Author Topic: Who the heck is worth a try on PS  (Read 31089 times)

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #30 on: May 13, 2023, 05:05:22 PM »
Has anyone read with Therese? If so what was your experience?

Offline Opaclife

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2023, 02:42:47 AM »
Kimberle is one of the best. She is ethical and very accurate

update about Kimberle?

Offline dascallie

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2023, 05:31:03 AM »
Bella Skye is actually very good, she possesses a real gift. She has blurted out a couple amazingly accurate, incredibly specific details no one could ever, in a million years, be able to guess by chance.

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #33 on: May 14, 2023, 11:15:28 AM »
Bella Skye is actually very good, she possesses a real gift. She has blurted out a couple amazingly accurate, incredibly specific details no one could ever, in a million years, be able to guess by chance.

such as?

Offline Lowson

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2023, 11:17:48 AM »
Bella Skye is actually very good, she possesses a real gift. She has blurted out a couple amazingly accurate, incredibly specific details no one could ever, in a million years, be able to guess by chance.

Phone or chat reading?

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #35 on: May 24, 2023, 08:33:10 PM »
Definitely via phone

Offline dascallie

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2023, 08:42:30 PM »
Bella Skye pulled An exact, precise remark my ex bf made to me when he was down on himself--- she pulled this out of the clear BLUE--she said my ex BF feels likes like he is like the 'elephant man'.

(The 'elephant man' is the true story of an Englishman named John Merrick that had a very rare,  incurable, horribly disfiguring condition that made him hideous to look at while his heart was broken inside.) This ex BF of mine had major psychological issues and specifically cited feeling he is repulsive like "the elephant man" when describing his self-loathing and deep sadness.

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #37 on: May 25, 2023, 04:28:09 PM »
Bella Skye pulled An exact, precise remark my ex bf made to me when he was down on himself--- she pulled this out of the clear BLUE--she said my ex BF feels likes like he is like the 'elephant man'.

(The 'elephant man' is the true story of an Englishman named John Merrick that had a very rare,  incurable, horribly disfiguring condition that made him hideous to look at while his heart was broken inside.) This ex BF of mine had major psychological issues and specifically cited feeling he is repulsive like "the elephant man" when describing his self-loathing and deep sadness.

Ohh wow. hows her predictons?

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #38 on: June 12, 2023, 12:03:58 AM »
Bella Skye is actually very good, she possesses a real gift. She has blurted out a couple amazingly accurate, incredibly specific details no one could ever, in a million years, be able to guess by chance.

I had a reading with her today @dascallie and I agree with your words above on Bella skye.. she pulled out some top secret info my friend was hiding from me for 3 and half years.. I felt so sick but I know it’s true… no other psychic picked it up with the r ray vision like Bella skye.. Hilary80 did pick up something about his financial situation and him sending money but at same time she asked me “are you sure he doesn’t have family somewhere” which I responded no..
Bella skye zoomed straight in to the mud an said EXACTLY what it was and what actually had happened and the circumstances of the situation now....
I could not believe it..

What was bella skye like with predictions with you? 

Offline HazelYella

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #39 on: June 12, 2023, 09:10:41 PM »
DO NOT use Willow. She likes to say that she’s a “blunt” reader, when in fact, she’s just plain rude and condescending.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2023, 04:38:29 PM »
I've read with all of the following and here is my feedback on them; these are in no particular order:

These are all pretty recent readings as in the past few months.

Cheyenne - She thought right way we were dating and seemed waaaayy too overkill with the, "he finds you to be beautiful. He will lead this along." This was in May, it's now July and absolutely nothing has happened. She seemed to change her answers a little more when I gave her a bit more info too. Would not talk to her again, seems like a fairytale reader.

Gabrielle - straight up asked me right away to tell her a bit about my situation. Which I did not do. I just gave our birthdates and last contact made. Said my guy is going through healing and is overwhelmed. SHe did however pick up on him still having a bit of an entanglement with someone from his past and I didn't tell her this guy was in a 9 year relationship before meeting me. The stuff he's going through has nothing to do with me. He's just cautious. Overall said that they're still in contact although it's not a getting back together or sexual thing but that the fact that she's still in his energy is impacting him being able to move forward with me. Predicted that there would be more contact between me and this man in a couple of weeks. SHe said the energy for us to be more is slow but there is potential here. Liked her, seems detailed and correct for current. Will keep you posted if this man ever steps up.

Chanel - Tarot card reader and I trusted that she was really pulling cards. She felt he was or is in some other sort of situationship but that it's not serious. But then sort of changed her mind to it being his ex girlfriend. He was still attached to this ex in some way. She said he will come around and try to contact me in July. It's the 12th as I write this so we have some time. I will update and create a new forum on her if she's correct. Same old he's been doing healing from his past relationship.

Kimberle - Said she's sees a path forward for a relationship with us but that he has to work through some insecurities like money and other things from his past. Said he'll come at me full speed ahead in the future. I need to go slow. I'm his ideal. She told me this would happen in June, that did NOT happen. Even though I know a lot of people like her on here I don't think I'd read with her again.

Eliza - Said he is emotionally immature and something happened in his childhood that sort of stunted him emotionally. He will come forward but needs time. No other woman in his life. sees potential in me for long-term relationship. Does like me but doesn't know how to approach me. Just work on being his friend and he will feel more comfortable to come forward. I wish I had recorded our session so I only got notes. She was a little hard to understand, again English not being her first language plus some background noises. I was impressed with her though, she barely let me get a word in edgewise and just kept on talking and talking. Not asking questions or birthdates just going on like a flow so I trust she has some abilities. She connected quickly, I would definitely talk to her again but would record it this time.

Hunter - Said that he is disciplined and ready for a healthy relationship with good boundaries. He thinks about me often but doesn't demonstrate that and that it will change as we grow closer. He's a good man and an introvert, an empath. We're at a juncture where things between us will become very real. Said that he wants me to reach out to him. (That isn't happening). The love we share is very real and this is where I was over this one. Fairytale reader.

Lexi - His feelings are strong and way past friendship. Yes to a committed future. More communication will come in from him about the 25th of the month. This reading was in June and I was in Japan on the 25th and he most definitely did NOT contact me, not in June at all.

Christopher - This was an odd one. He said that my guides say there is some sort of professional barrier this guy feels with me. (Keep in mind we have never and still do not work together). So he said this guy needs to tip-toe around his attraction for me. I then told him we don't work together and did tell him how we met. Then he tried to tell me it had to do with how we met. I need to tell him with my eyes how I feel about him. The whole reading was weird and didn't feel legit to me at all.

Marlaina - She only asked me to type both my first name and his first name which I liked. She asked no more questions. She went on to seem pretty accurate. Said he has feelings but he is distracted by other stuff in his life which is pulling his attn away. When I pressed her on what that might be she said work and personal friends having drama. While I don't know if he has any drama with his friend group I can attest to this man's obsession with his work so that was impressive. She also picked up that he's an awkward person who has a hard time with communication. Totally correct. Says we'll reconnect towards the end of summer. She even suggested August so we'll see. I'll update.

Orion - This guy was interesting, seemed pretty good. Didn't always make the most sense, English may not be his first language which is totally fine but sometimes requires just asking clarifying questions. He used oracle cards to help out. He said at first it's not really clear and there is some indifference that indicates a time of space. That sounds about right. So I asked if he was indifferent towards me? He said yes but there are also good things happening. He saw we have a strong connection moments and conversations are good and will happen in the future but he has very unstable as a person. For right now things need to be slow, we will have a direct connection, he needs to close out the past cycle to start new. He has obstacles to be in a relationship. I asked him what obstacles to sort of test him out.  He said he perceives distance between me and this guy and there being times where he just won't respond. (All true). He then said that it makes me think he has other women. (Totally spot on)! He said there are feelings and curiosity towards me but there are obstacles not allowing us to have a relationship. So I asked again if there are other women or what those obstacles are. He said he needs to close a cycle and he is still stuck in the past, he needs to work on himself first. He perceives other women but nothing serious just interactions. He said ultimately that a relationship for us at this moment is not possible but that he does like me and he just needs more time. He will come forward to me in the future but until he can close out the cycle with his ex we won't have a relationship. Seemed very detailed and pretty accurate to me. I'd go to him again.

Tivon - There is a strong attraction and chemistry between us. He has insecurities and self doubts. I asked her why the insecurities and she said they come from a past relationship. He feels attraction to me but wants to move slowly due to past hurts. His energy has been inconsistent and slow for me due to the past. He's afraid to be vulnerable again. She sees us moving forward  but very slowly but this time it won't lead to him ghosting me when winter comes. She said while we'll become closer she doesn't see him committing within the next year. He will step forward more in the summer months but he isn't ready for a relationship for quite some time. She sees no other women around him. Ironically she said she saw for the next two weeks it will feel very distant but then she sees it going forward again. (Interestingly enough, I was about to leave for a two week vacation so I was pretty impressed with that because I knew I wouldn't see him for those two weeks. I would read with her again. She was pretty spot on, not mind blowing but good.

Angelica - She was pretty impressive. She didn't ask me for birthdays or contact or any backstory. She just typed and typed and I let her. She said that he feels attraction, connected to me and chemistry. He can send mixed signals. His vibe is hot/cold with feelings, communication and behavior. (All correct). She said he shies away from commitment labeled relationship. But again he's def attracted to me and so he is confusing. She said he has some old wounds from the past that keep his heart guarded and he overthinks. He wants me around but does not want me around in a way that I think it's turning into a relationship but he would also not be happy if I were just gone. He's having a hard time stepping up and giving me something of substance. She said that this is going to continue but that he can lean in more and that he'll likely pull back again when he gets triggered like if he feels things are moving quickly. She said she sees that he is someone who can shift to be more attentive but at his own pace and timing and if he feels pressured he'll go silent. She said I'll need the patience of a saint. So this was all before I even said anything other than, "yes this sounds correct." So at this point, I gave her validation and more of my backstory. She said then that he freaked out and it was too soon for him after his last relationship but the door is not closed for us. She also said he's not completely over his ex in an energetic way and that's the core of his issues. She said he will initiate again with me but may not be for some time; it may be a while but he will. Our chemistry is so strong it pulls him in and he knows we have a lot in common and that scares him. In the future he will want to explain things to me. I def liked her and can see why she's so highly rated. I felt she gave me the absolute truth and would highly recommend her.

Venus - Said he seems guarded and takes things one step at a time. He's slow. He loves me but is avoiding rushing into anything. (Okay, you lose me when you tell me he loves me, sorry but that's just not possible. We're not even dating). He's afraid of falling for me completely. His fear is based in serious long-term commitment. He is a good person with a good heart. He's being self-protective. (This reading was back in December and she suggested I reach out for the holidays and say something which I never did). I would not go back to her. Anyone who just throws the L word out there loses me.

Marcella - I talked to this woman SEVERAL times! The way she talks I find a little hard to follow. She uses a lot of metaphors and talks a lot about chakras and astrology and mercury in retrograde. She also uses tarot. At first I thought she was all over the place and totally wrong but she got a lot of contact predictions correct for me, I mean probably 4-5 times. It was impressive! She also said that this man would give me his number. She was the only advisor to ever tell me that and when he did that I was officially hooked! But then she got me. I would call her and she just went down from there. She would give me contact predictions that ended up leading me on months and months and I was just annoyed. It doesn't feel like she's a scammer or anything at all but I lose confidence in a person when I'm feeling led on. I finally called her one last time after she said something about him thinking about me last valentines day. So I call her in March of this year and kind of called her out. She was steadfast in that this is my man and as soon as I can just love myself and he feels that in his Third Eye that that's when the magic happens. She said we'd see each other in Spring and he'd view me as a daffodil. Just odd. I don't know what to make of her other than to say that she was good at the beginning and then lost it. IDK if she just refuses to admit she's maybe wrong. If she turns out to be somehow be right, trust me. I will SING her praises to everyone I know but I got tired of hearing, next month this, next month that.

Let me know if any of you have received similar feedback from these advisors and your thoughts on them. :-)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 01:51:13 PM by Chitowngirl »

Offline rubz84

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #41 on: July 12, 2023, 08:22:07 PM »
Here is my list:
Tivon- I’ve read with her for a long time. She’s gotten general things correct in the past without really getting into specifics. Haven’t felt too much of a connection lately though but she is fairly good.

Raina- Very rude and condescending overall. I can’t say if she is right on my info or not since this was fairly recent, but I felt that most of the time that I read with her was spent scolding me.

Bonnie- Very sweet. Has picked up on info that seems generally correct and is very good with picking up current energy. She really won’t give set predictions though, so take what you want from that. For me, I respect that because it does show that she is not selling bullshit and is basically letting you know what could happen rather than what is definite. However, not everyone may necessarily feel this way. In general, my experience with her has been good.

Yana- My favorite one. Kind of like Bonnie except that Yana is more definite and almost always correct about the present. Won’t give definite predictions but will tell you what could happen based on current energy, which again, I respect tremendously. My only gripe with her is she doesn’t log on a whole lot which is frustrating sometimes. Overall, she’s excellent and probably one of the more ethical ones.

Meléa- Good with short term predictions, not so much with long term.

Eliza- Still waiting to see if she is correct, but she is sweet if you can get over the language barrier a bit.

Arthur- Very convincing and and cool guy, but has proven to be VERY wrong on stuff.

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #42 on: July 12, 2023, 08:57:03 PM »
Thanks for sharing! I tried Bonnie once too but it’s been a while so I’ll have to go back and see what she told me. Definitely going to avoid that Raina person; yikes! Still trying to get synced up with Yana.

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #43 on: August 17, 2023, 04:35:11 PM »
So updating my last post:

-Yana has been fairly consistent. It’s weird because what she says comes off as vague sometimes, but as time goes on I get to see that she has been VERY accurate. I’ve read some iffy comments about her, but for me she has been pretty consistent.

-Bonnie has been very accurate, and I can attest to that based on some life situations of mine that shockingly have been in line with what Bonnie has said. I also like that she doesn’t give a “this is what’s going to happen for sure” reading and gives you different perspectives. Some people might get turned off by that, but it shows me honesty. As far as present energy goes, she’s been great!

-Melea I go back and forth with. She hasn’t been correct with future predictions before but I gave her another shot and she seemed very accurate. Pretty much very similar to what Yana and Bonnie told me. We will see but definitely worth a shot

-Super disappointed in Tivon. Tried her weeks ago and she was was very wrong about even present energy. It’s so odd though cause she was always very good w me and was actually my go too

-Anna Leigh is very rude and hung up on me. Weird.

-Marlaina seems good and has been somewhat accurate about stuff but I go back and forth with her.

-Amber just gives a general reading with advice. Not bad but seems more like a cold reading.

Offline Rav2202

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Re: Who the heck is worth a try on PS
« Reply #44 on: August 18, 2023, 02:34:57 AM »
So updating my last post:

-Yana has been fairly consistent. It’s weird because what she says comes off as vague sometimes, but as time goes on I get to see that she has been VERY accurate. I’ve read some iffy comments about her, but for me she has been pretty consistent.

-Bonnie has been very accurate, and I can attest to that based on some life situations of mine that shockingly have been in line with what Bonnie has said. I also like that she doesn’t give a “this is what’s going to happen for sure” reading and gives you different perspectives. Some people might get turned off by that, but it shows me honesty. As far as present energy goes, she’s been great!

-Melea I go back and forth with. She hasn’t been correct with future predictions before but I gave her another shot and she seemed very accurate. Pretty much very similar to what Yana and Bonnie told me. We will see but definitely worth a shot

-Super disappointed in Tivon. Tried her weeks ago and she was was very wrong about even present energy. It’s so odd though cause she was always very good w me and was actually my go too

-Anna Leigh is very rude and hung up on me. Weird.

-Marlaina seems good and has been somewhat accurate about stuff but I go back and forth with her.

-Amber just gives a general reading with advice. Not bad but seems more like a cold reading.

Can you explain a little more on the Bonnie accuracy, please? What do you mean by life situations that have been in line?  I'm assuming she went into a sequence of what she saw and it's panning out for you?

