Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Development
Why Psychics ask name?
--- Quote from: HornetKick on October 05, 2019, 04:33:19 PM ---The purpose readers ask for a name is so they can identify that specific energy. It doesn’t have to be your real name (nickname, something personal or even initials). It is the bookmark that readers see in their psychic eye (at least the good ones) that identifies your presence to their guides. I never ever give my real name.
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Thanks HornetKick for sharing your thought. I would usually give my nickname but hesitate about giving a totally different name. But that's good to know how you guys do.
Agree with others. Names have a unique energy vibration that psychics use to tune in and get more info. It doesn't have to be your full name--be wary of psychics that ask for it as they may look up your info online. When I read for others personally, I typically ask for small names or initials. Nicknames are also accepted but sometimes certain nicknames can be revealing and give psychics clues about who that person is e.g crazymike so yes, they are not always the best idea lol. I believe any legit psychic should connect with just real small names or initials, nothing more.
--- Quote from: Ninacy on December 13, 2019, 11:07:45 PM ---Agree with others. Names have a unique energy vibration that psychics use to tune in and get more info. It doesn't have to be your full name--be wary of psychics that ask for it as they may look up your info online. When I read for others personally, I typically ask for small names or initials. Nicknames are also accepted but sometimes certain nicknames can be revealing and give psychics clues about who that person is e.g crazymike so yes, they are not always the best idea lol. I believe any legit psychic should connect with just real small names or initials, nothing more.
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Thanks Ninacy for sharing your perspective!
Think some are just being polite..some are connecting and some just do not how to start the reading...j.
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