Author Topic: ISM threads !  (Read 48797 times)

Offline jqc103

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #45 on: May 18, 2020, 10:33:04 AM »
Ugh I went back to my very first reading and yona said that my relationship in the summer “is a good one and it’s ongoing”. Fml, the dreaded “ongoing”. Me and POI stopped seeing each other in March 2019

She then said that I’ll change my living arrangements to accommodate this relationship because I want to be closer to them and it’s not because I have to move, it’s because I want to move.

Well I did move due to a new job  but after me and this person weren’t seeing each other any more. And the move DID bring me closer to this person location wise since she moved a couple months before. I got a new job that just so happened to be in the town she moved to....

I wonder if yona just interpreted this whole situation incorrectly

Offline Carmendiaz

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #46 on: May 23, 2020, 03:57:26 AM »
I have a question about Cookie.

What does it mean when she says something and starts it with < it is a possibility> And also < you must/ have to> do something.

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #47 on: June 03, 2020, 09:28:58 AM »
Has anyone had a reading with cookie where she's said "she doesn't see a relationship right now because youre in a waiting period, but that doesn't mean it wont happen at all" and you've ended up in a relationship with that person?

curious to know too as she said the same to me smh

Offline Cranberry88

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #48 on: June 03, 2020, 11:08:32 AM »
Same, she keeps saying the it in each and every reading. "you are in a waiting period"

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2020, 11:35:06 AM »
Has anyone had a reading with cookie where she's said "she doesn't see a relationship right now because youre in a waiting period, but that doesn't mean it wont happen at all" and you've ended up in a relationship with that person?

curious to know too as she said the same to me smh

Nope not that I know of ....she would say that to me alot 2 years ago with my POI then...and nope we were not in a relationship.

Just a bit of a warning for everyone who uses Cookie - if she ever says she "doesnt see you in a relationship"
it NEVER happens. Ive been reading with her for 2 years on several guys Ive dated (because I had to keep my options open smh ) she never saw a relationship with ANY of them. I have friends that have read with her for maybe 7 years and they all agree. Cookie can see FAR into the future ....dont let her fool you.

Dont believe her if she says she doesnt see it "Right now" or "Doesnt mean you wont be in a relationship with them" - yeah it DOES. For 2 years up to now she never sees me in a relationship - just "dating", yet she has been predicting a relationship for 2 years. Its odd.

Ill tell you why this is pretty accurate - I do have a few friends that read with Cookie who are in relationships - and whats funny she didnt necessarily predict the guy/s! She may have hinted at the new guy and mixed the descriptions with their current POI. BE AWARE OF THIS. She can mix ppl UP. All the while she "didnt see them in a relationship" - well what happened is that my friends werent in a relationship with the POI they called about and ended up in a relationship (that was not predicted by her nor did she actually see and say "I see you in a relationship") with a new guy. What happened was in that reading she started hearing all positive stuff about the POI she called about all of a sudden and noticed that some of the positive stuff didnt sound like any of the stuff he would do. BE AWARE OF THAT IT COULD BE A DIFFERENT DUDE. Also be aware when she says "HE LOOKS DIFFERENT" when she is describing what she sees with your current POI - usually it IS a different guy!! (Happened multiple times with me and my friends).

I honestly think she wont see a relationship until you meet and know the person for at least 3 months - now if at that time she doesnt see a relationship - it wont happen. But if she says "he could be your boyfriend or he is looking at a future with you, or he could talk of engagement" THEN that is something significant - BUT ONLY when you met him. Its weird how she works. But thats what Ive found when Im able to get feedback from my friends.

Also, If she predicts a relationship far in advance before you meet the guy - dont be so sure that he will be!! - the closer you get to meeting the guy the more descriptive she gets, but then be wary when you meet him, there are specific details she can pick up now that you met and it could be negative lol - basically it could be that this guy she saw actually WOULDNT be in a relationship with you.

So to sum it up pretty much - until I actually hear her say "he could be your boyfriend" when I meet a guy and have dealt with them consistently for 2-3 months,  then I have to continue to keep options open. Again - Ive never ever heard her predict a guy that someone would be in a relationship with where they actually END UP in that relationship. This includes my friend and ME. For us, she predicted guys 2 years before the guy appeared in great great detail - my friends dated the dudes she saw, and for me Im involved with mine as well - but didnt end up in a relationship - and for me I dont think I will end up in a relationship with the guy she predicted either -  I mean for me a guy she predicted for 2 years I would be in a relationship with is tied up and Married. So there is that!!

Offline kdspirited

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #50 on: June 04, 2020, 07:31:02 AM »
SO why read with her? It sounds like she says I dont see a relatiosnhip righ now but he could be romantic with you is how she puts it :-)
this means forget the guy you are calling about it aint gonna go nowhere yet the details she gives you about this guy could be a different guy. One that you have no idea even exists and the one she has been predicting for a while like years in advance and has yet to show up. sounds like a complete waste of a reading and money to me

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #51 on: June 04, 2020, 09:30:08 AM »
yeaaaaa it seems very complicated from that post I just read....

But im just going to see what happens and how it plays out! Not getting my hopes up, but also not going to rule out what she said in the reading.

Offline Pie5703

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #52 on: June 09, 2020, 10:15:03 PM »
Ive read with cookie several times and I have heard some of the cookisms. One of the things she does tell me when I read with her is that she isn’t trying to tell me what to do and that I can do what I want and that she’s telling me how to get the things I’m aiming for quicker and what can help. She has told me multiple times that I’ll get what I’m hoping for with my guy but always says I’ll have a choice and it will be my decision whether I want to be with him or not. In my readings with her I have gotten a lot of “remember me telling you this”, “eventually xyz “ and “I see” ...what she does do at times is she’ll say she believes this will happen VS when she says she sees or eventually xyz will happen. So not sure if when she says “she believes something will happen” has as much weight as when she says “she sees something “or “eventually something will happen”. Just something I noticed when reading with her amongst other cookie isms. 

Offline Nina710

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #53 on: June 11, 2020, 02:15:35 PM »
Does anyone know when your says the term “ potentially nesting “ means ?

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #54 on: June 11, 2020, 03:42:59 PM »
Does anyone know when your says the term “ potentially nesting “ means ?

Hey there! Which reader are you referring to as isms are specific to each reader

Offline Nina710

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #55 on: June 11, 2020, 04:35:46 PM »
Yona! She said to me “ communications open up, potentially nesting” what do you think that means? Nesting?

Offline giftsdiff

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #56 on: June 11, 2020, 05:13:09 PM »
Yona! She said to me “ communications open up, potentially nesting” what do you think that means? Nesting?

Since Yona is in the UK:

nesting in British English
-- the tendency to arrange one's immediate surroundings, such as a work station, to create a place where one feels secure, comfortable, or in control.

Only Yona knows how she meant it in this context, whether it was in regards to you creating a comfortable home for the two of you or welcoming a baby (which is what many in the US associate with nesting). Does anything she said before or after the nesting statement give you a clue as to what she was talking about?

Offline Nina710

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #57 on: June 11, 2020, 05:32:44 PM »
Her words “ things are going fine for the next 5 months communications improving and potentially nesting buildings that are not on solid ground and buildings that are not home, work, that’s the work place weather that’s you or your boyfriends business. Getting yourself in what we call it cause I have the stalk card here”

Those are her exact words..... thanks for your insight I so very much appreciate you helping me decode it!

Offline jqc103

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #58 on: June 14, 2020, 02:53:27 AM »
I’ve had “fingers in ears” come up in multiple readings with yona. Anyone else get this from her? How did it end up playing out?

She said that when it’s fingers in ears, the person is deliberately trying to ignore or not talk about something and that it’s not without effort. But she said because the crystal shows fingers in ears, that’s why she thinks there will still be communication in the future

Offline sexyp

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Re: ISM threads !
« Reply #59 on: June 14, 2020, 07:52:41 AM »
I’ve had “fingers in ears” come up in multiple readings with yona. Anyone else get this from her? How did it end up playing out?

She said that when it’s fingers in ears, the person is deliberately trying to ignore or not talk about something and that it’s not without effort. But she said because the crystal shows fingers in ears, that’s why she thinks there will still be communication in the future

have had this before too. she said it means the person is unreachable and possibly blocked me etc. not sure if it happened as it was about an ex and I have not tried to speak to him. so it wasn't really an important prediction as I have another poi.