Author Topic: I’m really really upset  (Read 14080 times)

Offline Loulou

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #30 on: September 30, 2019, 01:07:04 AM »
How can you say people can talk freely because when they do you attack them

You are disturbed and insane and obsessed.

You really might be her😂😂😂😂 I didn’t threaten you at all. I only invited you to my part of the hood... now what happens to you when you get here is beyond me😂😂😂 but that’s invitation still stands🤣 funny how I knew it was you tho Star. You’re insane🤷🏽‍♀️

You have just threatened me with violence twice. I sure would love to meet you thinking you're something behind a screen. You literally accused me of being Matilda when I defended her and now you hate on me again for commenting that people should talk freely on here good or bad about her or whoever.

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #31 on: September 30, 2019, 01:08:52 AM »
How can you say people can talk freely because when they do you attack them

You are disturbed and insane and obsessed.

You really might be her😂😂😂😂 I didn’t threaten you at all. I only invited you to my part of the hood... now what happens to you when you get here is beyond me😂😂😂 but that’s invitation still stands🤣 funny how I knew it was you tho Star. You’re insane🤷🏽‍♀️

You have just threatened me with violence twice. I sure would love to meet you thinking you're something behind a screen. You literally accused me of being Matilda when I defended her and now you hate on me again for commenting that people should talk freely on here good or bad about her or whoever.

Darling your innocent acts won't wash with me. You know who you are and like I said I would love to see the area of your IP. It's the exact same as KindredGirls victim playing. You did this on purpose and brought this publically to cause a scene. You havent only posted on her once, you have posted multiple times about her and you should allow people to say good or bad things about a reader whether it adheres to your views or not.

Offline Loulou

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #32 on: September 30, 2019, 01:13:03 AM »

Yep!  I’m Matilda.  I admit it.  I’m her.  I posted lots of times about her and all of them positive.  I also got into conversations about her.

Ffs I never mentioned her at all apart from saying I read with her once and will go back again.

How can you say people can talk freely because when they do you attack them

You are disturbed and insane and obsessed.

You really might be her😂😂😂😂 I didn’t threaten you at all. I only invited you to my part of the hood... now what happens to you when you get here is beyond me😂😂😂 but that’s invitation still stands🤣 funny how I knew it was you tho Star. You’re insane🤷🏽‍♀️

You have just threatened me with violence twice. I sure would love to meet you thinking you're something behind a screen. You literally accused me of being Matilda when I defended her and now you hate on me again for commenting that people should talk freely on here good or bad about her or whoever.

Darling your innocent acts won't wash with me. You know who you are and like I said I would love to see the area of your IP. It's the exact same as KindredGirls victim playing. You did this on purpose and brought this publically to cause a scene. You havent only posted on her once, you have posted multiple times about her and you should allow people to say good or bad things about a reader whether it adheres to your views or not.

Offline Loulou

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2019, 01:14:33 AM »
You disturb me star.  You are a very unhealthy person who is obsessed with something or someone.

I don’t have time for this shit.  I’ve a life to live.

Offline Loulou

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #34 on: September 30, 2019, 01:15:50 AM »
Wow. Loulou is utterly passive aggressive and sneaky. Can't believe anyone is falling for this "poor me" game.

Not poor me.  Just really baffled.  I thought this was a cool place to be.

Obviously not. 

Like high school.  Let’s gang up on the new girl

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #35 on: September 30, 2019, 01:17:10 AM »
I've got every mature right to contact a user if I'm wary of them and talk things out like adults. They accused me and others of lying in something quite controversial recently and I don't personally appreciate that. And that's why I contacted LouLou. If she chooses to come on and play victim and others attack me then I will defend myself of course. And then when Shaman Kira was found out for unethical behaviour and other readers it is suddenly okay and iCloud and others were accused of being her. It's the exact same behaviour but different reader and I don't agree that a newbie should come on and say the people who said bad things about Matilda are liars or whatever else. It's not a debate on Matilda being ethical I haven't said that anywhere.

Offline username1111

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #36 on: September 30, 2019, 01:17:50 AM »
@loulou there are a lot of good things about this forum. Just ignore the haters and the disturbed.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 01:21:29 AM by username1111 »

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #37 on: September 30, 2019, 01:21:11 AM »
Wow. Loulou is utterly passive aggressive and sneaky. Can't believe anyone is falling for this "poor me" game.

Exactly. I can't believe people are falling for it either, it's a joke. I have no reason to hate the reader. They did me no wrong they live the other side of the world to me, I just didn't appreciate their behaviour at the time after trusting them at a vulnerable time and at one point defending them (being accused of them also). But what irks me is people putting down others who have a not so good say on a reader so that they are uncomfortable to have their say.

Offline Loulou

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #38 on: September 30, 2019, 01:29:55 AM »
Anyone would be disturbed receiving this from a perfect stranger. Baffled by it.  I think you’re confusing me defending myself against you with defending a reader.   My initial first post was a general overview of behaviour. But because I posted on Matilda’s thread you went for me.  But I also posted on tons, and others. Including negative reviews.

« Sent to: Loulou on: September 28, 2019, 11:06:53 AM »
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I'm not trying to be rude but you are a new user and alot of your posts are defending Matilda quite alot and poor her people are being mean to her. It seems a little suspicious.

This is coming from someone who was once also accused of being her by defending her.

If you've read the actual thread you'll see that people have actually had some underhand proof by Matilda and the admin confirmed to me and I have the evidence that Tired of it all and the other users all had the same IP address and were the same person.

I was hated for being Matilda and then when people posted hmm I think she searches us up from online, I shared notes with others - my reading was the exact same as theirs and I went off Matilda, KindridGirl singled me out and then harassed and abused me and accused me of being paid by Keen to write bad reviews on her which was totally untrue. I was a 20 year old from England. Kindridgirl singled me out when others were writing pretty personal things of Matilda on here and I did nothing but defend her before. Then Matilda singled me out and threatened to sue me and I told her why is she and KindredGirl singling me out, others are saying shit too even worse than I am and you keep singling me out after I got accused of being you by defending you. Then she threatened to sue Ebony via email too.

There was a user here who was threatened by tired of it all with personal info via PM that only Matilda knew from the reading.

Just because she was a good reader for you and that's fine I can't argue with that, please don't make others feel uncomfortable to say well hey this reader did this and it was underhand or I have evidence of this reader doing this and that and I'm wary of them. Readers can be good readers but do underhand things and I was a longterm user but left this forum before because readers were being advertised and I would say this reader was crap and people defended the readers to me and it pissed me off. Just because they are a reader unless they're your friend you shouldn't feel the need to make multiple postings of her. I've seen you've been a recent joiner and because I know Matilda is linked to KindridGirl and Tired and they harassed me before I feel really uncomfortable as I was singled out. So please before you defend a reader, how can all these users be lying about her for the sake of it? When I defended Matilda they hated me and ohh you're Matilda it's suspicious how much you're defending her but I understand why they did it. Anyone can be behind a screen writing and defending how amazing a reader is.

One last thing, I contacted Matilda personally when OldTimer accused me of being paid to write bad reviews of Matilda off of Keen. I said it was harassment and it needed to stop and she should have a word with her customers as this is getting personal. I admitted to her I was wary of her after everything been said and she said she couldn't stop her customers saying things to defend her or talk about her. But when it came to me and my postings, she told me to remove every bad thing I said about her or she would get her lawyers on me and admin. How is that fair that I was being harassed and she didn't help me and yet when I posted my reading and others said that theirs was the same and I began to mistrust her, she then wanted me to delete my posts after before defending her so much. So I lost respect for Matilda. I'm just putting my side of the story across. I expect some angry crazy PM later or something written on the board about me but please, there are other sides to the story too.
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Offline Loulou

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #39 on: September 30, 2019, 01:31:21 AM »
It’s onky escalated because of Star.  Don’t care I only came on to give my opinion.  Don’t really care if you think this is normal behaviour you are very welcome to your forum.

I went back and looked at loulou's post and I don't see anything where she is vehemently defending a reader.  Seems that the majority of her post were simply reviews, some good, some bad. I didn't see anything where she was vehemently defending any particular reader.   Maybe I missed it but I can't see anything wrong with what she has posted.

She's made a few postings saying that the negative reviews of that reader should be discounted. I don't think that was fair to say and that was my point.

1) Pretty good.  Similar stuff to me. I can’t see why people try and make her look so dodgy. I’m going to have a 2nd with her soon.  I like the way you can buy minutes too and just book reading woth them. I might do that gas anyone tried it?

2) I wasn’t on here when that all happened but read some of it.  My humble opinion is led by some upset people.

Nobody is perfect but she was incredible for me

Care to share any specifics?

3) I have been having readings now for around 10 years, i have found it increasingly interesting to watch the feedback on here range from euphoric to dissing a psychic and trying to make them look underhand.

I have realised the best way to get results after years of readings and just want to share this with you.   The reality is that psychics don’t have all the answers, not because they are not good psychics but because of the expectations of some of those getting readings.

I hope this list helps, I am not going to mention any specific psychic but I will say that i stay away from Keen and large platforms and err towards private readers who seem to be more ethical.  This is only my point of view and I just want to see people manage their expectations better and realise that if you manage the way you have readings you will have better luck.

This worked for me and after 10 years of readings I realised that I have had so many predictions happen over the last 5 when I changed my expectations and stop being so needy.

Ask for a general reading and let the psychic pick up what they want to start with
Don’t give them too much information
listen don’t talk
Don’t ask questions too early and don’t ask too many pointed questions you will only find that psychics get it wrong.   They don’t all have the ability to pull yes or no answers out of the air and if they are not giving you that information then you are not meant to have it
Keep an open mind, one of the biggest lessons I learnt was that I assumed what a reader was saying was about a particular situation or person, often when I read back it wasnt at all
Don’t just listen to what you want to hear about a certain person.  what a waste of money to concentrate on one topic in a reading that may or may not be relevant to the rest of your life
Record your readings if you can the stuff really good psychics say not related or in passing is usually the gold
Listen and listen and listen and listen some more  psychics speak in a cryptic way sometimes if you cannot work it out then you should just stop getting readings
no psychic can get 1 hour or even 30 minutes of details about one person nobody if they are doing that then they are con artists
Let go of timing immediately the more you cling to it the more it will move and the more you will be disappointed
Dont correct a psychic, unless of course they are telling you something you are 100% dead cert you know the answer.  You are ruining them for insight, if they tell you something that you think is wrong such as Tommy has a girlfriend, don’t assume you know that Tommy doesnt have a girlfriend.   I used to correct psychics all the time, it would change the reading and I would waste my money, Tommy had a girlfriend and I didn’t want to hear it.
Stop assuming psychics are looking up your information.  This is a big one for me.   I only use private readers and the information I have been given would make your toes curl.   Never has a psychic looked up my information as there is none to find and the really good psychics know stuff that would blow your mind.  That is how we know they are good.
Be realistic about what they are saying, psychics can build hope that is unattainable and the euphoric feeling is often followed by deep lows.  This is not good for anyones mental health
Be realistic also about the questions you are asking, and listen to their advice.  I found that the advice I was given on how to handle situations as the psychic had insight into the persons personality is what helped me more than anything.   
Not all psychics have your best interest at heart they have their bank balance in mind more than anything
Sadly I have seen on here that so many excellent readers have been badly treated and scared by the comments and feedback because people make assumptions.  It is often for me the ones that have been the most help and I feel that if you kept an open mind many people would see it too.

I am not encouraging anyone to get readings but I just found that these things for me helped me manage myself and the readers I chose as well as the situation.  I don’t recommend anyone in particular but I do recommend you stay away from platforms.   The choice is ultimately yours, This is only my personal experience and understanding that I have come to over the years.

Sorry @star but I really see nothing about this that justify your aggressivity except maybe... Well, your personal issues.

I have read @loulou posts before and enjoyed her input. I actually do agree with many of her points and really don't see how this can trigger your anger.

Um well not to speak for Star but I think I get exactly why those posts rubbed her wrong because I felt the same way, especially post 3. It's the classic "you didn't want to hear the truth" excuse for people getting not giving good reviews on the psychics that Loulou likes. Except it's phrased nicely with a long list of platitudes so it doesn't jump right out at you.

I was giving this person the benefit of the doubt since they are new BUT after seeing this thread escalate it's obvious there's some ill intent behind her posts.

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #40 on: September 30, 2019, 01:35:05 AM »
It’s onky escalated because of Star.  Don’t care I only came on to give my opinion.  Don’t really care if you think this is normal behaviour you are very welcome to your forum.

I went back and looked at loulou's post and I don't see anything where she is vehemently defending a reader.  Seems that the majority of her post were simply reviews, some good, some bad. I didn't see anything where she was vehemently defending any particular reader.   Maybe I missed it but I can't see anything wrong with what she has posted.

She's made a few postings saying that the negative reviews of that reader should be discounted. I don't think that was fair to say and that was my point.

1) Pretty good.  Similar stuff to me. I can’t see why people try and make her look so dodgy. I’m going to have a 2nd with her soon.  I like the way you can buy minutes too and just book reading woth them. I might do that gas anyone tried it?

2) I wasn’t on here when that all happened but read some of it.  My humble opinion is led by some upset people.

Nobody is perfect but she was incredible for me

Care to share any specifics?

3) I have been having readings now for around 10 years, i have found it increasingly interesting to watch the feedback on here range from euphoric to dissing a psychic and trying to make them look underhand.

I have realised the best way to get results after years of readings and just want to share this with you.   The reality is that psychics don’t have all the answers, not because they are not good psychics but because of the expectations of some of those getting readings.

I hope this list helps, I am not going to mention any specific psychic but I will say that i stay away from Keen and large platforms and err towards private readers who seem to be more ethical.  This is only my point of view and I just want to see people manage their expectations better and realise that if you manage the way you have readings you will have better luck.

This worked for me and after 10 years of readings I realised that I have had so many predictions happen over the last 5 when I changed my expectations and stop being so needy.

Ask for a general reading and let the psychic pick up what they want to start with
Don’t give them too much information
listen don’t talk
Don’t ask questions too early and don’t ask too many pointed questions you will only find that psychics get it wrong.   They don’t all have the ability to pull yes or no answers out of the air and if they are not giving you that information then you are not meant to have it
Keep an open mind, one of the biggest lessons I learnt was that I assumed what a reader was saying was about a particular situation or person, often when I read back it wasnt at all
Don’t just listen to what you want to hear about a certain person.  what a waste of money to concentrate on one topic in a reading that may or may not be relevant to the rest of your life
Record your readings if you can the stuff really good psychics say not related or in passing is usually the gold
Listen and listen and listen and listen some more  psychics speak in a cryptic way sometimes if you cannot work it out then you should just stop getting readings
no psychic can get 1 hour or even 30 minutes of details about one person nobody if they are doing that then they are con artists
Let go of timing immediately the more you cling to it the more it will move and the more you will be disappointed
Dont correct a psychic, unless of course they are telling you something you are 100% dead cert you know the answer.  You are ruining them for insight, if they tell you something that you think is wrong such as Tommy has a girlfriend, don’t assume you know that Tommy doesnt have a girlfriend.   I used to correct psychics all the time, it would change the reading and I would waste my money, Tommy had a girlfriend and I didn’t want to hear it.
Stop assuming psychics are looking up your information.  This is a big one for me.   I only use private readers and the information I have been given would make your toes curl.   Never has a psychic looked up my information as there is none to find and the really good psychics know stuff that would blow your mind.  That is how we know they are good.
Be realistic about what they are saying, psychics can build hope that is unattainable and the euphoric feeling is often followed by deep lows.  This is not good for anyones mental health
Be realistic also about the questions you are asking, and listen to their advice.  I found that the advice I was given on how to handle situations as the psychic had insight into the persons personality is what helped me more than anything.   
Not all psychics have your best interest at heart they have their bank balance in mind more than anything
Sadly I have seen on here that so many excellent readers have been badly treated and scared by the comments and feedback because people make assumptions.  It is often for me the ones that have been the most help and I feel that if you kept an open mind many people would see it too.

I am not encouraging anyone to get readings but I just found that these things for me helped me manage myself and the readers I chose as well as the situation.  I don’t recommend anyone in particular but I do recommend you stay away from platforms.   The choice is ultimately yours, This is only my personal experience and understanding that I have come to over the years.

Sorry @star but I really see nothing about this that justify your aggressivity except maybe... Well, your personal issues.

I have read @loulou posts before and enjoyed her input. I actually do agree with many of her points and really don't see how this can trigger your anger.

Um well not to speak for Star but I think I get exactly why those posts rubbed her wrong because I felt the same way, especially post 3. It's the classic "you didn't want to hear the truth" excuse for people getting not giving good reviews on the psychics that Loulou likes. Except it's phrased nicely with a long list of platitudes so it doesn't jump right out at you.

I was giving this person the benefit of the doubt since they are new BUT after seeing this thread escalate it's obvious there's some ill intent behind her posts.

I'm sorry but Matilda I don't care for either way. She's good for some she's not good for others. I'm over what happened in August when the thread flared up and what she has and hasn't been accused of doing. What annoyed me was you accused me and others of basically lying to cause trouble to Matilda which for me at least is not the case at all. I PM'd you about it and was honest that it came across a little suspicious and you made this thread on here, and I will respond to this and say exactly the truth. Lots of people have posted since saying she was good. I haven't attacked them once for posting something positive about her, I had someone say to me earlier privately she was good for them. I am saying your postings aren't fair in shutting down past controversy either way. I PM'd you because you accused me of lying and it's right I put my experience forth too and my side of things.

Offline Loulou

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #41 on: September 30, 2019, 01:38:14 AM »
Where did I accuse you of lying?   I’ve never interacted with you before today?

It’s onky escalated because of Star.  Don’t care I only came on to give my opinion.  Don’t really care if you think this is normal behaviour you are very welcome to your forum.

I went back and looked at loulou's post and I don't see anything where she is vehemently defending a reader.  Seems that the majority of her post were simply reviews, some good, some bad. I didn't see anything where she was vehemently defending any particular reader.   Maybe I missed it but I can't see anything wrong with what she has posted.

She's made a few postings saying that the negative reviews of that reader should be discounted. I don't think that was fair to say and that was my point.

1) Pretty good.  Similar stuff to me. I can’t see why people try and make her look so dodgy. I’m going to have a 2nd with her soon.  I like the way you can buy minutes too and just book reading woth them. I might do that gas anyone tried it?

2) I wasn’t on here when that all happened but read some of it.  My humble opinion is led by some upset people.

Nobody is perfect but she was incredible for me

Care to share any specifics?

3) I have been having readings now for around 10 years, i have found it increasingly interesting to watch the feedback on here range from euphoric to dissing a psychic and trying to make them look underhand.

I have realised the best way to get results after years of readings and just want to share this with you.   The reality is that psychics don’t have all the answers, not because they are not good psychics but because of the expectations of some of those getting readings.

I hope this list helps, I am not going to mention any specific psychic but I will say that i stay away from Keen and large platforms and err towards private readers who seem to be more ethical.  This is only my point of view and I just want to see people manage their expectations better and realise that if you manage the way you have readings you will have better luck.

This worked for me and after 10 years of readings I realised that I have had so many predictions happen over the last 5 when I changed my expectations and stop being so needy.

Ask for a general reading and let the psychic pick up what they want to start with
Don’t give them too much information
listen don’t talk
Don’t ask questions too early and don’t ask too many pointed questions you will only find that psychics get it wrong.   They don’t all have the ability to pull yes or no answers out of the air and if they are not giving you that information then you are not meant to have it
Keep an open mind, one of the biggest lessons I learnt was that I assumed what a reader was saying was about a particular situation or person, often when I read back it wasnt at all
Don’t just listen to what you want to hear about a certain person.  what a waste of money to concentrate on one topic in a reading that may or may not be relevant to the rest of your life
Record your readings if you can the stuff really good psychics say not related or in passing is usually the gold
Listen and listen and listen and listen some more  psychics speak in a cryptic way sometimes if you cannot work it out then you should just stop getting readings
no psychic can get 1 hour or even 30 minutes of details about one person nobody if they are doing that then they are con artists
Let go of timing immediately the more you cling to it the more it will move and the more you will be disappointed
Dont correct a psychic, unless of course they are telling you something you are 100% dead cert you know the answer.  You are ruining them for insight, if they tell you something that you think is wrong such as Tommy has a girlfriend, don’t assume you know that Tommy doesnt have a girlfriend.   I used to correct psychics all the time, it would change the reading and I would waste my money, Tommy had a girlfriend and I didn’t want to hear it.
Stop assuming psychics are looking up your information.  This is a big one for me.   I only use private readers and the information I have been given would make your toes curl.   Never has a psychic looked up my information as there is none to find and the really good psychics know stuff that would blow your mind.  That is how we know they are good.
Be realistic about what they are saying, psychics can build hope that is unattainable and the euphoric feeling is often followed by deep lows.  This is not good for anyones mental health
Be realistic also about the questions you are asking, and listen to their advice.  I found that the advice I was given on how to handle situations as the psychic had insight into the persons personality is what helped me more than anything.   
Not all psychics have your best interest at heart they have their bank balance in mind more than anything
Sadly I have seen on here that so many excellent readers have been badly treated and scared by the comments and feedback because people make assumptions.  It is often for me the ones that have been the most help and I feel that if you kept an open mind many people would see it too.

I am not encouraging anyone to get readings but I just found that these things for me helped me manage myself and the readers I chose as well as the situation.  I don’t recommend anyone in particular but I do recommend you stay away from platforms.   The choice is ultimately yours, This is only my personal experience and understanding that I have come to over the years.

Sorry @star but I really see nothing about this that justify your aggressivity except maybe... Well, your personal issues.

I have read @loulou posts before and enjoyed her input. I actually do agree with many of her points and really don't see how this can trigger your anger.

Um well not to speak for Star but I think I get exactly why those posts rubbed her wrong because I felt the same way, especially post 3. It's the classic "you didn't want to hear the truth" excuse for people getting not giving good reviews on the psychics that Loulou likes. Except it's phrased nicely with a long list of platitudes so it doesn't jump right out at you.

I was giving this person the benefit of the doubt since they are new BUT after seeing this thread escalate it's obvious there's some ill intent behind her posts.

I'm sorry but Matilda I don't care for either way. She's good for some she's not good for others. I'm over what happened in August when the thread flared up and what she has and hasn't been accused of doing. What annoyed me was you accused me and others of basically lying to cause trouble to Matilda which for me at least is not the case at all. I PM'd you about it and was honest that it came across a little suspicious and you made this thread on here, and I will respond to this and say exactly the truth. Lots of people have posted since saying she was good. I haven't attacked them once for posting something positive about her, I had someone say to me earlier privately she was good for them. I am saying your postings aren't fair in shutting down past controversy either way. I PM'd you because you accused me of lying and it's right I put my experience forth too and my side of things.

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #42 on: September 30, 2019, 01:40:19 AM »
Where did I accuse you of lying?   I’ve never interacted with you before today?

It’s onky escalated because of Star.  Don’t care I only came on to give my opinion.  Don’t really care if you think this is normal behaviour you are very welcome to your forum.

I went back and looked at loulou's post and I don't see anything where she is vehemently defending a reader.  Seems that the majority of her post were simply reviews, some good, some bad. I didn't see anything where she was vehemently defending any particular reader.   Maybe I missed it but I can't see anything wrong with what she has posted.

She's made a few postings saying that the negative reviews of that reader should be discounted. I don't think that was fair to say and that was my point.

1) Pretty good.  Similar stuff to me. I can’t see why people try and make her look so dodgy. I’m going to have a 2nd with her soon.  I like the way you can buy minutes too and just book reading woth them. I might do that gas anyone tried it?

2) I wasn’t on here when that all happened but read some of it.  My humble opinion is led by some upset people.

Nobody is perfect but she was incredible for me

Care to share any specifics?

3) I have been having readings now for around 10 years, i have found it increasingly interesting to watch the feedback on here range from euphoric to dissing a psychic and trying to make them look underhand.

I have realised the best way to get results after years of readings and just want to share this with you.   The reality is that psychics don’t have all the answers, not because they are not good psychics but because of the expectations of some of those getting readings.

I hope this list helps, I am not going to mention any specific psychic but I will say that i stay away from Keen and large platforms and err towards private readers who seem to be more ethical.  This is only my point of view and I just want to see people manage their expectations better and realise that if you manage the way you have readings you will have better luck.

This worked for me and after 10 years of readings I realised that I have had so many predictions happen over the last 5 when I changed my expectations and stop being so needy.

Ask for a general reading and let the psychic pick up what they want to start with
Don’t give them too much information
listen don’t talk
Don’t ask questions too early and don’t ask too many pointed questions you will only find that psychics get it wrong.   They don’t all have the ability to pull yes or no answers out of the air and if they are not giving you that information then you are not meant to have it
Keep an open mind, one of the biggest lessons I learnt was that I assumed what a reader was saying was about a particular situation or person, often when I read back it wasnt at all
Don’t just listen to what you want to hear about a certain person.  what a waste of money to concentrate on one topic in a reading that may or may not be relevant to the rest of your life
Record your readings if you can the stuff really good psychics say not related or in passing is usually the gold
Listen and listen and listen and listen some more  psychics speak in a cryptic way sometimes if you cannot work it out then you should just stop getting readings
no psychic can get 1 hour or even 30 minutes of details about one person nobody if they are doing that then they are con artists
Let go of timing immediately the more you cling to it the more it will move and the more you will be disappointed
Dont correct a psychic, unless of course they are telling you something you are 100% dead cert you know the answer.  You are ruining them for insight, if they tell you something that you think is wrong such as Tommy has a girlfriend, don’t assume you know that Tommy doesnt have a girlfriend.   I used to correct psychics all the time, it would change the reading and I would waste my money, Tommy had a girlfriend and I didn’t want to hear it.
Stop assuming psychics are looking up your information.  This is a big one for me.   I only use private readers and the information I have been given would make your toes curl.   Never has a psychic looked up my information as there is none to find and the really good psychics know stuff that would blow your mind.  That is how we know they are good.
Be realistic about what they are saying, psychics can build hope that is unattainable and the euphoric feeling is often followed by deep lows.  This is not good for anyones mental health
Be realistic also about the questions you are asking, and listen to their advice.  I found that the advice I was given on how to handle situations as the psychic had insight into the persons personality is what helped me more than anything.   
Not all psychics have your best interest at heart they have their bank balance in mind more than anything
Sadly I have seen on here that so many excellent readers have been badly treated and scared by the comments and feedback because people make assumptions.  It is often for me the ones that have been the most help and I feel that if you kept an open mind many people would see it too.

I am not encouraging anyone to get readings but I just found that these things for me helped me manage myself and the readers I chose as well as the situation.  I don’t recommend anyone in particular but I do recommend you stay away from platforms.   The choice is ultimately yours, This is only my personal experience and understanding that I have come to over the years.

Sorry @star but I really see nothing about this that justify your aggressivity except maybe... Well, your personal issues.

I have read @loulou posts before and enjoyed her input. I actually do agree with many of her points and really don't see how this can trigger your anger.

Um well not to speak for Star but I think I get exactly why those posts rubbed her wrong because I felt the same way, especially post 3. It's the classic "you didn't want to hear the truth" excuse for people getting not giving good reviews on the psychics that Loulou likes. Except it's phrased nicely with a long list of platitudes so it doesn't jump right out at you.

I was giving this person the benefit of the doubt since they are new BUT after seeing this thread escalate it's obvious there's some ill intent behind her posts.

I'm sorry but Matilda I don't care for either way. She's good for some she's not good for others. I'm over what happened in August when the thread flared up and what she has and hasn't been accused of doing. What annoyed me was you accused me and others of basically lying to cause trouble to Matilda which for me at least is not the case at all. I PM'd you about it and was honest that it came across a little suspicious and you made this thread on here, and I will respond to this and say exactly the truth. Lots of people have posted since saying she was good. I haven't attacked them once for posting something positive about her, I had someone say to me earlier privately she was good for them. I am saying your postings aren't fair in shutting down past controversy either way. I PM'd you because you accused me of lying and it's right I put my experience forth too and my side of things.

StillTired has already explained things in basic terms. I already copied and pasted your postings of accusations of people lying and that is my issue, it isn't Matilda herself anymore.

Offline Loulou

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #43 on: September 30, 2019, 01:43:59 AM »
I was in general terms

Whatever.  If you think that message on to total stranger up to you
This place is disturbed

I will say star 7 messages saying you’re trouble seem to put my mind at ease.  I feel better now it’s not just me you hate.

Enjoy your night

Offline Star_01

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Re: I’m really really upset
« Reply #44 on: September 30, 2019, 01:47:10 AM »
I was in general terms

Whatever.  If you think that message on to total stranger up to you
This place is disturbed

I will say star 7 messages saying you’re trouble seem to put my mind at ease.  I feel better now it’s not just me you hate.

Enjoy your night

We could have spoken about it like adults in private like I tried to do and you didn't want to, so we had to speak about it here.