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OH AND .. I read with Cookie in October last year again before my ex husband told me he was moving which he did this April-she did get 2 male energies and says one of them wants to tell me he loves me i am the initiator idk now I am just confused-

I am just wondering if the Knight of Wands is my POI this whole time... she said POI but things stated about him could relate to my ex husband being we are finalizing the divorce and Kisha actually said go through long and drawn out realization someone is/isn’t in my life, amicable- happy relationship ended, I am ok with it- addressed and dealt with" so I am now like holy shit has my damn ex been in all my readings confusing me and maybe that is why I feel a lot of predictions haven't happened!!??! ugh I can't wait to finally figure all of this out, somehow it has to become clearer who they are talking about right haha- Kisha did pick up 2 energies and separated them during the reads and Yona seems to have 2 energies as well since the Knight of Wands seems to continue to come up too..

Question about a Yonaism, does anyone know what this means?

" A man known to you already" but she says I have not met them yet
" ongoing connection"
" Cusp of a new beginning"
"Achieving an objective" getting something I have wanted for some time. Theres no feelings attached. I cant figure this one out

Sorry I know this is old, but I was reading through the isms and I have to agree what is the point if you have to decipher into code the entire reading and then it could be about someone totally different... so like i can make that reading fit a different guy years later. .idk not worth the money spent if you ask me... also the work ism is definitely interpreted because she said that to me about being bored at work or whatever and I am a tenure teacher middle seniority it is almost impossible to lose my job or get fired. like highly 90% unlikely... sometimes I think we push the isms to fit things too which again I am not trying to crack a code with my readings I am paying for that now could be about someone else altogether.

--- Quote from: kdspirited on June 04, 2020, 07:31:02 AM ---SO why read with her? It sounds like she says I dont see a relatiosnhip righ now but he could be romantic with you is how she puts it :-)
this means forget the guy you are calling about it aint gonna go nowhere yet the details she gives you about this guy could be a different guy. One that you have no idea even exists and the one she has been predicting for a while like years in advance and has yet to show up. sounds like a complete waste of a reading and money to me

--- End quote ---

Is there any hidden meaning when Yona says you're getting a promotion? I am very new in my field and still in my probationary phase at my job, so I am not expecting a promotion at all.


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