Hi Keeners,
It's tpr123, obviously, this is not my Keen username.
I'm new to this platform, but I've been on Keen since fall 2017, pretty much on and off. Trust me, I've been through binge reading, doubting, disappointment, and then outcome coming to pass. Been there done that.
The purpose of this post it that, I've been LONGING to share my RECONCILIATION story with you guys and keep you posted- especially for those who are waiting to hear back from their ex or to get back together with them. So #keenreconciliation #reconciliation #getbacktogether #excontact, here I go.
This post serves to HELP other users who are in the exact situation of mine.
I have realized that timeframes are guidance and I have to give or take a few days within that timeframe. At the end of the day, real advisors should be able to tell if there's going to be a contact or not whether they know when or not. Try not to be discouraged when you hear that someone will reach out a few months later- at least you'll hear from that POI and it's up to YOU if you want to wait or not.
Situation: Been asking if my ex will reach out since the first week we broke up. Many said months out, but there were also many who insisted that I'll hear from him within the week of the break-up and sure enough it happened when I least expected.
These are the advisors who have been getting point of contact accurately, sometimes give or take a day or two, but mostly correct with contact and the best thing is THEY INSIST THAT I WILL HEAR FROM HIM and I do.
I rate 5 stars for MOSTLY correct. There are more who got it right, but these advisors saw an exact date or some sort.
Tammy the Voice Reader *****
Lily Holiday *****
Ask Peg *****
Magdelena *****
Annie Heaven *****
Jonathan Hunt ****
Tesla Storm ****
Ocean Mystic 12 ****
Seeing each other this week
Those who got, 3rd week of October seeing each other, talking about the relationship, and moving forward- not yet reconciled, correctly.
Tammy the Voice Reader
Lili Holiday
Tesla Storm
Brian Mason
Jax Taurus
Irish Donna
So, obviously, I have more advisors that I work with, but those who have been strong with their insights since we started our reading a month ago. I'm waiting for the final outcome to unfold.
Please reply with questions and I will respond to ALL your questions and comment! 
I gotta say, I've read with most of who you listed, but ultimately, nothing really happened the way they said. But I liked a few:
-Jonathan Hunt is okay - he's nice to talk to. For me he wasn't great about timing for major predictions, but good for smaller predictions (contact, etc.) and empath stuff.
-Tesla Storm I used to read with a LOT when I first started getting readings, but then stopped when I realized none of her predictions were actually happening. She's nice though, and has a low rate.
- Ocean mistic was okay - I had one reading with him, and he didn't give me a timeline, but prediction seems possible. Very nice, and I didn't have to give him any info which was a double bonus. So if this prediction happens, I'll call again - otherwise I feel like I don't need to reach out to him again. He usually has a mega-long line up too - so there's gotta be something there I feel.
- Magdalena was one of my favourites this summer, and she was right for one or two contact predictions for me as well. But then the last time I spoke with her, she got a bit snippy with me and put me down for being a 'young person.' Like, "god you young people want everything NOW!" Anyway, not true. But I felt that a little hurtful, especially when I'm PAYING HER. I want a reading, not an opinion.
-Angelic dream really missed it for me, we just didn't connect.
- Lollie's prediction felt like a shot in the dark (gave me a prediction 9 months out, and nothing significant happened when the time rolled around.) Again I feel she's a reader that gives a lot of advice versus an actual reading.
-Jax Taurus is one of my favs, but that's not a secret around here haha - predictions from her have passed for me, and she's really great at picking up the present. It's spooky how accurate she is.
The others you have listed I haven't read with, but I'd consider reading with Irish Donna maybe sometime in a few months.
Overall after the many (MANY) readings I've had with an assortment of people, most of them do say the same things. And now, things in my situation are becoming more apparent to me that things are in motion. I hope everything works out for you!
Hi! So, who are you working with now? I just took Jonathan Hunt off. I feel like he was getting generic with when the contact will be. I'm waiting for my friend's prediction come to pass with him, so we'll see.
I don't receive nearly as many readings as I used to, but I read mainly with:
- jmjaim0 on ebay
- taras garden (I just read with her for the first time, predictions pending, but I really liked her)
-jax once in a while
-jade8928 once every couple months
but that's it mainly I think. I've really trying not to binge on readings anymore and trying to stick to a few, or ones I'm interested in based on what I read here.