Author Topic: How would you interpret this spread- All wands  (Read 3368 times)


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How would you interpret this spread- All wands
« on: October 23, 2019, 10:37:49 AM »
The question was "How will the heart to heart conversation with my POI go"

Problem: Ave of wands reversed
Solution (middle card): 5 of wands reversed
Outcome: 4 of wands upright

thank you!!

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Re: How would you interpret this spread- All wands
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2019, 11:02:08 AM »
Problem: ace of wands reversed - there is anxiety and uncertainty in the relationship

Solution: 5 of wands reversed - pick your battles. In context of the ace reversed and the 4 of wands as the outcome I’m guessing that there’s interest but seems things said or done are taken the wrong way.

Outcome: 4 of wands upright - looks good! Having all cards in the same suite seems progression esp with 4 of wands as outcome. Having 5 of wands reversed as the solution seems to say that you need to slow down and you’ll come together in a relation (the 4).


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Re: How would you interpret this spread- All wands
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2019, 11:25:48 AM »
Thank you!! Let me give some more color

I am basically trying to get closure with a POI bc I feel like its dead in the water but we never officially ended things - just drifted.  And they still reach out every so often, follow on social, communicating that way etc which is hard for me to move on.

  So the ace reversed makes sense - - with the 5 though- is it telling me to - tread lightly? Or do I open up completely, do I ask for the talk I am looking for, or is it telling me to be more introspective - write a letter and burn it? I feel like I need the conversation for closure ...  but want to know in relation to this specific situation how you would interpret the 5 wands reversed - I cannot tell if I should just think about this more, or if its telling me to do what I feel is right -or if I need to tread lightly.  I am not expecting anything romantic to come from this conversation bc I truly think if we were going to be together he would have treated me differently the last 4 months...

And then the 4 of wands I almost saw as us either seeing eye to eye and moving on, or at very least me feeling a lot better after I got things off my chest..

thank you so much!!!

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Re: How would you interpret this spread- All wands
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2019, 05:22:37 PM »
That back story is interesting! Because 5 of wands reversed can mean “walk away”. I figured it meant consider your words and actions carefully so that you can return to a happier time (4 of wands outcome).

Reversals are generally about introspection. The 5 of wands can mean disarming yourself, (drop the wands). I’m taking it to mean tread lightly, be diplomatic, give benefit of a doubt to the other person.

Hope that helps! Would also be curious if anyone else chimes in. I just read for fun, usually for myself, so if others have their 2 cents it would be interesting to read. 


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Re: How would you interpret this spread- All wands
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2019, 07:48:56 PM »
Thank you!!

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Re: How would you interpret this spread- All wands
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2019, 10:11:22 PM »
The question was "How will the heart to heart conversation with my POI go"

Problem: Ave of wands reversed
Solution (middle card): 5 of wands reversed
Outcome: 4 of wands upright

thank you!!

The ace of wands in the upright is the initial energy that give birth to new projects. It embodies excitement, enthusiasm, desire... all the good emotions needed to step in to a new adventure and take the actions to start making it happen. When reversed, the energy is lacking or blocked. The actions are not taken or the motivation to take them is lacking. Or there is an overall lack of direction and the energies goes in all way and become wasted, unproductive.

The 5 of wands is a card that talks about arguments, competitions, disagreements - when it is reversed, it often points to overcoming those challenges and being able to see and respect the others point of views. It is a resolution of the disagreements and the ability to understand each other after a conflict occurred or it can just be withdrawing and stopping to interact with argumentative people -
Also when a card is reversed it can be associated to the previous or the next cards as being transitioning to the next stage or going back to the previous one. The 5 of wands is surrounded by the 4 of wands - that represent stability in the home/familiar environment - and the 6 of wands - that represents a victory over a difficult challenge.

The 4 of wands represent the stability of your home - or something you are familiar about - for instance it can represent your close friends community, your family, your own home. It is a place you feel safe and you feel that you belong to. Its a place of peace and stability as well as community.


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Re: How would you interpret this spread- All wands
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2019, 10:57:34 PM »
Thank you so so much!!

Sooooooo if my question was: Should I have a heart to heart with this POI - would you say that this looks like, yes, this would in fact bring peace and stability?

I will have to approach it differently than I originally intended I think... I will be more... "disarming" and not so... attacking...

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Re: How would you interpret this spread- All wands
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2019, 11:39:22 PM »
Thank you so so much!!

Sooooooo if my question was: Should I have a heart to heart with this POI - would you say that this looks like, yes, this would in fact bring peace and stability?

I will have to approach it differently than I originally intended I think... I will be more... "disarming" and not so... attacking...

Tarots work like a riddle and request the querent to rely on their own gut feelings. So whether you decide to withdraw and stop interacting with this individual or to have a heart to heart talk with them is up to you. But yes, your stability and peace will come from your ability to overcome the conflicts and to deal with the situation with respect and understanding for the other person's viewpoint.

I hope this helps :)


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Re: How would you interpret this spread- All wands
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2019, 02:17:13 PM »
So I wanted to report back...

this is pretty cool - I had the weekend to sort of settle my thoughts and i knew this communication needed to take place.

Monday morning i drew one card.  I drew the emporer.

I knew that meant it was time to assert my  boundaries.

i called my POI and had the BEST conversation. it could NOT have gone better.  I believe i truly believe in the cards.

While I did not back down from having the communication, i did back down in my approach. I was clear, calm, rational, non emotional and the converstion we had WAS AMAZING.

he shared openly his feelings, what he thought about me, us, what he loved about me, why thinga are the way they are, why he acted certain wasy, any question i had - was conversationally answered over a wonderful 30 minute+ phone call.  nothing off limits. no anger, no hurt, just good solid heart to heart.

i walked away feeling ABUNDANT anfd FULL OF PEACE.

just like the cards said.  Could not wait to share and thank you ALL for weighin in!!!



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Re: How would you interpret this spread- All wands
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2019, 06:54:52 PM »
So I wanted to report back...

this is pretty cool - I had the weekend to sort of settle my thoughts and i knew this communication needed to take place.

Monday morning i drew one card.  I drew the emporer.

I knew that meant it was time to assert my  boundaries.

i called my POI and had the BEST conversation. it could NOT have gone better.  I believe i truly believe in the cards.

While I did not back down from having the communication, i did back down in my approach. I was clear, calm, rational, non emotional and the converstion we had WAS AMAZING.

he shared openly his feelings, what he thought about me, us, what he loved about me, why thinga are the way they are, why he acted certain wasy, any question i had - was conversationally answered over a wonderful 30 minute+ phone call.  nothing off limits. no anger, no hurt, just good solid heart to heart.

i walked away feeling ABUNDANT anfd FULL OF PEACE.

just like the cards said.  Could not wait to share and thank you ALL for weighin in!!!



Thats awesome :) :)