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ISM threads !
Small tower on someone? She told me a guy will give me a sob story and ask for money but not to give it to him as it will start a tower for him. I'm assuming this will be my son because he wants to buy a trashed corvette and fix it up. I know its trash and will cost thousands for him to fix. I already went down this road once with this child with a Nissan 300zx that needed a new engine transmission etc. I put thousands into it trying to get it drivable. We got it driving and sold it. I couldn't afford to actually correctly fix it. I will let everyone know when he actually asks for the money since he hinted at it yesterday lol
Yona gave me a tower once and said it was nothing major and something completely different to what happened and what happened was very major. So this must be a recurring thing with her.
--- Quote from: Fidget1028 on October 18, 2019, 01:15:27 AM ---Cookie:
Ca, ca, Canada?
New...ummm...New York?
Woman of a different race
Social media or online dating
You lost weight
He (she) thinks about you all the time
Thinks you're no longer compatible
You might need to reach out first
Edited to add:
"It feels like when there's a lack of communication, you're not really communicating." Yes, she actually said that. WTAF Cookie?????
--- End quote ---
Hahaha Cookie
Yep - I coined the “Isms” on the forum last is the original thread.
I think this thread is Awesome because Yona and Cookie definitely have their common phrases or terminologies. Yona speaks what I call “fortune teller speak” and can be often cryptic and Not LITERAL.
Cookie just uses “Cookie Speak” lol
@Fidget - when I read those Cookie-ism I laughed out loud because I was reading them in her voice lmao 😂
--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on August 11, 2018, 02:00:57 AM ---Ha!
@ whskers Yona used that relationship "breakthrough" phrase regarding a previous POI from 2 years ago. Little did I know that "breakthrough" meant "THE END" lol - it was a breakthrough alright - he said he wasn't ready for a relationship and vanished lol.
I've learned that when Yona uses the following words and phrases - it may mean the following:
"Progressive" means that the relationship has a bit more potential than what it does at the moment
"Ongoing connection" means that this person may not be romantic but will still be around in some capacity but then may eventually fade away
"Breakthrough" may mean a finality to the situation
"You have a choice" doesnt mean that you have 2 hot bachelors on your hands and you're having a hard time picking a cookie from the cookie jar...its basically deciding to leave one of the guys alone
If she doesnt say any of the above phrases regarding a relationship - it could mean it isnt going anywhere at all lol (no matter how good the cards look)
Also, often times she interchanges the words "relationship" and "partnership" and to me those have 2 different meanings. She told me that my situation doesnt show up as a "relationship" and it doesnt show in the cards that way, it progresses into a "partnership" and he would show more signs of commitment and will talk about exclusivity....that right there just left me confused because I wasnt sure if she used them interchangeably.
Other Yona "isms" - these are typically said no matter where cards are in the spread - but if she does say the following this is typically what it means. (This is only based on what she says because she will be the only one to interpret or see where the cards fall in the reading)
"You're shown as a work in progress" - You are still alive and have things to learn
"You're shown as the finished article" - I got this for work meaning that Ive mastered my field (basically to the point that I want to try something new)
"At an angle" - meaning it will not have a full affect, like a Tower influence
"The Devil Upright" - Long term implications - usually not dramatic. Pre-Destined event
"Wheel of Fortune" - Cycle of Changes coming up
"Queen of Cups" - THE EX or crazy woman associated in some capacity with your POI
Any others?
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: Fidget1028 on October 18, 2019, 01:15:27 AM ---Cookie:
Ca, ca, Canada?
New...ummm...New York?
Woman of a different race
Social media or online dating
You lost weight
He (she) thinks about you all the time
Thinks you're no longer compatible
You might need to reach out first
Edited to add:
"It feels like when there's a lack of communication, you're not really communicating." Yes, she actually said that. WTAF Cookie?????
--- End quote ---
These words are exactly my whole reading with Cookie! That's really frustrating.
My close friend and I always check our Kisha's reading with each other and amazingly, never find a word in common. Yona uses card, and cards interpretations are the same. So it's feasible that some similar things is said in 2 people's reading. But for Cookie, Uuummm!
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