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--- Quote from: PurpleRain on August 23, 2023, 01:54:17 AM ---Is there any hidden meaning when Yona says you're getting a promotion? I am very new in my field and still in my probationary phase at my job, so I am not expecting a promotion at all.

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Just an update on this, I left this job, things weren't going well and I decided to resign. I got another job 2mts later.  Not too sure what she meant by promotion. The new job is an upgrade though. However, she should have picked up on the change in routine and me leaving there.

I also recently got “LOADS OF FERTILITY CARDS”

--- Quote from: samantha87 on May 13, 2021, 08:35:44 PM ---Out of curiosity has anyone had Yona pull "loads" of fertility cards and interpret that it meant your POI wanted to tie you down with roots?

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Here is my list of cards that came up in my readings with yona over the years. I went through the yona thread and was able to figure out the meanings of "some" cards.

6 of swords - house move
Wheel of Fortune - passage of time
8 of wands = face-to-face contact
Hermit - Single/alone
4 of wands - teaching/learning, part of a group
5 of cups - distance
Ace of wands - fresh start/new beginning
4 of swords - caution
Temperance - addiction, difference in outlook
10 of swords - anxiety, exhaustion, defeat, stress
King of Wands -
8 of swords - stress
9 of pentacles - kept waiting
7 of swords - lies and deception
Tower - a devastating event
Devil - predestined
5 of pentacles - money going out
2 of swords- gap in communication
King of cups - good looking
Knight of pentacles
queen of wands - organized
10 of wands - impatient
Queen of cups - female rival
6 of cups
The Chariot - within the same country
The world - distance/diff country

Are these considered isms?

Did POI reached out?

--- Quote from: jqc103 on June 14, 2020, 09:28:22 AM ---Interesting.. yeah in one reading she said she thinks it’s me with my fingers in my ears. I have muted POI on Instagram and almost positive she has muted me as well so yona may be right there... but yona still sees her reaching out? Honestly seems impossible. Unless it’s referring to another POI but then dear god, I have probably more years of waiting to do smh lol

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