Author Topic: Do you regret calling keen in 2019?  (Read 6511 times)

Offline _sydney_vicious_

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Re: Do you regret calling keen in 2019?
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2020, 04:15:03 PM »
The only thing I regret was calling a bunch of different readers when a majority of them said the same thing (that POI and I would reunite in spring - which we did but at the time I wasn’t confident and wanted more and more reassurance it would happen). I literally would call them any time something felt off with my POI (for example if he didn't text me all day).

What I don't regret is finding me top two go-to readers in the process - BOTH of whom actually are correct (prediction wise) and can read my current situation well. If it weren't for them telling me how to handle my situation with my POI I can honestly say that he and I probably wouldn't be together. The situation with my POI has improved tremendously and I haven't had a reading in about 3-4 weeks so I'm happy with that.

Gosh! I’m so happy to hear of that success and progress for you! Blessings ❤️
If you feel comfortable, are you able to share who these 2 trusted readers are? If not, no worries. Sending you all the love and light ✨

Yes, of course! :)

The two I’m referring to in this are Shaman Kira and Zadalia

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Do you regret calling keen in 2019?
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2020, 05:11:39 PM »
For me? Therese and Barbara are my go-tos. I know some people haven’t had luck with leena and Paige but they also have worked for me. I also know Therese has not been for others but she has for me.

I haven’t called too many others on PS in the past (Joseph was great, Pixie is nice but I’m on the fence. I think it’s her voice that annoys me). But I spoke to serephina once when she was the mystery caller.

I’m going to try to ween myself off of psychics.  My go to off sites - from best psychic network, was always pretty spot on. However last time I reached out to her I’m pretty sure she fired me. Things got a little heated at the end of our last reading and I wouldn’t stop asking her why everything was so awesome and positive one reading then 3 weeks later it’s not. So when I reached out to her a few weeks ago she claimed she was stopping readings. I think it’s crap, especially since her listing is still up. Oh well. Several of her predictions came to pass so I think I can wait for the others.
Anyway maybe that’s the universe telling me to have faith and stop calling psychics. I’m a pretty intuitive person. I’m quite sure my POI will come back, but it’s based on what I decide. It’s just a feeling I have that I never have had before. 

But when I need to I’ll stick to PS. I’m not going to open accounts anywhere else as to not make my addiction worse.

Who did you like in best psychic network? Never had much luck with them