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ISM threads !
--- Quote from: PJpilar on May 13, 2021, 02:11:05 PM ---I got the page of swords and 6 of swords in my yona reading. It wasnt about love. I wonder whats yonas thoughts on those cards
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Yona always recommends asking these clarifying questions during the reading. Did you ask her her thoughts?
No, I just let her speak
Out of curiosity has anyone had Yona pull "loads" of fertility cards and interpret that it meant your POI wanted to tie you down with roots?
--- Quote from: PJpilar on May 13, 2021, 05:28:20 PM ---No, I just let her speak
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Unfortunately our interpretations would just be assumptions. In your next top up, feel free to interrupt her. She prefers it because she moves cards as she reads and doesn’t retain all the messages she is getting.
So I have been confused on Yona readings everytime I try and read them over and over again, I started reading through the entire Yona thread, I am no where near done however I then read this ism thread, I don't know if this is right but I feel like things that I was placing on my POI and I in the readings that weren't passing or making sense are starting to if I look at my marriage... when I read with her the first time my ex-husband and I were separated but no finality around the divorce, it wasn't until this April that my soon to be, papers aren't fully filed yet, ex-husband moved down South, I am from NY now looking at all the readings I am perplexed as to which guy this is lol! I am getting things like developing pair, can have partnership, connected - different location, me loyal holding hands, passionate reconnection... however in my recent read I got clock is ticking, met someone of significance, Devil change of direction I choose, me not talking and then breakthrough communications, discuss partnership, couple standing on even keel, equal breakthrough with POI and crossroads making decisions affect long term ahead implications saw gap with interactions then back on track, ongoing connection he is fond of me- from day one she kept bringing the KOW in and saying person of significance--- the ongoing connection fond of me crossroads and partnership I am wondering if this is actually my ex husband as we are on very good terms have love for each other but have decided to divorce and since he moved we really don't talk as much just here or there... I met my now POI during my marriage so I wonder if he is actually the person of significance or if another one is coming in... so overall I am actually just as confused as day 1 lolol... At the end of the last read she said something about living arrangements signs of stepping up and then ace of wands, I guess only time will tell and I have to let things play out see who these readings are about I literally am so confused.
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