Author Topic: My Story  (Read 14287 times)

Offline Piggynose

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Re: My Story
« Reply #45 on: December 25, 2019, 11:11:58 PM »
Thank you for the updates. I wish these readers had been that detailed with me lol

Offline sexyp

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Re: My Story
« Reply #46 on: December 26, 2019, 12:44:15 AM »
i am surprised gaylene gave so many details. my readings with her are like pulling teeth arghhh.

cookie and kisha have been different for me for outcomes. you are so lucky they agree for you

Offline MidwesternSun

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Re: My Story
« Reply #47 on: December 26, 2019, 06:10:40 PM »
Well, it looks like in my last post I lied... I am providing this last update for 2019. 

The ex is now engaged... the boyfriend of eight months proposed on Christmas morning.  She publicly posted on facebook this morning.  I'm speechless. 

At this point, I don't want to hold on to Cookie's prediction just earlier this month, "You may even hear of engagement or proposal, which would disturb you.  But I'm telling you, this is a prediction, they will not stay together.  Something is going to happen and she is going to communicate with you."

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: My Story
« Reply #48 on: December 26, 2019, 06:30:36 PM »
Midwesternsun - I’m so very sorry. All of this completely sucks. Hang in there

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: My Story
« Reply #49 on: December 26, 2019, 06:34:15 PM »
Well, it looks like in my last post I lied... I am providing this last update for 2019. 

The ex is now engaged... the boyfriend of eight months proposed on Christmas morning.  She publicly posted on facebook this morning.  I'm speechless. 

At this point, I don't want to hold on to Cookie's prediction just earlier this month, "You may even hear of engagement or proposal, which would disturb you.  But I'm telling you, this is a prediction, they will not stay together.  Something is going to happen and she is going to communicate with you."

Ouch. I’m sorry

Offline Piggynose

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Re: My Story
« Reply #50 on: December 26, 2019, 06:40:09 PM »
I’m really sorry....

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: My Story
« Reply #51 on: December 26, 2019, 06:44:20 PM »
❤️hugs❤️ my friend. Just know I’m here for you

Offline Jeninmd2

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Re: My Story
« Reply #52 on: December 26, 2019, 06:44:54 PM »
Well, it looks like in my last post I lied... I am providing this last update for 2019. 

The ex is now engaged... the boyfriend of eight months proposed on Christmas morning.  She publicly posted on facebook this morning.  I'm speechless. 

At this point, I don't want to hold on to Cookie's prediction just earlier this month, "You may even hear of engagement or proposal, which would disturb you.  But I'm telling you, this is a prediction, they will not stay together.  Something is going to happen and she is going to communicate with you."

I'm so sorry to hear this!  Yeah, best to try to not hold on to Cookie's prediction for your own sanity....

Offline karma17

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Re: My Story
« Reply #53 on: December 26, 2019, 06:52:07 PM »
I’m sorry for what you’re going through.
I wanted to add- I know 2 people going through the exact same situation around me and freakily the last few days a few people have posted similar stories on here about a person of interest’s engagement.
I didn’t believe in astrology so much but I’ve been using the Pattern app for a few months and it lets people with similar transits share their experiences. It’s so eery how similar people’s stories are and they always seem to have a “Venus in Sagittarius” or “Mars in Taurus” (just examples) causing these such similar experiences. Something must be going on in the sky somewhere...sigh
Hopefully things will get better for everyone soon and whatever damned transit this is, will end.

PS- social media and hearsay is a lot of smoke and mirrors too

Offline sparky

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Re: My Story
« Reply #54 on: December 26, 2019, 07:28:06 PM »
I’m sorry for what you’re going through.
I wanted to add- I know 2 people going through the exact same situation around me and freakily the last few days a few people have posted similar stories on here about a person of interest’s engagement.
I didn’t believe in astrology so much but I’ve been using the Pattern app for a few months and it lets people with similar transits share their experiences. It’s so eery how similar people’s stories are and they always seem to have a “Venus in Sagittarius” or “Mars in Taurus” (just examples) causing these such similar experiences. Something must be going on in the sky somewhere...sigh
Hopefully things will get better for everyone soon and whatever damned transit this is, will end.

PS- social media and hearsay is a lot of smoke and mirrors too

This is all good but I want to focus on the bold.  Social media is a horrible thing that doesn't really show what is going on behind close doors.  In today's society getting engaged of only knowing each other for 8 months isn't a good sign for a relationship.  Statistics is against it from lasting and it could very well fall apart before the wedding like Cookie predicted.  Not saying they cannot work it out and make it last but statistically the odds are against them.  It isn't like the old days where people met and married in a matter of months or weeks.  That generation stuck through all the hardships to make a relationship last.  Today it is all about the instant gratification caused from social media.  About how those likes go up from a story like someone getting engaged and releases endorphins that make you feel good.  But in reality they could be having a horrible relationship and it is all just a cover up.  Once the dust settles than it could fall apart.  So what is happening on social media could be false.  That will help you move on from the social media post.

Also try not to hold onto Cookies prediction.  I know my description above could line up with her prediction but their relationship could also be an outlier to that and truly last.  So at this point just try to forget about her as currently she is completely off the market as far as you know.  As they say.  Ignorance is bliss.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: My Story
« Reply #55 on: December 26, 2019, 07:47:34 PM »
I wish I could click like on both of these messages :)

I’m sorry for what you’re going through.
I wanted to add- I know 2 people going through the exact same situation around me and freakily the last few days a few people have posted similar stories on here about a person of interest’s engagement.
I didn’t believe in astrology so much but I’ve been using the Pattern app for a few months and it lets people with similar transits share their experiences. It’s so eery how similar people’s stories are and they always seem to have a “Venus in Sagittarius” or “Mars in Taurus” (just examples) causing these such similar experiences. Something must be going on in the sky somewhere...sigh
Hopefully things will get better for everyone soon and whatever damned transit this is, will end.

PS- social media and hearsay is a lot of smoke and mirrors too

This is all good but I want to focus on the bold.  Social media is a horrible thing that doesn't really show what is going on behind close doors.  In today's society getting engaged of only knowing each other for 8 months isn't a good sign for a relationship.  Statistics is against it from lasting and it could very well fall apart before the wedding like Cookie predicted.  Not saying they cannot work it out and make it last but statistically the odds are against them.  It isn't like the old days where people met and married in a matter of months or weeks.  That generation stuck through all the hardships to make a relationship last.  Today it is all about the instant gratification caused from social media.  About how those likes go up from a story like someone getting engaged and releases endorphins that make you feel good.  But in reality they could be having a horrible relationship and it is all just a cover up.  Once the dust settles than it could fall apart.  So what is happening on social media could be false.  That will help you move on from the social media post.

Also try not to hold onto Cookies prediction.  I know my description above could line up with her prediction but their relationship could also be an outlier to that and truly last.  So at this point just try to forget about her as currently she is completely off the market as far as you know.  As they say.  Ignorance is bliss.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 07:51:59 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline MidwesternSun

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Re: My Story
« Reply #56 on: December 26, 2019, 07:51:46 PM »
Ya know Sparky, as I discovered the engagement post this morning, I thought of you.  It seems to me our stories are very similar... we turned to the boards and to readers about an ex, we were told she would be back, but then the ex gets engaged/married. 

I completely agree with you that getting engaged after eight months is rather quick.  I mean, she and I discussed getting engaged at length, read a few pre-engagement books, we talked about kids, plans, etc.  We were together for eight months when she broke it off.  Quite a few of her friends, and her family, were expecting a proposal between the two of us.  And I know this means next to nothing as things can change, but she had once told me she wanted to date someone for at least 12-18 months before an engagement. 

Now, and I could be totally wrong, but I suspect that she and the guy were at least communicating and hanging out with their circle of friends together before she broke up with me.  They've known each other for a few years through church.  In January, a month before the breakup, we went out to lunch and she asked me a bunch of questions like "Why do you love me?  What do you see in me?"  Maybe she was asking these questions because she was genuinely nervous about the topic of marriage.  Or, maybe she was considering this guy and she had some guilt - maybe she was looking for a sign of uncertainty within me to use as a form of leverage for a breakup.  At the time, I know she was stressed due to work, etc.  Before I unfriended all of her friends, one of them posted a picture of a Sunday brunch and my and ex and this guy were sitting next to each other and you could tell in the photo that he was interested in her.  This photo was posted in February... so in the same month as the breakup.  Moreover, the year before she invited me to a corporate Christmas party, she invited this same guy as her guest the prior year's corporate Christmas party.  So, there's no denying that they have some history, whatever history that is. 

As I posted earlier, I read with Cookie earlier this month and she was, once again, adamant, that they would not stay together and I would hear from her probably within the next few months.  Though she did not give me a concrete time frame.  Cookie described this guy's physical appearance very clearly and said, "You could hear something about engagement or marriage, which would disturb you deeply... you could hear something about her living situation changing... but they will not stay together.  Something is going to surface which is going to blind side her and break her heart (she has said this in three separate readings)."  However, Cookie later stated, "When she does reach out, you are not going to want her any more." 

Earlier this month, Kisha said, "Within the next two to four months, she is going to want to have an honest conversation with you.  She wants to clear her conscience or let go of some guilt.  The guides are saying that she wants to ensure that you two are in a good place."  I spoke with a friend this morning and apparently some people, before they get married, reach out to ex's to apologize or clear a guilty conscience?  I've no idea... I personally think that's a little weird, maybe?  Kisha also suggested that once my ex and this guy split, "The guides are saying she is going to enter a period where she will have to process a lot of stuff.  She won't break from this guy and then come straight to you the next day... she is going to take things slow.  But she will potentially seek to start over with you."  I think that's a little far'fetched at this point, and quite honestly, I am not even sure I would entertain the thought at this point. 
« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 07:54:29 PM by MidwesternSun »

Offline sparky

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Re: My Story
« Reply #57 on: December 26, 2019, 10:47:33 PM »
Ya know Sparky, as I discovered the engagement post this morning, I thought of you.  It seems to me our stories are very similar... we turned to the boards and to readers about an ex, we were told she would be back, but then the ex gets engaged/married. 

I completely agree with you that getting engaged after eight months is rather quick.  I mean, she and I discussed getting engaged at length, read a few pre-engagement books, we talked about kids, plans, etc.  We were together for eight months when she broke it off.  Quite a few of her friends, and her family, were expecting a proposal between the two of us.  And I know this means next to nothing as things can change, but she had once told me she wanted to date someone for at least 12-18 months before an engagement. 

Now, and I could be totally wrong, but I suspect that she and the guy were at least communicating and hanging out with their circle of friends together before she broke up with me.  They've known each other for a few years through church.  In January, a month before the breakup, we went out to lunch and she asked me a bunch of questions like "Why do you love me?  What do you see in me?"  Maybe she was asking these questions because she was genuinely nervous about the topic of marriage.  Or, maybe she was considering this guy and she had some guilt - maybe she was looking for a sign of uncertainty within me to use as a form of leverage for a breakup.  At the time, I know she was stressed due to work, etc.  Before I unfriended all of her friends, one of them posted a picture of a Sunday brunch and my and ex and this guy were sitting next to each other and you could tell in the photo that he was interested in her.  This photo was posted in February... so in the same month as the breakup.  Moreover, the year before she invited me to a corporate Christmas party, she invited this same guy as her guest the prior year's corporate Christmas party.  So, there's no denying that they have some history, whatever history that is. 

As I posted earlier, I read with Cookie earlier this month and she was, once again, adamant, that they would not stay together and I would hear from her probably within the next few months.  Though she did not give me a concrete time frame.  Cookie described this guy's physical appearance very clearly and said, "You could hear something about engagement or marriage, which would disturb you deeply... you could hear something about her living situation changing... but they will not stay together.  Something is going to surface which is going to blind side her and break her heart (she has said this in three separate readings)."  However, Cookie later stated, "When she does reach out, you are not going to want her any more." 

Earlier this month, Kisha said, "Within the next two to four months, she is going to want to have an honest conversation with you.  She wants to clear her conscience or let go of some guilt.  The guides are saying that she wants to ensure that you two are in a good place."  I spoke with a friend this morning and apparently some people, before they get married, reach out to ex's to apologize or clear a guilty conscience?  I've no idea... I personally think that's a little weird, maybe?  Kisha also suggested that once my ex and this guy split, "The guides are saying she is going to enter a period where she will have to process a lot of stuff.  She won't break from this guy and then come straight to you the next day... she is going to take things slow.  But she will potentially seek to start over with you."  I think that's a little far'fetched at this point, and quite honestly, I am not even sure I would entertain the thought at this point.

I too when I read that she was engaged thought of how similar our situations are.  Though from what you said here.  I pretty positive that she was asking those questions to figure out if she was planning to stay with you or try it with this guy.  I wouldn't even doubt it if she might of actually been cheating on you.  Pretty sure there was outside influencing as well.  Considering how fast she was willing to be in public with him around friends.  Even if they are mutual.  My guess is that the friends knew of his interesting and of possibly her doubts with you.  That set things in motion.  Even if I am wrong on all account.  The truth is that she is engaged to him.  No matter what her desire was to get engaged with someone after 12-18 months of dating.  For now there is nothing you can do but let her learn from it.  If it is a mistake and she realizes that.  She may come back.  But in the mean time you just focus on yourself.  You might even meet someone that is more suited for you.  Then if she does come back you might not even want her back anymore.