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ISM threads !

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SO why read with her? It sounds like she says I dont see a relatiosnhip righ now but he could be romantic with you is how she puts it :-)
this means forget the guy you are calling about it aint gonna go nowhere yet the details she gives you about this guy could be a different guy. One that you have no idea even exists and the one she has been predicting for a while like years in advance and has yet to show up. sounds like a complete waste of a reading and money to me

yeaaaaa it seems very complicated from that post I just read....

But im just going to see what happens and how it plays out! Not getting my hopes up, but also not going to rule out what she said in the reading.

Ive read with cookie several times and I have heard some of the cookisms. One of the things she does tell me when I read with her is that she isn’t trying to tell me what to do and that I can do what I want and that she’s telling me how to get the things I’m aiming for quicker and what can help. She has told me multiple times that I’ll get what I’m hoping for with my guy but always says I’ll have a choice and it will be my decision whether I want to be with him or not. In my readings with her I have gotten a lot of “remember me telling you this”, “eventually xyz “ and “I see” ...what she does do at times is she’ll say she believes this will happen VS when she says she sees or eventually xyz will happen. So not sure if when she says “she believes something will happen” has as much weight as when she says “she sees something “or “eventually something will happen”. Just something I noticed when reading with her amongst other cookie isms. 

Does anyone know when your says the term “ potentially nesting “ means ?


--- Quote from: Nina710 on June 11, 2020, 02:15:35 PM ---Does anyone know when your says the term “ potentially nesting “ means ?

--- End quote ---

Hey there! Which reader are you referring to as isms are specific to each reader


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