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Yona! She said to me “ communications open up, potentially nesting” what do you think that means? Nesting?


--- Quote from: Nina710 on June 11, 2020, 04:35:46 PM ---Yona! She said to me “ communications open up, potentially nesting” what do you think that means? Nesting?

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Since Yona is in the UK:

nesting in British English
-- the tendency to arrange one's immediate surroundings, such as a work station, to create a place where one feels secure, comfortable, or in control.

Only Yona knows how she meant it in this context, whether it was in regards to you creating a comfortable home for the two of you or welcoming a baby (which is what many in the US associate with nesting). Does anything she said before or after the nesting statement give you a clue as to what she was talking about?

Her words “ things are going fine for the next 5 months communications improving and potentially nesting buildings that are not on solid ground and buildings that are not home, work, that’s the work place weather that’s you or your boyfriends business. Getting yourself in what we call it cause I have the stalk card here”

Those are her exact words..... thanks for your insight I so very much appreciate you helping me decode it!

I’ve had “fingers in ears” come up in multiple readings with yona. Anyone else get this from her? How did it end up playing out?

She said that when it’s fingers in ears, the person is deliberately trying to ignore or not talk about something and that it’s not without effort. But she said because the crystal shows fingers in ears, that’s why she thinks there will still be communication in the future


--- Quote from: jqc103 on June 14, 2020, 02:53:27 AM ---I’ve had “fingers in ears” come up in multiple readings with yona. Anyone else get this from her? How did it end up playing out?

She said that when it’s fingers in ears, the person is deliberately trying to ignore or not talk about something and that it’s not without effort. But she said because the crystal shows fingers in ears, that’s why she thinks there will still be communication in the future

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have had this before too. she said it means the person is unreachable and possibly blocked me etc. not sure if it happened as it was about an ex and I have not tried to speak to him. so it wasn't really an important prediction as I have another poi.


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