Author Topic: Care to make a bet?  (Read 5283 times)

Offline flora0250

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Re: Care to make a bet?
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2019, 10:25:05 AM »
I’m so sorry to hear this but not one reader told u it was over?

quote author=Star_01 link=topic=5333.msg105393#msg105393 date=1577507196]
Flora I know exactly how frustrating it is that nothing's come to pass for you in all this time with all these readers. As you know, I got addicted twice to someone and the first time I spent pretty much all of last year addicted over him when he told me himself he didn't have feelings for me at all and to move on but readers said he was angry and didn't mean it and had commitment issues blah blah. The second time was this year and I reached out to the person myself and he ignored me, we are on the same dating apps and he hasn't even viewed my profile in all this time, I had to accept that he doesn't care for me and take it for face value. I have yet to find a single psychic who has been accurate for me in terms of matters of the heart. It is really frustrating when you see others post that things came to pass and you're still waiting without any luck or anything to show with all the money and hope you spent.

Not sure if you’re asking me or Star... yes a few readers told me I would not hear from him ever again - maybe a handful. But those who said that 1) already had some context of info I gave them and 2) gave me absolutely not one shred of information that made me think they were tuned in in anyway and not just taking a guess as a 50/50 guess or from info they got out of me. All the “best” ones at least said we would reconnect in some way at some point.

If there was even one who told me we would never reconnect who ALSO gave me one specific thing at all either remote viewing or minor accurate prediction then I could say okay. That person was accurate. But that’s not what happened. Those who got actual specific correct things right - either unrelated predictions, minor predictions or off the wall specific remote viewing (Psychic Shelly, Mattie, Skye, actually Matilda in retrospect, Cookie, Divine Love) ... all of those stated we would reconnect in some way - Cookie flip flopped I have to say - so again I don’t know what to think of her readings and she got a lot wrong. 

So no.... no one that I could be sure wasn’t totally guessing or guessing based on info I provided said I would never hear from him again.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Care to make a bet?
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2019, 10:33:42 AM »
Flora I know exactly how frustrating it is that nothing's come to pass for you in all this time with all these readers. As you know, I got addicted twice to someone and the first time I spent pretty much all of last year addicted over him when he told me himself he didn't have feelings for me at all and to move on but readers said he was angry and didn't mean it and had commitment issues blah blah. The second time was this year and I reached out to the person myself and he ignored me, we are on the same dating apps and he hasn't even viewed my profile in all this time, I had to accept that he doesn't care for me and take it for face value. I have yet to find a single psychic who has been accurate for me in terms of matters of the heart. It is really frustrating when you see others post that things came to pass and you're still waiting without any luck or anything to show with all the money and hope you spent.

Thank you Star and sorry you’ve gone through your experience ... I have had the fortune (?!?!) of having some readers get some things accurate they could not have known (Psychic Shelly was most impressive and I know you know but to rehash for others ... that she was able to tell me “someone is going to be talking about cracking walnuts” and then a few weeks later have my dentist look me in the eye and say “don’t go cracking any walnuts on that tooth” blew my mind. Also there were a couple other very specific examples with her).

And Mattie for me got some also very specific remote viewing things accurate (but not predictions) - so it’s not that no one got anything right ever. But as far as my POI and relationship.... well nothing has come to pass in the time frames that were given to me and it has been a very long time. So if you’re someone who thinks time is fluid and it just hasn’t happened yet it could still happen! But I could also be saying that five years from now lol! So who knows.

Skye and Psychic Shelly were right about some predictions about my POI and his life but so far not related to me and him.

Just wanted to explain it wasn’t that no one ever got anything right.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Care to make a bet?
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2019, 10:38:09 AM »
I’m so sorry to hear this but not one reader told u it was over?

quote author=Star_01 link=topic=5333.msg105393#msg105393 date=1577507196]
Flora I know exactly how frustrating it is that nothing's come to pass for you in all this time with all these readers. As you know, I got addicted twice to someone and the first time I spent pretty much all of last year addicted over him when he told me himself he didn't have feelings for me at all and to move on but readers said he was angry and didn't mean it and had commitment issues blah blah. The second time was this year and I reached out to the person myself and he ignored me, we are on the same dating apps and he hasn't even viewed my profile in all this time, I had to accept that he doesn't care for me and take it for face value. I have yet to find a single psychic who has been accurate for me in terms of matters of the heart. It is really frustrating when you see others post that things came to pass and you're still waiting without any luck or anything to show with all the money and hope you spent.

Not sure if you’re asking me or Star... yes a few readers told me I would not hear from him ever again - maybe a handful. But those who said that 1) already had some context of info I gave them and 2) gave me absolutely not one shred of information that made me think they were tuned in in anyway and not just taking a guess as a 50/50 guess or from info they got out of me. All the “best” ones at least said we would reconnect in some way at some point.

If there was even one who told me we would never reconnect who ALSO gave me one specific thing at all either remote viewing or minor accurate prediction then I could say okay. That person was accurate. But that’s not what happened. Those who got actual specific correct things right - either unrelated predictions, minor predictions or off the wall specific remote viewing (Psychic Shelly, Mattie, Skye, actually Matilda in retrospect, Cookie, Divine Love) ... all of those stated we would reconnect in some way - Cookie flip flopped I have to say - so again I don’t know what to think of her readings and she got a lot wrong. 

So no.... no one that I could be sure wasn’t totally guessing or guessing based on info I provided said I would never hear from him again.

OR some readers did give me some things that were more specific (not mind blowingly so though - so still could have been just a good cold read) - but when I asked any of them about the third party they stated it wouldn’t last.