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Uli or Pilar?

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Hey there,

I wanted to create a poll for these two fairly popular readers who are both at the same hefty price of $15/min. Over all, it seems that Uli has been more ethical from what I've read (i.e. not telling callers the same story etc) but that she can be "off" entirely for some of you. Anyways--I haven't read with either. I am in BOTH of their queues, however, and was planning on getting out of Pilar's after I was able to get into Uli's this morning. Thanks for the feedback!

P.S. those of you who have read w Uli, what's her "usual" schedule like?

Still #2 with Uli! I will let you know as soon as I get to speak with her! Soooo close!!


--- Quote from: poorprincess on October 13, 2019, 04:22:42 PM ---Still #2 with Uli! I will let you know as soon as I get to speak with her! Soooo close!!

--- End quote ---

Awesome, princess! I'm currently #6 in the queue and will call back within 48 hours so my callback doesn't expire. Sending you good vibes for your reading.

I booked 15 mins worth (used those Karma points out the butt for this one). For those of you who have read w her--is this sufficient to receive home hitter or even just "good" predictions that have happened for you? Many thanks!

I did 15 as well! Here's hoping that's enough. But, I will re-up if it seems to be going well! I was really hoping to hear today, pero nothing thus far!

Uli validated a bunch during my 2 readings. Haven't had any predictions happen (yet).
Pilar also validated things and I did have some of the minor things happen and a few bigger items did come to pass. No big predictions regarding love interest that I asked about (yet).

Just curious, what in your mind makes either of these readers popular?


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