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--- Quote from: GoldenGirl75 on May 08, 2020, 11:45:13 PM ---For Cookie, when she's told you this : “He (she) thinks about you all the time”....

Has anyone been able to validate that this is actually true?

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She told me this several times in the last reading and I am 100% sure that is not true. We've been out of touch for over 2 years and we are not focusing on each other at this point. At the same time, I had a reading with Kisha and she said he thinks about you time to time, but not very frequently. And that is very realistic.

In my opinion, I think this is pretty straightforward. Other readers have told me this as well and I think it's true bc I know a lot of her friends are married, engaged, or is in a serious relationship so I think she would want this for herself as well. She's in her early 30s.

@Jili1945 thank you for your input! I think you're probably right. Other readers have told me he thinks about me from time to time but not all the time.


--- Quote from: PurpleRain on May 09, 2020, 01:50:45 AM ---Has anyone decoded this one? Or is this one pretty straight forward?

"someone pushing him for marriage and a child"

--- End quote ---

I had this one a lot with an ex back in 2012 who is now married to the woman he was with at the time.

@prettylittleiz have you found cookie to be accurate for you (if you've read with her) ?

I have a feeling she's good at validating certain things that I KNOW to be true (ie city a POI lives in, what he looks like, does for a living etc.) but I'm not sure when she starts talking about thoughts and emotions. She could be correct as well...but that's the danger...she could be wrong but I'm assuming she's correct bc of the things she's validated that I know to be true.


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