willing to pay for that service.

Curious what you think
« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 06:06:45 PM by username1111 »

