Author Topic: I’m really really upset  (Read 14083 times)

Offline Loulou

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I’m really really upset
« on: September 29, 2019, 08:42:11 AM »
I joined this forum this week.  I gave an honest set of encounters including feedback on 4 or 5 psychics I like it disliked.

Nothing major.  Passed on my opinion.  Answered questioned. Engaged in chat.

I have just got a message, long message from another user pretty much saying people are suspicious of me. Then going on to say things about a reader I have read with only once.  I’ve had readings for I thing 10 years. It may be 12 but I stupidly thought my honest first post would be welcomed.

I have been made to feel very unwelcome because I have a favourable review.  I’m very upset by this. I am a complete stranger to this person and I didn’t need a long message about something I have no interest in.

Totally overstepping boundaries.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 09:00:16 AM by Loulou »

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2019, 11:37:32 AM »
Loulou, welcome to the land of the merry forum.  I am so sorry this has happened to you.  I know this has happened to others.  Don't let this discourage you from sharing experiences that do help the others on the board.  Someone sends you something and the minute you see its negative hit delete.  Unfortunately someone is always going to feel the need to say something.  We are all adults here so we each choose to read, believe and ignore what ever we see.  Hope you will continue to share with the others on here. 🤞


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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2019, 11:58:29 AM »
Loulou, this happened to me too when I first joined.  It was really upsetting because I thought I had found a group of folks who I could openly communicate with only to be attacked.  If you want to post, post.  For every one person that questions your veracity, there are probably 50 people who will appreciate your input.

At the end of the day, every reader works differently for every person.  Last night, I reactivated my Keen account to chat with a reader that many on here rave about.  Well, she stated something I had never had another reader mention.  When I asked this reader if she knew when this apparent thing happened, the chat swiftly ended.  At first, silly me, thought it was a technical problem.  Then I realized I was on the receiving end of a reader who ended the chat at the three minute mark so I couldn’t leave a review.  Now, THAT made me feel violated. 

Everyone should remember that you need to base who you have readings with on your own experience with each reader.  If they validate well but no predictions come to pass (not necessarily contact predictions, but other little things that are specific), I’d reconsider reading with them.  Also, be mindful of how much you share on this forum.  I’m nearing the end of the cycle when it comes to the POI that brought me on here, so I post very freely at this point because I really just don’t care anymore.

Offline maggs30

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2019, 01:24:47 PM »
Sorry this happened Loulou. It happens a lot here and its insane. A lot of people on here are on emotional roller coasters and stuff like that doesn't help anyone. Many of us are really supportive. Yaz and I talk regularly in PMs so reach out to one of us if you need to vent. God knows we have vented to each other a lot lol

Offline blue-eyes

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2019, 08:53:34 PM »
I joined this forum this week.  I gave an honest set of encounters including feedback on 4 or 5 psychics I like it disliked.

Nothing major.  Passed on my opinion.  Answered questioned. Engaged in chat.

I have just got a message, long message from another user pretty much saying people are suspicious of me. Then going on to say things about a reader I have read with only once.  I’ve had readings for I thing 10 years. It may be 12 but I stupidly thought my honest first post would be welcomed.

I have been made to feel very unwelcome because I have a favourable review.  I’m very upset by this. I am a complete stranger to this person and I didn’t need a long message about something I have no interest in.

Totally overstepping boundaries.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

Take no notice my dear,  Most dont wanna be nice, But i know there's lots of help on here for you, Lots of negative vibes as well, But lots of nice folk with heart warming posts that can lift the lowest to the high, Ive not been here long, But read some remarkable stuff, really enjoy it. Do not let the negs put you off. 

Offline Loulou

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2019, 11:23:00 PM »
Thank you all for your messages.

This person was very passionately aggressive about a certain reader and obviously wanting to cause that reader harm.  I will ignore and won’t mention the reader or the member here. But sadly I feel they have some revenge to get and would try putting members off reading with this psychic. 

Quite strange behaviour I feel given I don’t know them and I only mentioned this psychic once.

Seems it’s a nanny state and people are trying to brainwash others

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2019, 11:24:36 PM »
Okay so it was me who PM'd LouLou. I'm sure that won't be much of a surpise to some people. I PM'd LouLou as they are a very recent newbie and multiple postings of theirs is defending a recently controversial reader saying all the bad comments about them are untrue, unfair and not nice. I thought that the mature thing to do would be to contact the user herself as adults instead of bring it publically onto the forum and say how I felt they were a little suspicious, and explain my side of the story to LouLou as I was one of the users caught up in the controversy, so I have a right to put my say across too if we are going to go back into questioning that readers authenticity.

LouLou decided to make this pity me thread and if I am a bad person for contacting someone privately (without threatening, abuse, inappropriate comments) and airing things out then hunt me down and shoot me but I am very wary recently (as I'm sure others are) of reviewers and posters and this site is full of vulnerable people. It's okay to say this reader was great for you, but to make postings when you just joined saying the negative comments are untrue and people are sad who say bad things against reader X is a little unfair too. That's why I said earlier - let's all just leave each other to post good and bad things without getting defensive of readers because people feel uncomfortable to post any wrongdoings that may possibly have happened from the reader and that doesn't make for fair, honest, reputable commenting on here. It's happened on Shaman Kira and recently with Joy's thread and it just leads to nasty personal arguments which is ridiculous when these readers are business friends. We all have to value each other's say in reviewing these readers and support each other. It's funny how since LouLou has joined that reader's thread has blown up again and her times she is active is the same time as KindridGirl and co's times. I don't trust hardly anybody on here no matter how innocent and sweet they make out to be. These postings are all very similar to the other old posters and I would be happy and apologise if the Admin decides that LouLou isn't in Australia. It all is very similar and sketchy behaviour and sorry but people are falling for it again.

I'm not getting or trying to bring up another debate on the reader themselves, just simply saying newbies or anybody shouldn't really come on and put down veteran and other posters warning posts because they went against what the newbie thinks of the reader because the reader worked for them. That's my issue.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 11:50:26 PM by Star_01 »

Offline Loulou

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2019, 11:30:33 PM »
Wtf is wrong with you?  I didn’t defend anyone. I mentioned my experience with her.

As I did with other readers.

What did I ever do to you?   I don’t understand this st all. 

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2019, 11:31:56 PM »
Wtf is wrong with you?  I didn’t defend anyone. I mentioned my experience with her.

As I did with other readers.

What did I ever do to you?   I don’t understand this st all.

You just said I'm "brainwashing people". Please don't come on and talk about me and expect me not to reply and sit here. I don't really appreciate how you have put down and said all negative comments about that reader is nonsense when even veteran readers have come on with proof and their personal thoughts. That's my issue. If that reader is good for you, fine. But also let people have a varied say.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 11:35:20 PM by Star_01 »

Offline Loulou

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2019, 11:37:31 PM »
This is very disturbing.

Offline jas

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2019, 12:36:30 AM »
I went back and looked at loulou's post and I don't see anything where she is vehemently defending a reader.  Seems that the majority of her post were simply reviews, some good, some bad. I didn't see anything where she was vehemently defending any particular reader.   Maybe I missed it but I can't see anything wrong with what she has posted.

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2019, 12:37:23 AM »
I went back and looked at loulou's post and I don't see anything where she is vehemently defending a reader.  Seems that the majority of her post were simply reviews, some good, some bad. I didn't see anything where she was vehemently defending any particular reader.   Maybe I missed it but I can't see anything wrong with what she has posted.

She's made a few postings saying that the negative reviews of that reader should be discounted. I don't think that was fair to say and that was my point.

1) Pretty good.  Similar stuff to me. I can’t see why people try and make her look so dodgy. I’m going to have a 2nd with her soon.  I like the way you can buy minutes too and just book reading woth them. I might do that gas anyone tried it?

2) I wasn’t on here when that all happened but read some of it.  My humble opinion is led by some upset people.

Nobody is perfect but she was incredible for me

Care to share any specifics?

3) I have been having readings now for around 10 years, i have found it increasingly interesting to watch the feedback on here range from euphoric to dissing a psychic and trying to make them look underhand.

I have realised the best way to get results after years of readings and just want to share this with you.   The reality is that psychics don’t have all the answers, not because they are not good psychics but because of the expectations of some of those getting readings.

I hope this list helps, I am not going to mention any specific psychic but I will say that i stay away from Keen and large platforms and err towards private readers who seem to be more ethical.  This is only my point of view and I just want to see people manage their expectations better and realise that if you manage the way you have readings you will have better luck.

This worked for me and after 10 years of readings I realised that I have had so many predictions happen over the last 5 when I changed my expectations and stop being so needy.

Ask for a general reading and let the psychic pick up what they want to start with
Don’t give them too much information
listen don’t talk
Don’t ask questions too early and don’t ask too many pointed questions you will only find that psychics get it wrong.   They don’t all have the ability to pull yes or no answers out of the air and if they are not giving you that information then you are not meant to have it
Keep an open mind, one of the biggest lessons I learnt was that I assumed what a reader was saying was about a particular situation or person, often when I read back it wasnt at all
Don’t just listen to what you want to hear about a certain person.  what a waste of money to concentrate on one topic in a reading that may or may not be relevant to the rest of your life
Record your readings if you can the stuff really good psychics say not related or in passing is usually the gold
Listen and listen and listen and listen some more  psychics speak in a cryptic way sometimes if you cannot work it out then you should just stop getting readings
no psychic can get 1 hour or even 30 minutes of details about one person nobody if they are doing that then they are con artists
Let go of timing immediately the more you cling to it the more it will move and the more you will be disappointed
Dont correct a psychic, unless of course they are telling you something you are 100% dead cert you know the answer.  You are ruining them for insight, if they tell you something that you think is wrong such as Tommy has a girlfriend, don’t assume you know that Tommy doesnt have a girlfriend.   I used to correct psychics all the time, it would change the reading and I would waste my money, Tommy had a girlfriend and I didn’t want to hear it.
Stop assuming psychics are looking up your information.  This is a big one for me.   I only use private readers and the information I have been given would make your toes curl.   Never has a psychic looked up my information as there is none to find and the really good psychics know stuff that would blow your mind.  That is how we know they are good.
Be realistic about what they are saying, psychics can build hope that is unattainable and the euphoric feeling is often followed by deep lows.  This is not good for anyones mental health
Be realistic also about the questions you are asking, and listen to their advice.  I found that the advice I was given on how to handle situations as the psychic had insight into the persons personality is what helped me more than anything.   
Not all psychics have your best interest at heart they have their bank balance in mind more than anything
Sadly I have seen on here that so many excellent readers have been badly treated and scared by the comments and feedback because people make assumptions.  It is often for me the ones that have been the most help and I feel that if you kept an open mind many people would see it too.

I am not encouraging anyone to get readings but I just found that these things for me helped me manage myself and the readers I chose as well as the situation.  I don’t recommend anyone in particular but I do recommend you stay away from platforms.   The choice is ultimately yours, This is only my personal experience and understanding that I have come to over the years.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 12:40:53 AM by Star_01 »

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2019, 12:44:18 AM »
You have my support @loulou

@star, I am not sure what makes you feel like your opinion (veteran) has more value or weight than one from a "newbie". You can be registered on this forum for just a week but have experience with readers for many years. You could also be familiar with this forum for years before becoming an active user.

I too, have difficulty understanding what's the point of making assumptions and possibly accusations on people because they support a reader. We all have favorites that we enjoy recommending.
In doubt that a user is a hidden reader and has bad intentions, it would make sense to contact the admin and have something to verify that before aggressing / accusing people out of the blue.

There is way too much drama on this board already

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2019, 12:47:16 AM »
You have my support @loulou

@star, I am not sure what makes you feel like your opinion (veteran) has more value or weight than one from a "newbie". You can be registered on this forum for just a week but have experience with readers for many years. You could also be familiar with this forum for years before becoming an active user.

I too, have difficulty understanding what's the point of making assumptions and possibly accusations on people because they support a reader. We all have favorites that we enjoy recommending.
In doubt that a user is a hidden reader and has bad intentions, it would make sense to contact the admin and have something to verify that before aggressing / accusing people out of the blue.

There is way too much drama on this board already

I'm not bringing up the authenticity of the actual reader, I'm saying it's wrong that a few people say reader X did this and it was unethical on their part, and someone (especially someone new) comes along and discredits that in more than one post saying how it's untrue and unfair. How can said person know if it is or isn't true if they have "only had one reading with that reader"? And it will lead to arguments like these and people feeling uncomfortable to post publically... Which then isn't true feedback. A reader could be a great reader but outside of their readings could shoplift, be a narc, hit their partner - just because they're a reader who was good for you that doesn't mean either way you can judge if they are good or bad. Whether the reader is good or not - there wasn't any need for the newbie to come on and talk about the authenticity and accuse people of lying and brainwashing, they simply could have said the reader was good for them and had worked for them and that be that. It's unfair to accuse people of lying for posting something they're wary about. I'm saying this about all readers, not just one. It has happened with Shaman whatever she calls herself now, people had things to say and one or two became a little too defensive which pissed people off. That's the point I'm trying to get at.

So if LouLou is allowed to post freely - so are others who counteract that reader negatively - it works both ways  ;D I know you like that reader too but we all need to be fair and allow both sides of the coin.

Offline Loulou

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2019, 12:47:27 AM »
I will say I’m really disturbed by your long novel.

Far too invested in this situation.

I don’t care what you think of who you think I am

You are disturbed.  This makes me very uncomfortable and very worried to speak.